--TEST-- Test array_multisort() function : usage variation - test sort order of all types --FILE-- 0, 'float -10.5' => -10.5, array(), 'uppercase NULL' => NULL, 'lowercase true' => true, 'empty string DQ' => "", 'string DQ' => "string", 'instance of classWithToString' => new classWithToString(), 'undefined var' => @$undefined_var, ); var_dump(array_multisort($inputs, SORT_STRING)); var_dump($inputs); ?> --EXPECT-- *** Testing array_multisort() : usage variation - test sort order of all types*** bool(true) array(9) { ["uppercase NULL"]=> NULL ["empty string DQ"]=> string(0) "" ["undefined var"]=> NULL ["float -10.5"]=> float(-10.5) ["int 0"]=> int(0) ["lowercase true"]=> bool(true) [0]=> array(0) { } ["instance of classWithToString"]=> object(classWithToString)#1 (0) { } ["string DQ"]=> string(6) "string" }