Web/Controller.php ib ն Web/View.phpS:ibS:LeWeb/Aggregator.phpibݺ.bWeb/Exception.phphibhpZSourceFile.php:ib:~0Aggregator.phpib3n\ Exception.phpdibd@  Sqlite.php0Xib0X{,SourceFile/PerTest.phpibR index.phpFibFk!_view = $view; $view->setController($this); $this->rooturl = $rooturl; } function route() { if (!isset($_SESSION['fullpath'])) { if (isset($_POST['setdatabase'])) { if (file_exists($_POST['setdatabase'])) { $this->sqlite = new \Sqlite3($_POST['setdatabase']); $_SESSION['fullpath'] = $_POST['setdatabase']; return $this->view->TOC($this->sqlite); } } return $this->getDatabase(); } else { $this->sqlite = new \Sqlite3($_POST['setdatabase']); if (isset($_GET['test'])) { if ($_GET['test'] === 'TOC') { return $this->view->testTOC($this->sqlite); } if (isset($_GET['file'])) { return $this->view->fileCoverage($this->sqlite, $_GET['file'], $_GET['test']); } return $this->view->testTOC($this->sqlite, $_GET['test']); } if (isset($_GET['file'])) { if (isset($_GET['line'])) { return $this->view->fileLineTOC($this->sqlite, $_GET['file'], $_GET['line']); } return $this->view->fileCoverage($this->sqlite, $_GET['file']); } return $this->view->TOC($this->sqlite); } } function getFileLink($file, $test = null, $line = null) { if ($line) { return $this->rooturl . '?file=' . urlencode($file) . '&line=' . $line; } if ($test) { return $this->rooturl . '?file=' . urlencode($file) . '&test=' . $test; } return $this->rooturl . '?file=' . urlencode($file); } function getTOCLink($test = false) { if ($test === false) { return $this->rooturl; } if ($test === true) { return $this->rooturl . '?test=TOC'; } if ($test) { return $this->rooturl . '?test=' . urlencode($test); } } function getDatabase() { $this->sqlite = $this->view->getDatabase(); } } } ?> openUri('php://output')) { throw new Exception('Cannot open output - this should never happen'); } $output->startElement('html'); $output->startElement('head'); $output->writeElement('title', 'Enter a path to the database'); $output->endElement(); $output->startElement('body'); $output->writeElement('h2', 'Please enter the path to a coverage database'); $output->startElement('form'); $output->writeAttribute('name', 'getdatabase'); $output->writeAttribute('method', 'POST'); $output->writeAttribute('action', $this->controller->getTOCLink()); $output->startElement('input'); $output->writeAttribute('type', 'text'); $output->writeAttribute('name', 'setdatabase'); $output->endElement(); $output->startElement('input'); $output->writeAttribute('type', 'submit'); $output->endElement(); $output->endElement(); $output->endElement(); $output->endElement(); $output->endDocument(); } function setController($controller) { $this->controller = $controller; } function TOC($sqlite) { $coverage = $sqlite->retrieveProjectCoverage(); $this->renderSummary($sqlite, $sqlite->retrievePaths(), false, $coverage[1], $covered[0]); } function testTOC($sqlite) { $this->renderTestSummary($sqlite); } function fileLineTOC($sqlite, $file, $line) { } function fileCoverage($sqlite, $file, $test = null) { } function mangleFile($path, $istest = false) { return $this->controller->getFileLink($path, $istest); } function mangleTestFile($path) { return $this->controller->getTOClink($path); } function getLineLink($name, $line) { return $this->controller->getFileLink($name, null, $line); } function renderLineSummary($name, $line, $testpath, $tests) { $output = new \XMLWriter; if (!$output->openUri($this->getLinePath($name, $line))) { throw new Exception('Cannot render ' . $name . ' line ' . $line . ', opening XML failed'); } $output->setIndentString(' '); $output->setIndent(true); $output->startElement('html'); $output->startElement('head'); $output->writeElement('title', 'Tests covering line ' . $line . ' of ' . $name); $output->startElement('link'); $output->writeAttribute('href', 'cover.css'); $output->writeAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet'); $output->writeAttribute('type', 'text/css'); $output->endElement(); $output->endElement(); $output->startElement('body'); $output->writeElement('h2', 'Tests covering line ' . $line . ' of ' . $name); $output->startElement('p'); $output->startElement('a'); $output->writeAttribute('href', 'index.html'); $output->text('Aggregate Code Coverage for all tests'); $output->endElement(); $output->endElement(); $output->startElement('p'); $output->startElement('a'); $output->writeAttribute('href', $this->mangleFile($name)); $output->text('File ' . $name . ' code coverage'); $output->endElement(); $output->endElement(); $output->startElement('ul'); foreach ($tests as $testfile) { $output->startElement('li'); $output->startElement('a'); $output->writeAttribute('href', $this->mangleTestFile($testfile)); $output->text(str_replace($testpath . '/', '', $testfile)); $output->endElement(); $output->endElement(); } $output->endElement(); $output->endElement(); $output->endDocument(); } /** * @param PEAR2\Pyrus\Developer\CodeCoverage\SourceFile $source * @param string $istest path to test file this is covering, or false for aggregate */ function render(SourceFile $source, $istest = false) { $output = new \XMLWriter; if (!$output->openUri($this->manglePath($source->name(), $istest))) { throw new Exception('Cannot render ' . $source->name() . ', opening XML failed'); } $output->setIndent(false); $output->startElement('html'); $output->text("\n "); $output->startElement('head'); $output->text("\n "); if ($istest) { $output->writeElement('title', 'Code Coverage for ' . $source->shortName() . ' in ' . $istest); } else { $output->writeElement('title', 'Code Coverage for ' . $source->shortName()); } $output->text("\n "); $output->startElement('link'); $output->writeAttribute('href', 'cover.css'); $output->writeAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet'); $output->writeAttribute('type', 'text/css'); $output->endElement(); $output->text("\n "); $output->endElement(); $output->text("\n "); $output->startElement('body'); $output->text("\n "); if ($istest) { $output->writeElement('h2', 'Code Coverage for ' . $source->shortName() . ' in ' . $istest); } else { $output->writeElement('h2', 'Code Coverage for ' . $source->shortName()); } $output->text("\n "); $output->writeElement('h3', 'Coverage: ' . $source->coveragePercentage() . '%'); $output->text("\n "); $output->startElement('p'); $output->startElement('a'); $output->writeAttribute('href', 'index.html'); $output->text('Aggregate Code Coverage for all tests'); $output->endElement(); $output->endElement(); $output->startElement('pre'); foreach ($source->source() as $num => $line) { $coverage = $source->coverage($num); $output->startElement('span'); $output->writeAttribute('class', 'ln'); $output->text(str_pad($num, 8, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT)); $output->endElement(); if ($coverage === false) { $output->text(str_pad(': ', 13, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . $line); continue; } $output->startElement('span'); if ($coverage < 1) { $output->writeAttribute('class', 'nc'); $output->text(' '); } else { $output->writeAttribute('class', 'cv'); if (!$istest) { $output->startElement('a'); $output->writeAttribute('href', $this->getLineLink($source->name(), $num)); } $output->text(str_pad($coverage, 10, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ' '); if (!$istest) { $output->endElement(); $this->renderLineSummary($source->name(), $num, $source->testpath(), $source->getLineLinks($num)); } } $output->text(': ' . $line); $output->endElement(); } $output->endElement(); $output->text("\n "); $output->endElement(); $output->text("\n "); $output->endElement(); $output->endDocument(); } function renderSummary(Aggregator $agg, array $results, $istest = false, $total = 1, $covered = 1) { $output = new \XMLWriter; if (!$output->openUri('php://output')) { throw new Exception('Cannot render test summary, opening XML failed'); } $output->setIndentString(' '); $output->setIndent(true); $output->startElement('html'); $output->startElement('head'); if ($istest) { $output->writeElement('title', 'Code Coverage Summary [' . $istest . ']'); } else { $output->writeElement('title', 'Code Coverage Summary'); } $output->startElement('link'); $output->writeAttribute('href', 'cover.css'); $output->writeAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet'); $output->writeAttribute('type', 'text/css'); $output->endElement(); $output->endElement(); $output->startElement('body'); if ($istest) { $output->writeElement('h2', 'Code Coverage Files for test ' . $istest); } else { $output->writeElement('h2', 'Code Coverage Files'); $output->writeElement('h3', 'Total lines: ' . $total . ', covered lines: ' . $covered); $percent = 0; if ($total > 0) { $percent = round(($covered / $total) * 100); } $output->startElement('p'); if ($percent < 50) { $output->writeAttribute('class', 'bad'); } elseif ($percent < 75) { $output->writeAttribute('class', 'ok'); } else { $output->writeAttribute('class', 'good'); } $output->text($percent . '% code coverage'); $output->endElement(); } $output->startElement('p'); $output->startElement('a'); $output->writeAttribute('href', $this->controller->getTOCLink(true)); $output->text('Code Coverage per PHPT test'); $output->endElement(); $output->endElement(); $output->startElement('ul'); foreach ($results as $i => $name) { $source = new SourceFile($name, $agg, $this->testPath, $this->sourcePath); $output->startElement('li'); $percent = $source->coveragePercentage(); $output->startElement('span'); if ($percent < 50) { $output->writeAttribute('class', 'bad'); } elseif ($percent < 75) { $output->writeAttribute('class', 'ok'); } else { $output->writeAttribute('class', 'good'); } $output->text(' Coverage: ' . str_pad($percent . '%', 4, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT)); $output->endElement(); $output->startElement('a'); $output->writeAttribute('href', $this->mangleFile($name, $istest)); $output->text($source->shortName()); $output->endElement(); $output->endElement(); } $output->endElement(); $output->endElement(); $output->endDocument(); } function renderTestSummary(Aggregator $agg) { $output = new \XMLWriter; if (!$output->openUri('php://output')) { throw new Exception('Cannot render tests summary, opening XML failed'); } $output->setIndentString(' '); $output->setIndent(true); $output->startElement('html'); $output->startElement('head'); $output->writeElement('title', 'Test Summary'); $output->startElement('link'); $output->writeAttribute('href', 'cover.css'); $output->writeAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet'); $output->writeAttribute('type', 'text/css'); $output->endElement(); $output->endElement(); $output->startElement('body'); $output->writeElement('h2', 'Tests Executed, click for code coverage summary'); $output->startElement('p'); $output->startElement('a'); $output->writeAttribute('href', $this->controller->getTOClink()); $output->text('Aggregate Code Coverage for all tests'); $output->endElement(); $output->endElement(); $output->startElement('ul'); foreach ($agg->retrieveTestPaths() as $test) { $output->startElement('li'); $output->startElement('a'); $output->writeAttribute('href', $this->mangleTestFile($test)); $output->text(str_replace($agg->testpath . '/', '', $test)); $output->endElement(); $output->endElement(); } $output->endElement(); $output->endElement(); $output->endDocument(); } function renderTestCoverage(Aggregator $agg, $testpath, $test) { $reltest = str_replace($testpath . '/', '', $test); $output = new \XMLWriter; if (!$output->openUri('php://output')) { throw new Exception('Cannot render test ' . $reltest . ' coverage, opening XML failed'); } $output->setIndentString(' '); $output->setIndent(true); $output->startElement('html'); $output->startElement('head'); $output->writeElement('title', 'Code Coverage Summary for test ' . $reltest); $output->startElement('link'); $output->writeAttribute('href', 'cover.css'); $output->writeAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet'); $output->writeAttribute('type', 'text/css'); $output->endElement(); $output->endElement(); $output->startElement('body'); $output->writeElement('h2', 'Code Coverage Files for test ' . $reltest); $output->startElement('ul'); $paths = $agg->retrievePathsForTest($test); foreach ($paths as $name) { echo '.'; $source = new SourceFile\PerTest($name, $agg, $testpath, $basePath, $test); $this->render($source, $reltest); $output->startElement('li'); $percent = $source->coveragePercentage(); $output->startElement('span'); if ($percent < 50) { $output->writeAttribute('class', 'bad'); } elseif ($percent < 75) { $output->writeAttribute('class', 'ok'); } else { $output->writeAttribute('class', 'good'); } $output->text(' Coverage: ' . str_pad($source->coveragePercentage() . '%', 4, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT)); $output->endElement(); $output->startElement('a'); $output->writeAttribute('href', $this->mangleFile($name, $reltest)); $output->text($source->shortName()); $output->endElement(); $output->endElement(); } echo "done\n"; $output->endElement(); $output->endElement(); $output->endDocument(); } echo "done\n"; } } } ?> sqlite = new Sqlite($codepath, $db); $this->codepath = $codepath; } function retrieveLineLinks($file) { return $this->sqlite->retrieveLineLinks($file); } function retrievePaths() { return $this->sqlite->retrievePaths(); } function retrievePathsForTest($test) { return $this->sqlite->retrievePathsForTest($test); } function retrieveTestPaths() { return $this->sqlite->retrieveTestPaths(); } function coveragePercentage($sourcefile, $testfile = null) { return $this->sqlite->coveragePercentage($sourcefile, $testfile); } function coverageInfo($path) { return $this->sqlite->retrievePathCoverage($path); } function coverageInfoByTest($path, $test) { return $this->sqlite->retrievePathCoverageByTest($path, $test); } function retrieveCoverage($path) { return $this->sqlite->retrieveCoverage($path); } function retrieveCoverageByTest($path, $test) { return $this->sqlite->retrieveCoverageByTest($path, $test); } function retrieveXdebug($path, $testid) { $source = '$xdebug = ' . file_get_contents($path) . ";\n"; eval($source); $this->sqlite->addCoverage(str_replace('.xdebug', '.phpt', $path), $testid, $xdebug); } function scan($testpath) { $a = $testpath; $testpath = realpath($testpath); if (!$testpath) { throw new Exception('Unable to process path' . $a); } $testpath = str_replace('\\', '/', $testpath); $this->testpath = $testpath; // first get a list of all directories $dirs = $globdirs = array(); $index = 0; $dir = $testpath; do { $globdirs = glob($dir . '/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); if ($globdirs) { $dirs = array_merge($dirs, $globdirs); $dir = $dirs[$index++]; } else { while (!isset($dirs[$index++]) && $index <= count($dirs)); if (isset($dirs[$index])) { $dir = $dirs[$index]; } } } while ($index <= count($dirs)); // then find all code coverage files $xdebugs = array(); foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $globbie = glob($dir . '/*.xdebug'); $xdebugs = array_merge($xdebugs, $globbie); } $xdebugs = array_unique($xdebugs); $modified = array(); $unmodified = array(); foreach ($xdebugs as $path) { if ($this->sqlite->unChangedXdebug($path)) { $unmodified[$path] = true; continue; } $modified[] = $path; } $xdebugs = $modified; sort($xdebugs); // index from 1 array_unshift($xdebugs, ''); unset($xdebugs[0]); $test = array_flip($xdebugs); foreach ($this->sqlite->retrieveTestPaths() as $path) { $xdebugpath = str_replace('.phpt', '.xdebug', $path); if (isset($test[$xdebugpath]) || isset($unmodified[$xdebugpath])) { continue; } // remove outdated tests echo "Removing results from $xdebugpath\n"; $this->sqlite->removeOldTest($path, $xdebugpath); } return $xdebugs; } function render($toPath) { $decorator = new DefaultSourceDecorator($toPath, $this->testpath, $this->codepath); echo "Generating project coverage data..."; $coverage = $this->sqlite->retrieveProjectCoverage(); echo "done\n"; $decorator->renderSummary($this, $this->retrievePaths(), $this->codepath, false, $coverage[1], $coverage[0]); $a = $this->codepath; echo "[Step 2 of 2] Rendering per-test coverage..."; $decorator->renderTestCoverage($this, $this->testpath, $a); echo "done\n"; } } } ?> source = file($path); $this->path = $path; $this->sourcepath = $sourcepath; array_unshift($this->source, ''); unset($this->source[0]); // make source array indexed by line number $this->aggregator = $agg; $this->testpath = $testpath; $this->setCoverage(); } function setCoverage() { $this->coverage = $this->aggregator->retrieveCoverage($this->path); } function aggregator() { return $this->aggregator; } function testpath() { return $this->testpath; } function render(AbstractSourceDecorator $decorator = null) { if ($decorator === null) { $decorator = new DefaultSourceDecorator('.'); } return $decorator->render($this); } function coverage($line) { if (!isset($this->coverage[$line])) { return false; } return $this->coverage[$line]; } function coveragePercentage() { return $this->aggregator->coveragePercentage($this->path); } function name() { return $this->path; } function shortName() { return str_replace($this->sourcepath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '', $this->path); } function source() { return $this->source; } function coveredLines() { $info = $this->aggregator->coverageInfo($this->path); return $info[0]; } function getLineLinks($line) { if (!isset($this->linelinks)) { $this->linelinks = $this->aggregator->retrieveLineLinks($this->path); } if (isset($this->linelinks[$line])) { return $this->linelinks[$line]; } return false; } } } ?> sqlite = new Sqlite($db, $codepath, $testpath); $this->codepath = $codepath; $this->sqlite->begin(); echo "Scanning for xdebug coverage files..."; $files = $this->scan($testpath); echo "done\n"; $infostring = ''; echo "Parsing xdebug results\n"; if (count($files)) { foreach ($files as $testid => $xdebugfile) { if (!file_exists(str_replace('.xdebug', '.phpt', $xdebugfile))) { echo "\nWARNING: outdated .xdebug file $xdebugfile, delete this relic\n"; continue; } $id = $this->sqlite->addTest(str_replace('.xdebug', '.phpt', $xdebugfile)); echo '(' . $testid . ' of ' . count($files) . ') ' . $xdebugfile; $this->retrieveXdebug($xdebugfile, $id); echo "done\n"; } echo "done\n"; $this->sqlite->updateTotalCoverage(); $this->sqlite->commit(); } else { echo "done (no modified xdebug files)\n"; } } function retrieveLineLinks($file) { return $this->sqlite->retrieveLineLinks($file); } function retrievePaths() { return $this->sqlite->retrievePaths(); } function retrievePathsForTest($test) { return $this->sqlite->retrievePathsForTest($test); } function retrieveTestPaths() { return $this->sqlite->retrieveTestPaths(); } function coveragePercentage($sourcefile, $testfile = null) { return $this->sqlite->coveragePercentage($sourcefile, $testfile); } function coverageInfo($path) { return $this->sqlite->retrievePathCoverage($path); } function coverageInfoByTest($path, $test) { return $this->sqlite->retrievePathCoverageByTest($path, $test); } function retrieveCoverage($path) { return $this->sqlite->retrieveCoverage($path); } function retrieveCoverageByTest($path, $test) { return $this->sqlite->retrieveCoverageByTest($path, $test); } function retrieveXdebug($path, $testid) { $source = '$xdebug = ' . file_get_contents($path) . ";\n"; eval($source); $this->sqlite->addCoverage(str_replace('.xdebug', '.phpt', $path), $testid, $xdebug); } function scan($testpath) { $a = $testpath; $testpath = realpath($testpath); if (!$testpath) { throw new Exception('Unable to process path' . $a); } $testpath = str_replace('\\', '/', $testpath); $this->testpath = $testpath; // first get a list of all directories $dirs = $globdirs = array(); $index = 0; $dir = $testpath; do { $globdirs = glob($dir . '/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); if ($globdirs) { $dirs = array_merge($dirs, $globdirs); $dir = $dirs[$index++]; } else { while (!isset($dirs[$index++]) && $index <= count($dirs)); if (isset($dirs[$index])) { $dir = $dirs[$index]; } } } while ($index <= count($dirs)); // then find all code coverage files $xdebugs = array(); foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $globbie = glob($dir . '/*.xdebug'); $xdebugs = array_merge($xdebugs, $globbie); } $xdebugs = array_unique($xdebugs); $modified = array(); $unmodified = array(); foreach ($xdebugs as $path) { if ($this->sqlite->unChangedXdebug($path)) { $unmodified[$path] = true; continue; } $modified[] = $path; } $xdebugs = $modified; sort($xdebugs); // index from 1 array_unshift($xdebugs, ''); unset($xdebugs[0]); $test = array_flip($xdebugs); foreach ($this->sqlite->retrieveTestPaths() as $path) { $xdebugpath = str_replace('.phpt', '.xdebug', $path); if (isset($test[$xdebugpath]) || isset($unmodified[$xdebugpath])) { continue; } // remove outdated tests echo "Removing results from $xdebugpath\n"; $this->sqlite->removeOldTest($path, $xdebugpath); } return $xdebugs; } function render($toPath) { $decorator = new DefaultSourceDecorator($toPath, $this->testpath, $this->codepath); echo "Generating project coverage data..."; $coverage = $this->sqlite->retrieveProjectCoverage(); echo "done\n"; $decorator->renderSummary($this, $this->retrievePaths(), $this->codepath, false, $coverage[1], $coverage[0]); $a = $this->codepath; echo "[Step 2 of 2] Rendering per-test coverage..."; $decorator->renderTestCoverage($this, $this->testpath, $a); echo "done\n"; } } } ?> db = new \Sqlite3($path); $sql = 'SELECT version FROM analyzerversion'; if (@$this->db->querySingle($sql) == '2.1.0') { $this->codepath = $this->db->querySingle('SELECT codepath FROM paths'); $this->testpath = $this->db->querySingle('SELECT testpath FROM paths'); return; } if (!$codepath || !$testpath) { throw new Exception('Both codepath and testpath must be set in ' . 'order to initialize a coverage database'); } $this->codepath = $codepath; $this->testpath = $testpath; // restart the database echo "Upgrading database to version 2.1.0\n"; $this->db->exec(' DROP TABLE coverage; DROP TABLE files; DROP TABLE tests; DROP TABLE coverage_per_file; DROP TABLE xdebugs; DROP TABLE analyzerversion; VACUUM;'); $this->db->exec('BEGIN'); $query = ' CREATE TABLE coverage ( files_id integer NOT NULL, tests_id integer NOT NULL, linenumber INTEGER NOT NULL, iscovered BOOL NOT NULL, issource BOOL NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (files_id, tests_id, linenumber) ); CREATE INDEX coverage_files_id on coverage (files_id); CREATE INDEX coverage_tests_id on coverage (tests_id, issource); CREATE INDEX coverage_tests_id2 on coverage (tests_id, files_id, issource); CREATE INDEX coverage_linenumber on coverage (files_id, linenumber); CREATE INDEX coverage_issource on coverage (issource); CREATE TABLE coverage_per_file ( files_id integer NOT NULL, linenumber INTEGER NOT NULL, coverage INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (files_id, linenumber) ); CREATE INDEX coverage_per_file_linenumber on coverage_per_file (linenumber); '; $worked = $this->db->exec($query); if (!$worked) { @$this->db->exec('ROLLBACK'); $error = $this->db->lastErrorMsg(); throw new Exception('Unable to create Code Coverage SQLite3 database: ' . $error); } $query = ' CREATE TABLE files ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, filepath TEXT(500) NOT NULL, filepathmd5 TEXT(32) NOT NULL, issource BOOL NOT NULL, UNIQUE (filepath) ); CREATE INDEX files_issource on files (issource); '; $worked = $this->db->exec($query); if (!$worked) { @$this->db->exec('ROLLBACK'); $error = $this->db->lastErrorMsg(); throw new Exception('Unable to create Code Coverage SQLite3 database: ' . $error); } $query = ' CREATE TABLE xdebugs ( xdebugpath TEXT(500) NOT NULL, xdebugpathmd5 TEXT(32) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (xdebugpath) );'; $worked = $this->db->exec($query); if (!$worked) { @$this->db->exec('ROLLBACK'); $error = $this->db->lastErrorMsg(); throw new Exception('Unable to create Code Coverage SQLite3 database: ' . $error); } $query = ' CREATE TABLE tests ( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, testpath TEXT(500) NOT NULL, testpathmd5 TEXT(32) NOT NULL, UNIQUE (testpath) );'; $worked = $this->db->exec($query); if (!$worked) { @$this->db->exec('ROLLBACK'); $error = $this->db->lastErrorMsg(); throw new Exception('Unable to create Code Coverage SQLite3 database: ' . $error); } $query = ' CREATE TABLE analyzerversion ( version TEXT(5) NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO analyzerversion VALUES("2.0.0"); CREATE TABLE paths ( codepath TEXT NOT NULL, testpath TEXT NOT NULL, ); INSERT INTO paths ("' . $this->db->escapeString($codepath) . '", "' . $this->db->escapeString($testpath). '")'; $worked = $this->db->exec($query); if (!$worked) { @$this->db->exec('ROLLBACK'); $error = $this->db->lastErrorMsg(); throw new Exception('Unable to create Code Coverage SQLite3 database: ' . $error); } $this->db->exec('COMMIT'); } function retrieveLineLinks($file) { $id = $this->getFileId($file); $query = 'SELECT t.testpath, c.linenumber FROM coverage c, tests t WHERE c.files_id=' . $id . ' AND t.id=c.tests_id' ; $result = $this->db->query($query); if (!$result) { $error = $this->db->lastErrorMsg(); throw new Exception('Cannot retrieve line links for ' . $file . ' line #' . $line . ': ' . $error); } $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) { $ret[$res['linenumber']][] = $res['testpath']; } return $ret; } function retrieveTestPaths() { $query = 'SELECT testpath from tests ORDER BY testpath'; $result = $this->db->query($query); if (!$result) { $error = $this->db->lastErrorMsg(); throw new Exception('Cannot retrieve test paths :' . $error); } $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_NUM)) { $ret[] = $res[0]; } return $ret; } function retrievePathsForTest($test, $all = 0) { $id = $this->getTestId($test); if ($all) { $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT filepath FROM coverage c, files WHERE c.tests_id=' . $id . ' AND files.id=c.files_id GROUP BY c.files_id ORDER BY filepath'; } else { $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT filepath FROM coverage c, files WHERE c.tests_id=' . $id . ' AND c.issource=1 AND files.id=c.files_id GROUP BY c.files_id ORDER BY filepath'; } $result = $this->db->query($query); if (!$result) { $error = $this->db->lastErrorMsg(); throw new Exception('Cannot retrieve file paths for test ' . $test . ':' . $error); } $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_NUM)) { $ret[] = $res[0]; } return $ret; } function retrievePaths($all = 0) { if ($all) { $query = 'SELECT filepath from files ORDER BY filepath'; } else { $query = 'SELECT filepath from files WHERE issource=1 ORDER BY filepath'; } $result = $this->db->query($query); if (!$result) { $error = $this->db->lastErrorMsg(); throw new Exception('Cannot retrieve file paths :' . $error); } $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_NUM)) { $ret[] = $res[0]; } return $ret; } function coveragePercentage($sourcefile, $testfile = null) { if ($testfile) { $coverage = $this->retrievePathCoverageByTest($sourcefile, $testfile); } else { $coverage = $this->retrievePathCoverage($sourcefile); } return round(($coverage[0] / $coverage[1]) * 100); } function retrieveProjectCoverage() { if ($this->totallines) { return array($this->coveredlines, $this->totallines); } $query = 'SELECT COUNT(linenumber),filepath FROM coverage_per_file, files WHERE files.id=coverage_per_file.files_id GROUP BY files_id'; $result = $this->db->query($query); if (!$result) { $error = $this->db->lastErrorMsg(); throw new Exception('Cannot retrieve coverage for ' . $path. ': ' . $error); } while ($res = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_NUM)) { $this->pathTotal[$res[1]] = $res[0]; $this->totallines += $res[0]; } $query = 'SELECT COUNT(linenumber),filepath FROM coverage_per_file, files WHERE coverage > 0 AND files.id=coverage_per_file.files_id GROUP BY files_id'; $result = $this->db->query($query); if (!$result) { $error = $this->db->lastErrorMsg(); throw new Exception('Cannot retrieve coverage for ' . $path. ': ' . $error); } while ($res = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_NUM)) { $this->pathCovered[$res[1]] = $res[0]; $this->coveredlines += $res[0]; } return array($this->coveredlines, $this->totallines); } function retrievePathCoverage($path) { if (!$this->totallines) { // set up the cache $this->retrieveProjectCoverage(); } if (!isset($this->pathCovered[$path])) { return array(0, 0); } return array($this->pathCovered[$path], $this->pathTotal[$path]); } function retrievePathCoverageByTest($path, $test) { $id = $this->getFileId($path); $testid = $this->getTestId($test); $query = 'SELECT COUNT(linenumber) FROM coverage WHERE issource=1 AND files_id=' . $id . ' AND tests_id=' . $testid; $result = $this->db->query($query); if (!$result) { $error = $this->db->lastErrorMsg(); throw new Exception('Cannot retrieve path coverage for ' . $path . ' in test ' . $test . ': ' . $error); } $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_NUM)) { $total = $res[0]; } $query = 'SELECT COUNT(linenumber) FROM coverage WHERE issource=1 AND iscovered AND files_id=' . $id. ' AND tests_id=' . $testid; $result = $this->db->query($query); if (!$result) { $error = $this->db->lastErrorMsg(); throw new Exception('Cannot retrieve path coverage for ' . $path . ' in test ' . $test . ': ' . $error); } $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_NUM)) { $covered = $res[0]; } return array($covered, $total); } function retrieveCoverageByTest($path, $test) { $id = $this->getFileId($path); $testid = $this->getTestId($test); $query = 'SELECT iscovered as coverage, linenumber FROM coverage WHERE issource=1 AND files_id=' . $id . ' AND tests_id=' . $testid; $result = $this->db->query($query); if (!$result) { $error = $this->db->lastErrorMsg(); throw new Exception('Cannot retrieve test ' . $test . ' coverage for ' . $path. ': ' . $error); } $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) { $ret[$res['linenumber']] = $res['coverage']; } return $ret; } function getFileId($path) { $query = 'SELECT id FROM files WHERE filepath=:filepath'; $stmt = $this->db->prepare($query); $stmt->bindValue(':filepath', $path); if (!($result = $stmt->execute())) { throw new Exception('Unable to retrieve file ' . $path . ' id from database'); } while ($id = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_NUM)) { return $id[0]; } throw new Exception('Unable to retrieve file ' . $path . ' id from database'); } function getTestId($path) { $query = 'SELECT id FROM tests WHERE testpath=:filepath'; $stmt = $this->db->prepare($query); $stmt->bindValue(':filepath', $path); if (!($result = $stmt->execute())) { throw new Exception('Unable to retrieve test file ' . $path . ' id from database'); } while ($id = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_NUM)) { return $id[0]; } throw new Exception('Unable to retrieve test file ' . $path . ' id from database'); } function removeOldTest($testpath, $xdebugpath) { try { $id = $this->getTestId($testpath); } catch (\Exception $e) { // get a unique ID return $this->db->querySingle('SELECT COUNT(id) from tests')+1; } $this->db->exec('DELETE FROM tests WHERE id=' . $id); $this->db->exec('DELETE FROM coverage WHERE tests_id=' . $id); $this->db->exec('DELETE FROM xdebugs WHERE xdebugpath="' . $this->db->escapeString($xdebugpath) . '"'); return $id; } function addTest($testpath) { $id = $this->removeOldTest($testpath, str_replace('.phpt', '.xdebug', $testpath)); $query = 'INSERT INTO tests (testpath, testpathmd5) VALUES(:testpath, :md5)'; $stmt = $this->db->prepare($query); $stmt->bindValue(':testpath', $testpath); $md5 = md5_file($testpath); $stmt->bindValue(':md5', $md5); $stmt->execute(); $id = $this->db->lastInsertRowID(); $query = 'INSERT INTO xdebugs (xdebugpath, xdebugpathmd5) VALUES(:testpath, :md5)'; $stmt = $this->db->prepare($query); $stmt->bindValue(':testpath', str_replace('.phpt', '.xdebug', $testpath)); $md5 = md5_file(str_replace('.phpt', '.xdebug', $testpath)); $stmt->bindValue(':md5', $md5); $stmt->execute(); return $id; } function unChangedXdebug($path) { $query = 'SELECT xdebugpathmd5 FROM xdebugs WHERE xdebugpath=:path'; $stmt = $this->db->prepare($query); $stmt->bindValue(':path', $path); $result = $stmt->execute(); if (!$result) { return false; } $md5 = 0; while ($res = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_NUM)) { $md5 = $res[0]; } if (!$md5) { return false; } if ($md5 == md5_file($path)) { return true; } return false; } function addFile($filepath, $issource = 0) { $query = 'SELECT id FROM files WHERE filepath=:filepath'; $stmt = $this->db->prepare($query); $stmt->bindParam(':filepath', $filepath); if (!($result = $stmt->execute())) { throw new Exception('Unable to add file ' . $filepath . ' to database'); } while ($id = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_NUM)) { $query = 'UPDATE files SET filepathmd5=:md5 WHERE filepath=:filepath'; $stmt = $this->db->prepare($query); $stmt->bindParam(':filepath', $filepath); $md5 = md5_file($filepath); $stmt->bindParam(':md5', $md5); if (!$stmt->execute()) { throw new Exception('Unable to update file ' . $filepath . ' md5 in database'); } return $id[0]; } $stmt->clear(); $query = 'INSERT INTO files (filepath, filepathmd5, issource) VALUES(:testpath, :md5, :issource)'; $stmt = $this->db->prepare($query); $stmt->bindValue(':testpath', $filepath); $md5 = md5_file($filepath); $stmt->bindValue(':md5', $md5); $stmt->bindValue(':issource', $issource); if (!$stmt->execute()) { throw new Exception('Unable to add file ' . $filepath . ' to database'); } return $this->db->lastInsertRowID(); } function getTotalCoverage($file, $linenumber) { $query = 'SELECT coveragecount FROM coverage_per_file WHERE files_id=' . $this->getFileId($file) . ' AND linenumber=' . $linenumber; $result = $this->db->query($query); if (!$result) { return false; } $coverage = 0; while ($res = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_NUM)) { $coverage = $res[0]; } return $coverage; } function retrieveCoverage($path) { $id = $this->getFileId($path); $query = 'SELECT coverage, linenumber FROM coverage_per_file WHERE files_id=' . $id . ' ORDER BY linenumber ASC'; $result = $this->db->query($query); if (!$result) { $error = $this->db->lastErrorMsg(); throw new Exception('Cannot retrieve coverage for ' . $path. ': ' . $error); } $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) { $ret[$res['linenumber']] = $res['coverage']; } return $ret; } /** * This is used to get the coverage which is then inserted into our * intermediate coverage_per_file table to speed things up at rendering */ function retrieveSlowCoverage($id) { $query = 'SELECT SUM(iscovered) as coverage, linenumber FROM coverage WHERE files_id=' . $id . ' GROUP BY linenumber'; $result = $this->db->query($query); if (!$result) { $error = $this->db->lastErrorMsg(); throw new Exception('Cannot retrieve coverage for ' . $path. ': ' . $error); } $ret = array(); while ($res = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) { $ret[$res['linenumber']] = $res['coverage']; } return $ret; } function updateTotalCoverage() { $query = 'DELETE FROM coverage_per_file'; $this->db->exec($query); echo "Updating coverage per-file intermediate table\n"; foreach ($this->retrievePaths() as $path) { echo "."; $id = $this->getFileId($path); foreach ($this->retrieveSlowCoverage($id) as $linenumber => $coverage) { $query = 'INSERT INTO coverage_per_file (files_id, coverage, linenumber) VALUES(' . $id . ',' . $coverage . ',' . $linenumber .')'; $this->db->exec($query); } } echo "done\n"; } function addCoverage($testpath, $testid, $xdebug) { foreach ($xdebug as $path => $results) { if (!file_exists($path)) { continue; } if (strpos($path, $this->codepath) !== 0) { $issource = 0; } else { if (strpos($path, $this->testpath) === 0) { $issource = 0; } else { $issource = 1; } } echo "."; $id = $this->addFile($path, $issource); foreach ($results as $line => $info) { if ($info > 0) { $res = 1; } else { $res = 0; } $query = 'INSERT INTO coverage (files_id, tests_id, linenumber, iscovered, issource) VALUES(' . $id . ', ' . $testid . ', ' . $line . ', ' . $res . ',' . $issource . ')'; $worked = $this->db->exec($query); if (!$worked) { $error = $this->db->lastErrorMsg(); throw new Exception('Cannot add coverage for test ' . $testpath . ', covered file ' . $path . ': ' . $error); } } } } function begin() { $this->db->exec('BEGIN'); } function commit() { $this->db->exec('COMMIT'); } /** * Retrieve a list of .phpt tests that either have been modified, * or the files they access have been modified * @return array */ function getModifiedTests() { $modifiedPaths = array(); $modifiedTests = array(); $paths = $this->retrievePaths(1); echo "Scanning ", count($paths), " source files"; foreach ($paths as $path) { echo '.'; $query = ' SELECT id, filepathmd5 FROM files where filepath="' . $this->db->escapeString($path) . '"'; $result = $this->db->query($query); while ($res = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) { if (md5_file($path) == $res['filepathmd5']) { break; } $modifiedPaths[] = $path; // file is modified, get a list of tests that execute this file $query = ' SELECT t.testpath FROM coverage c, tests t WHERE c.files_id=' . $res['id'] . ' AND t.id=c.tests_id'; $result2 = $this->db->query($query); while ($res = $result2->fetchArray(SQLITE3_NUM)) { $modifiedTests[$res[0]] = true; } break; } } echo "done\n"; echo count($modifiedPaths), ' modified files resulting in ', count($modifiedTests), " modified tests\n"; $paths = $this->retrieveTestPaths(); echo "Scanning ", count($paths), " test paths"; foreach ($paths as $path) { echo '.'; $query = ' SELECT id, testpathmd5 FROM tests where testpath="' . $this->db->escapeString($path) . '"'; $result = $this->db->query($query); while ($res = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) { if (md5_file($path) != $res['testpathmd5']) { $modifiedTests[$path] = true; } } } echo "done\n"; echo count($modifiedTests), " tests should be re-run\n"; return array_keys($modifiedTests); } } } ?>testname = $testname; parent::__construct($path, $agg, $testpath, $sourcepath); } function setCoverage() { $this->coverage = $this->aggregator->retrieveCoverageByTest($this->path, $this->testname); } function coveredLines() { $info = $this->aggregator->coverageInfoByTest($this->path, $this->testname); return $info[0]; } function render(AbstractSourceDecorator $decorator = null) { if ($decorator === null) { $decorator = new DefaultSourceDecorator('.'); } return $decorator->render($this, $this->testname); } function coveragePercentage() { return $this->aggregator->coveragePercentage($this->path, $this->testname); } } } ?> route(); }Nȝˆ)ָGBMB