--TEST-- LOB prefetching --EXTENSIONS-- oci8 --SKIPIF-- true, 'timesten' => false); // test runs on these DBs require(__DIR__.'/skipif.inc'); ?> --FILE-- = 0) oci_set_prefetch_lob($stid, $pfl); oci_execute($stid); $l = []; while (($row = oci_fetch_array($stid, OCI_ASSOC)) != false) { $l[] = $row['CLOB']->load(); $row['CLOB']->free(); if (strlen($l[0]) != LOBSIZE) { print("strlen(l) failure" . strlen($l)); exit; } } return($l); } function get_clob_inline($c, $sql, $pfl) { $stid = oci_parse($c, $sql); if ($pfl >= 0) oci_set_prefetch_lob($stid, $pfl); oci_execute($stid); $l = []; while (($row = oci_fetch_array($stid, OCI_ASSOC+OCI_RETURN_LOBS)) != false) { $l[] = $row['CLOB']; if (strlen($l[0]) != LOBSIZE) { print("strlen(l) failure" . strlen($l)); exit; } } return($l); } function check_clobs($locarr, $inlinearr) { print("Comparing CLOBS\n"); for ($i = 0; $i < NUMROWS; ++$i) { if (strlen($locarr[$i]) != LOBSIZE) { trigger_error("size mismatch at $i " . strlen($locarr[$i]), E_USER_ERROR); exit; } if (strcmp($locarr[$i], $inlinearr[$i])) { trigger_error("data mismatch at $i " . strlen($locarr[$i]) . " " . strlen($inlinearr[$i]), E_USER_ERROR); exit; } } } function get_blob_loc($c, $sql, $pfl) { $stid = oci_parse($c, $sql); if ($pfl >= 0) oci_set_prefetch_lob($stid, $pfl); oci_execute($stid); $l = []; while (($row = oci_fetch_array($stid, OCI_ASSOC)) != false) { $l[] = $row['BLOB']->load(); $row['BLOB']->free(); if (strlen($l[0]) != LOBSIZE) { print("strlen(l) failure" . strlen($l)); exit; } } return($l); } print("Test 1 - Default prefetch_lob_size\n"); $r = ini_get("oci8.prefetch_lob_size"); var_dump($r); print("Test 2\n"); $s = oci_parse($c, 'select * from dual'); $r = oci_set_prefetch_lob($s, 0); var_dump($r); try { oci_set_prefetch_lob($s, -1); } catch (ValueError $e) { echo $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } print("Test 3 - CLOB prefetch_lob_size 100000\n"); $sql = "select clob from {$schema}{$table_name}" . " order by id"; $locarr = get_clob_loc($c, $sql, 100000); $inlinearr = get_clob_inline($c, $sql, 100000); print(count($locarr) . "\n"); print(count($inlinearr) . "\n"); check_clobs($locarr, $inlinearr); print("Test 3 - CLOB prefetch_lob_size 100\n"); $locarr = get_clob_loc($c, $sql, 100); $inlinearr = get_clob_inline($c, $sql, 100); print(count($locarr) . "\n"); print(count($inlinearr) . "\n"); check_clobs($locarr, $inlinearr); print("Test 4 - BLOB prefetch_lob_size 100000\n"); $sql = "select blob from {$schema}{$table_name}" . " order by id"; $locarr = get_blob_loc($c, $sql, 100000); print(count($locarr) . "\n"); require __DIR__.'/drop_table.inc'; ?> DONE --EXPECTF-- Test 1 - Default prefetch_lob_size string(1) "0" Test 2 bool(true) oci_set_prefetch_lob(): Argument #2 ($prefetch_lob_size) must be greater than or equal to 0 Test 3 - CLOB prefetch_lob_size 100000 200 200 Comparing CLOBS Test 3 - CLOB prefetch_lob_size 100 200 200 Comparing CLOBS Test 4 - BLOB prefetch_lob_size 100000 200 DONE