--TEST-- Test setlocale() function : usage variations - Setting system locale as empty string --SKIPIF-- --ENV-- LC_ALL=en_US.utf8; --FILE-- --EXPECT-- *** Testing setlocale() : usage variations - setting system locale = "" *** Locale info, before setting the locale array(18) { ["decimal_point"]=> string(1) "." ["thousands_sep"]=> string(1) "," ["int_curr_symbol"]=> string(4) "AUD " ["currency_symbol"]=> string(1) "$" ["mon_decimal_point"]=> string(1) "." ["mon_thousands_sep"]=> string(1) "," ["positive_sign"]=> string(0) "" ["negative_sign"]=> string(1) "-" ["int_frac_digits"]=> int(2) ["frac_digits"]=> int(2) ["p_cs_precedes"]=> int(1) ["p_sep_by_space"]=> int(0) ["n_cs_precedes"]=> int(1) ["n_sep_by_space"]=> int(0) ["p_sign_posn"]=> int(1) ["n_sign_posn"]=> int(1) ["grouping"]=> array(2) { [0]=> int(3) [1]=> int(3) } ["mon_grouping"]=> array(2) { [0]=> int(3) [1]=> int(3) } } Setting system locale, category = LC_ALL and locale = "" Locale info, after setting the locale array(18) { ["decimal_point"]=> string(1) "." ["thousands_sep"]=> string(1) "," ["int_curr_symbol"]=> string(4) "USD " ["currency_symbol"]=> string(1) "$" ["mon_decimal_point"]=> string(1) "." ["mon_thousands_sep"]=> string(1) "," ["positive_sign"]=> string(0) "" ["negative_sign"]=> string(1) "-" ["int_frac_digits"]=> int(2) ["frac_digits"]=> int(2) ["p_cs_precedes"]=> int(1) ["p_sep_by_space"]=> int(0) ["n_cs_precedes"]=> int(1) ["n_sep_by_space"]=> int(0) ["p_sign_posn"]=> int(1) ["n_sign_posn"]=> int(1) ["grouping"]=> array(2) { [0]=> int(3) [1]=> int(3) } ["mon_grouping"]=> array(2) { [0]=> int(3) [1]=> int(3) } } Checking new locale in the system, Expected : the locale names will be set from the values of environment variables Test PASSED. Done