--TEST-- Test debug_zval_dump() function : working on objects --SKIPIF-- 1, "key2 " => 3); function __construct () { $this->value1 = 5; $this->object_class1 = $this; } } class no_member_class{ //no members } /* class with member as object of other class */ class contains_object_class { var $p = 30; protected $p1 = 40; private $p2 = 50; var $class_object1; public $class_object2; private $class_object3; protected $class_object4; var $no_member_class_object; public function func() { echo "func() is called \n"; } function __construct () { $this->class_object1 = new object_class(); $this->class_object2 = new object_class(); $this->class_object3 = $this->class_object1; $this->class_object4 = $this->class_object2; $this->no_member_class_object = new no_member_class(); $this->class_object5 = $this; //recursive reference } } /* creating new object $obj */ $obj = new contains_object_class(); $obj1 = & $obj; //object $obj1 references object $obj $obj2 = & $obj; $obj3 = & $obj2; /* object which is unset */ $unset_obj = new object_class(); unset($unset_obj); $objects = array ( new object_class, new no_member_class, $obj, $obj->class_object1, $obj->class_object2, $obj->no_member_class_object, @$temp_class_obj, //undefined object $obj2->class_object1, $obj3->class_object2, $obj2->class_object1->value4, @$unset_obj ); /* using zval_dump() to dump out the objects and its reference count */ zval_dump($objects); $int_var = 500; $obj = $int_var; //$obj is lost, $obj1,$obj2,$obj3,$obj4 = 500 echo "\n-- Testing debug_zval_dump() on overwritten object variables --\n"; debug_zval_dump($obj, $obj1, $obj2, $obj3); echo "\n-- Testing debug_zval_dump() on objects having circular reference --\n"; $recursion_obj1 = new object_class(); $recursion_obj2 = new object_class(); $recursion_obj1->obj = &$recursion_obj2; //circular reference $recursion_obj2->obj = &$recursion_obj1; //circular reference debug_zval_dump($recursion_obj2); echo "Done\n"; ?> --EXPECTF-- *** Testing debug_zval_dump() on objects *** -- Iteration 1 -- object(object_class)#%d (6) refcount(%d){ ["value1"]=> int(5) ["value2":"object_class":private]=> int(10) ["value3":protected]=> int(20) ["value4"]=> int(30) ["array_var"]=> array(2) refcount(%d){ ["key1"]=> int(1) ["key2 "]=> int(3) } ["object_class1"]=> *RECURSION* } -- Iteration 2 -- object(no_member_class)#%d (0) refcount(%d){ } -- Iteration 3 -- object(contains_object_class)#%d (9) refcount(%d){ ["p"]=> int(30) ["p1":protected]=> int(40) ["p2":"contains_object_class":private]=> int(50) ["class_object1"]=> object(object_class)#%d (6) refcount(%d){ ["value1"]=> int(5) ["value2":"object_class":private]=> int(10) ["value3":protected]=> int(20) ["value4"]=> int(30) ["array_var"]=> array(2) refcount(%d){ ["key1"]=> int(1) ["key2 "]=> int(3) } ["object_class1"]=> *RECURSION* } ["class_object2"]=> object(object_class)#%d (6) refcount(%d){ ["value1"]=> int(5) ["value2":"object_class":private]=> int(10) ["value3":protected]=> int(20) ["value4"]=> int(30) ["array_var"]=> array(2) refcount(%d){ ["key1"]=> int(1) ["key2 "]=> int(3) } ["object_class1"]=> *RECURSION* } ["class_object3":"contains_object_class":private]=> object(object_class)#%d (6) refcount(%d){ ["value1"]=> int(5) ["value2":"object_class":private]=> int(10) ["value3":protected]=> int(20) ["value4"]=> int(30) ["array_var"]=> array(2) refcount(%d){ ["key1"]=> int(1) ["key2 "]=> int(3) } ["object_class1"]=> *RECURSION* } ["class_object4":protected]=> object(object_class)#%d (6) refcount(%d){ ["value1"]=> int(5) ["value2":"object_class":private]=> int(10) ["value3":protected]=> int(20) ["value4"]=> int(30) ["array_var"]=> array(2) refcount(%d){ ["key1"]=> int(1) ["key2 "]=> int(3) } ["object_class1"]=> *RECURSION* } ["no_member_class_object"]=> object(no_member_class)#%d (0) refcount(%d){ } ["class_object5"]=> *RECURSION* } -- Iteration 4 -- object(object_class)#%d (6) refcount(%d){ ["value1"]=> int(5) ["value2":"object_class":private]=> int(10) ["value3":protected]=> int(20) ["value4"]=> int(30) ["array_var"]=> array(2) refcount(%d){ ["key1"]=> int(1) ["key2 "]=> int(3) } ["object_class1"]=> *RECURSION* } -- Iteration 5 -- object(object_class)#%d (6) refcount(%d){ ["value1"]=> int(5) ["value2":"object_class":private]=> int(10) ["value3":protected]=> int(20) ["value4"]=> int(30) ["array_var"]=> array(2) refcount(%d){ ["key1"]=> int(1) ["key2 "]=> int(3) } ["object_class1"]=> *RECURSION* } -- Iteration 6 -- object(no_member_class)#%d (0) refcount(%d){ } -- Iteration 7 -- NULL -- Iteration 8 -- object(object_class)#%d (6) refcount(%d){ ["value1"]=> int(5) ["value2":"object_class":private]=> int(10) ["value3":protected]=> int(20) ["value4"]=> int(30) ["array_var"]=> array(2) refcount(%d){ ["key1"]=> int(1) ["key2 "]=> int(3) } ["object_class1"]=> *RECURSION* } -- Iteration 9 -- object(object_class)#%d (6) refcount(%d){ ["value1"]=> int(5) ["value2":"object_class":private]=> int(10) ["value3":protected]=> int(20) ["value4"]=> int(30) ["array_var"]=> array(2) refcount(%d){ ["key1"]=> int(1) ["key2 "]=> int(3) } ["object_class1"]=> *RECURSION* } -- Iteration 10 -- int(30) -- Iteration 11 -- NULL -- Testing debug_zval_dump() on overwritten object variables -- int(500) int(500) int(500) int(500) -- Testing debug_zval_dump() on objects having circular reference -- object(object_class)#%d (7) refcount(%d){ ["value1"]=> int(5) ["value2":"object_class":private]=> int(10) ["value3":protected]=> int(20) ["value4"]=> int(30) ["array_var"]=> array(2) refcount(%d){ ["key1"]=> int(1) ["key2 "]=> int(3) } ["object_class1"]=> *RECURSION* ["obj"]=> reference refcount(2) { object(object_class)#8 (7) refcount(2){ ["value1"]=> int(5) ["value2":"object_class":private]=> int(10) ["value3":protected]=> int(20) ["value4"]=> int(30) ["array_var"]=> array(2) refcount(7){ ["key1"]=> int(1) ["key2 "]=> int(3) } ["object_class1"]=> *RECURSION* ["obj"]=> reference refcount(2) { *RECURSION* } } } } Done