Opcache JIT =========== This is the implementation of Opcache's JIT (Just-In-Time compiler), This converts the PHP Virtual Machine's opcodes into x64/x86 assembly, on POSIX platforms and Windows. It generates native code directly from PHP byte-code and information collected by the SSA static analysis framework (a part of the opcache optimizer). Code is usually generated separately for each PHP byte-code instruction. Only a few combinations are considered together (e.g. compare + conditional jump). See [the JIT RFC](https://wiki.php.net/rfc/jit) for more details. DynAsm ------ This uses [DynAsm](https://luajit.org/dynasm.html) (developed for LuaJIT project) for the generation of native code. It's a very lightweight and advanced tool, but does assume good, and very low-level development knowledge of target assembler languages. In the past we tried LLVM, but its code generation speed was almost 100 times slower, making it prohibitively expensive to use. [The unofficial DynASM Documentation](https://corsix.github.io/dynasm-doc/tutorial.html) has a tutorial, reference, and instruction listing. `zend_jit_x86.dasc` gets automatically converted to `zend_jit_x86.c` by the bundled `dynasm` during `make`.