--TEST-- mysqli_stmt_get_result() - meta data, field info --EXTENSIONS-- mysqli --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- fetch_field()) { var_dump($field); $i++; if (2 == $i) { /* Label column, result set charset. All of the following columns are "too hot" - too server dependent */ if ($field->charsetnr != $charsetInfo->number) { printf("[004] Expecting charset %s/%d got %d\n", $charsetInfo->charset, $charsetInfo->number, $field->charsetnr); } if ($field->length != $charsetInfo->max_length) { printf("[005] Expecting length %d got %d\n", $charsetInfo->max_length, $field->max_length); } } } mysqli_stmt_close($stmt); mysqli_close($link); print "done!"; ?> --CLEAN-- --EXPECTF-- object(stdClass)#%d (13) { ["name"]=> string(2) "id" ["orgname"]=> string(2) "id" ["table"]=> string(4) "test" ["orgtable"]=> string(4) "test" ["def"]=> string(0) "" ["db"]=> string(%d) "%s" ["catalog"]=> string(%d) "%s" ["max_length"]=> int(0) ["length"]=> int(11) ["charsetnr"]=> int(63) ["flags"]=> int(49155) ["type"]=> int(3) ["decimals"]=> int(0) } object(stdClass)#%d (13) { ["name"]=> string(5) "label" ["orgname"]=> string(5) "label" ["table"]=> string(4) "test" ["orgtable"]=> string(4) "test" ["def"]=> string(0) "" ["db"]=> string(%d) "%s" ["catalog"]=> string(%d) "%s" ["max_length"]=> int(%d) ["length"]=> int(%d) ["charsetnr"]=> int(%d) ["flags"]=> int(0) ["type"]=> int(254) ["decimals"]=> int(0) } object(stdClass)#%d (13) { ["name"]=> string(3) "_id" ["orgname"]=> string(0) "" ["table"]=> string(0) "" ["orgtable"]=> string(0) "" ["def"]=> string(0) "" ["db"]=> string(0) "" ["catalog"]=> string(%d) "%s" ["max_length"]=> int(0) ["length"]=> int(%d) ["charsetnr"]=> int(63) ["flags"]=> int(32897) ["type"]=> int(8) ["decimals"]=> int(0) } object(stdClass)#%d (13) { ["name"]=> string(8) "___label" ["orgname"]=> string(0) "" ["table"]=> string(0) "" ["orgtable"]=> string(0) "" ["def"]=> string(0) "" ["db"]=> string(0) "" ["catalog"]=> string(%d) "%s" ["max_length"]=> int(%d) ["length"]=> int(%d) ["charsetnr"]=> int(%d) ["flags"]=> int(0) ["type"]=> int(253) ["decimals"]=> int(3%d) } done!