--TEST-- CharData: DOMCharacterData and related functionality --EXTENSIONS-- dom --FILE-- loadXML($xmlstr); if(!$dom) { echo "Error while parsing the document\n"; exit; } $node = $dom->documentElement; $charnode = $dom->createElement('charnode'); $node->appendChild($charnode); /* DOMComment */ $comment = new DOMComment('Testing character data and extending nodes'); $charnode->appendChild($comment); echo "Comment Length: ".$comment->length."\n"; $comment->data = 'Updated comment'; echo "New Comment Length: ".$comment->length."\n"; echo "New Comment Data: ".$comment->data."\n"; /* DOMCDataSection */ $cdata = new DOMCDataSection('Chars: <>&"'); $charnode->appendChild($cdata); echo "Substring: ".$cdata->substringData(7, 4)."\n"; $cdata->replaceData(10, 1, "'"); echo "New Substring: ".$cdata->substringData(7, 4)."\n"; /* DOMCharacterData using DOMComment */ $comment = new DOMComment('instructions'); echo "Comment Value: ".$comment->data."\n"; $comment->data = 'some more instructions'; echo "New Comment Value: ".$comment->data."\n"; $comment->insertData(10, 'pi '); $comment->replaceData(18, 5, 'i'); $comment->insertData(20, 'g'); $comment->deleteData(13, 2); $comment->deleteData(10, 3); $comment->insertData(10, 'comment '); echo "Updated Comment Value: ".$comment->data."\n"; /* DOMText */ $text = new DOMText('some text characters'); echo "Whole Text: ".$text->wholeText."\n"; $text2 = $text->splitText(9); echo "Split text: ".$text2->wholeText."\n"; $text3 = $text2->splitText(1); echo "Is Whitespace?: ".($text2->isElementContentWhitespace()?'YES':'NO'); ?> --EXPECT-- Comment Length: 42 New Comment Length: 15 New Comment Data: Updated comment Substring: <>&" New Substring: <>&' Comment Value: instructions New Comment Value: some more instructions Updated Comment Value: some more comment strings Whole Text: some text characters Split text: characters Is Whitespace?: YES