--TEST-- Replacing a child node --EXTENSIONS-- dom --CREDITS-- Matt Raines #London TestFest 2008 --FILE-- loadXML(' '); // Replaces the child node oldChild with newChild in the list of children, and // returns the oldChild node. $parent = $document->getElementsByTagName('foo')->item(0); $new_child = $document->createElement('qux'); $old_child = $parent->replaceChild($new_child, $parent->firstChild); echo "New child replaces old child:\n" . $document->saveXML(); echo "Old child is returned:\n" . $old_child->tagName . "\n"; // If the newChild is already in the tree, it is first removed. $parent = $document->getElementsByTagName('spam')->item(0); $parent->replaceChild($new_child, $parent->firstChild); echo "Existing child is removed from tree:\n" . $document->saveXML(); // Children are inserted in the correct order. $new_child = $document->getElementsByTagName('spam')->item(0); $parent = $document->getElementsByTagName('foo')->item(0); $parent->replaceChild($new_child, $parent->firstChild); echo "Children are inserted in order:\n" . $document->saveXML(); ?> --EXPECT-- New child replaces old child: Old child is returned: bar Existing child is removed from tree: Children are inserted in order: