// vim:ft=javascript // "Master" config file; think of it as a configure.ac // equivalent. ARG_WITH("verbosity", "Output verbosity, 0-2.", "1"); setup_verbosity(); ARG_WITH("toolset", "Toolset to use for the compilation, give: vs, clang, icc. " + "The only recommended and supported toolset for production use " + "is Visual Studio. Use others at your own risk.", "vs"); toolset_option_handle(); ARG_WITH('cygwin', 'Path to cygwin utilities on your system', '\\cygwin'); toolset_setup_compiler(); // do we use x64 or 80x86 version of compiler? X64 = toolset_is_64(); toolset_setup_arch(); toolset_setup_linker(); toolset_setup_project_tools(); // stick objects somewhere outside of the source tree ARG_ENABLE('object-out-dir', 'Alternate location for binary objects during build', ''); object_out_dir_option_handle(); ARG_ENABLE('debug', 'Compile with debugging symbols', "no"); ARG_ENABLE('debug-pack', 'Release binaries with external debug symbols (--enable-debug must not be specified)', 'no'); if (PHP_DEBUG == "yes" && PHP_DEBUG_PACK == "yes") { ERROR("Use of both --enable-debug and --enable-debug-pack not allowed."); } if (PHP_DEBUG == "yes") { ADD_FLAG("CFLAGS"," /Wall "); ADD_FLAG("LDFLAGS", " /verbose "); } ARG_ENABLE('pgi', 'Generate PGO instrumented binaries', 'no'); ARG_WITH('pgo', 'Compile optimized binaries using training data from folder', 'no'); if (PHP_PGI == "yes" || PHP_PGO != "no") { PGOMGR = PATH_PROG('pgomgr', WshShell.Environment("Process").Item("PATH")); if (!PGOMGR) { ERROR("--enable-pgi and --with-pgo options can only be used if PGO capable compiler is present."); } if (PHP_PGI == "yes" && PHP_PGO != "no") { ERROR("Use of both --enable-pgi and --with-pgo not allowed."); } } ARG_ENABLE('zts', 'Thread safety', 'yes'); // Configures the hard-coded installation dir ARG_WITH('prefix', 'where PHP will be installed', ''); if (PHP_PREFIX == '') { PHP_PREFIX = "C:\\php"; if (PHP_DEBUG == "yes") PHP_PREFIX += "\\debug"; } DEFINE('PHP_PREFIX', PHP_PREFIX); DEFINE("BASE_INCLUDES", "/I . /I main /I Zend /I TSRM /I ext "); toolset_setup_common_cflags(); if (VS_TOOLSET) { ARG_WITH('mp', 'Tell Visual Studio use up to [n,auto,disable] processes for compilation', 'auto'); var PHP_MP_DISABLED = true; if (PHP_MP != 'disable') { if(PHP_DEBUG == 'yes') { STDOUT.WriteLine('WARNING: Debug builds cannot be built using multi processing'); } else { // no from disable-all if(PHP_MP == 'auto' || PHP_MP == 'no') { ADD_FLAG('CFLAGS', ' /MP '); PHP_MP_DISABLED = false; } else { if(parseInt(PHP_MP) != 0) { ADD_FLAG('CFLAGS', ' /MP'+ PHP_MP +' '); PHP_MP_DISABLED = false; } else { STDOUT.WriteLine('WARNING: Invalid argument for MP: ' + PHP_MP); } } } } if (!PHP_MP_DISABLED) { STDOUT.WriteLine('Enabling multi process build'); } } // General link flags toolset_setup_common_ldlags(); // General libs toolset_setup_common_libs(); // Set some debug/release specific options toolset_setup_build_mode(); setup_zts_stuff(); // CFLAGS, LDFLAGS and BUILD_DIR are defined // Add compiler and link flags if PGO options are selected if (PHP_DEBUG != "yes" && PHP_PGI == "yes") { ADD_FLAG("STATIC_EXT_CFLAGS", "/GL /O2"); DEFINE("PGOPGD_DIR", "$(BUILD_DIR)"); } else if (PHP_DEBUG != "yes" && PHP_PGO != "no") { ADD_FLAG("STATIC_EXT_CFLAGS", "/GL /O2"); DEFINE("PGOPGD_DIR", ((PHP_PGO.length == 0 || PHP_PGO == "yes") ? "$(BUILD_DIR)" : PHP_PGO)); } // Find the php_build dir - it contains headers and libraries // that we need ARG_WITH('php-build', 'Path to where you extracted the development libraries (http://wiki.php.net/internals/windows/libs). Assumes that it is a sibling of this source dir (..\\deps) if not specified', 'no'); php_build_option_handle(); ARG_WITH('extra-includes', 'Extra include path to use when building everything', ''); ARG_WITH('extra-libs', 'Extra library path to use when linking everything', ''); var php_usual_include_suspects = PHP_PHP_BUILD+"\\include"; var php_usual_lib_suspects = PHP_PHP_BUILD+"\\lib"; ADD_FLAG("CFLAGS", '/I "' + php_usual_include_suspects + '" '); ADD_FLAG("LDFLAGS", '/libpath:"' + php_usual_lib_suspects + '" '); ADD_FLAG("ARFLAGS", '/nologo /libpath:"' + php_usual_lib_suspects + '" '); probe_basic_headers(); add_extra_dirs(); //DEFINE("PHP_BUILD", PHP_PHP_BUILD); ARG_WITH("analyzer", "Enable static analyzer. Pass vs for Visual Studio, clang for clang, cppcheck for Cppcheck, pvs for PVS-Studio", "no"); if (PHP_ANALYZER == "vs") { ADD_FLAG("CFLAGS", " /analyze "); ADD_FLAG("CFLAGS", " /wd6308 "); } else if (PHP_ANALYZER == "clang") { var clang_cl = false; if (FSO.FileExists(PROGRAM_FILES + "\\LLVM\\bin\\clang-cl.exe")) { clang_cl = PROGRAM_FILES + "\\LLVM\\bin\\clang-cl.exe"; } else if (FSO.FileExists(PROGRAM_FILESx86 + "\\LLVM\\bin\\clang-cl.exe")) { clang_cl = PROGRAM_FILESx86 + "\\LLVM\\bin\\clang-cl.exe"; } if (!clang_cl) { if (false == PATH_PROG('clang-cl', null, 'CLANG_CL')) { WARNING("Couldn't find clang binaries, static analyze was disabled"); PHP_ANALYZER = "no"; } } else { DEFINE("CLANG_CL", clang_cl); } } else if (PHP_ANALYZER == "cppcheck") { var cppcheck = false; if (FSO.FileExists(PROGRAM_FILES + "\\Cppcheck\\cppcheck.exe")) { cppcheck = PROGRAM_FILES + "\\Cppcheck\\cppcheck.exe"; } else if (FSO.FileExists(PROGRAM_FILESx86 + "\\Cppcheck\\cppcheck.exe")) { cppcheck = PROGRAM_FILESx86 + "\\Cppcheck\\cppcheck.exe"; } if (!cppcheck) { if (false == PATH_PROG('cppcheck', null, 'CPPCHECK')) { WARNING("Couldn't find Cppcheck binaries, static analyze was disabled"); PHP_ANALYZER = "no"; } else { cppcheck = get_define("CPPCHECK"); } } else { DEFINE("CPPCHECK", cppcheck); } if (cppcheck) { var _tmp = execute(cppcheck + " --version").split(/ /)[1]; var cppcheck_ver = [ parseInt(_tmp.split(".")[0]), parseInt(_tmp.split(".")[1]), ]; if (cppcheck_ver[0] > 1 || cppcheck_ver[0] == 1 && cppcheck_ver[1] >= 77) { var build_dir = get_define("BUILD_DIR"); var cppcheck_build_dir = build_dir + "\\cppcheck_build"; if (!FSO.FolderExists(cppcheck_build_dir)) { FSO.CreateFolder(cppcheck_build_dir); } DEFINE("CPPCHECK_BUILD_DIR", cppcheck_build_dir); } } } else if (PHP_ANALYZER == "pvs") { var pvs_studio = false; if (FSO.FileExists(PROGRAM_FILES + "\\PVS-Studio\\x64\\PVS-Studio.exe")) { pvs_studio = PROGRAM_FILES + "\\PVS-Studio\\x86\\PVS-Studio.exe"; } else if (FSO.FileExists(PROGRAM_FILESx86 + "\\PVS-Studio\\x64\\PVS-Studio.exe")) { pvs_studio = PROGRAM_FILESx86 + "\\PVS-Studio\\x64\\PVS-Studio.exe"; } if (!pvs_studio) { WARNING("Couldn't find PVS-Studio binaries, static analyze was disabled"); PHP_ANALYZER = "no"; } else { var pvscfg = FSO.CreateTextFile("PVS-Studio.conf", true); DEFINE("PVS_STUDIO", pvs_studio); pvscfg.WriteLine("exclude-path = " + VCINSTALLDIR); if (FSO.FolderExists(PROGRAM_FILESx86 + "\\windows kits\\")) { pvscfg.WriteLine("exclude-path = " + PROGRAM_FILESx86 + "\\windows kits\\"); } else if (FSO.FolderExists(PROGRAM_FILES + "\\windows kits\\")) { pvscfg.WriteLine("exclude-path = " + PROGRAM_FILES + "\\windows kits\\"); } pvscfg.WriteLine("vcinstalldir = " + VCINSTALLDIR); pvscfg.WriteLine("platform = " + (X64 ? 'x64' : 'Win32')); pvscfg.WriteLine("preprocessor = visualcpp"); pvscfg.WriteLine("language = C"); pvscfg.WriteLine("skip-cl-exe = no"); } } else { PHP_ANALYZER = "no" } STDOUT.WriteBlankLines(1); STDOUT.WriteLine("Build dir: " + get_define('BUILD_DIR')); STDOUT.WriteLine("PHP Core: " + get_define('PHPDLL') + " and " + get_define('PHPLIB')); ADD_SOURCES("Zend", "zend_language_parser.c zend_language_scanner.c \ zend_ini_parser.c zend_ini_scanner.c zend_alloc.c zend_compile.c \ zend_constants.c zend_exceptions.c \ zend_execute_API.c zend_highlight.c \ zend_llist.c zend_vm_opcodes.c zend_opcode.c zend_operators.c zend_ptr_stack.c \ zend_stack.c zend_variables.c zend.c zend_API.c zend_extensions.c \ zend_hash.c zend_list.c zend_builtin_functions.c zend_attributes.c \ zend_ini.c zend_sort.c zend_multibyte.c zend_ts_hash.c \ zend_stream.c zend_iterators.c zend_interfaces.c zend_objects.c \ zend_object_handlers.c zend_objects_API.c \ zend_default_classes.c zend_execute.c zend_strtod.c zend_gc.c zend_closures.c zend_weakrefs.c \ zend_float.c zend_string.c zend_generators.c zend_virtual_cwd.c zend_ast.c \ zend_inheritance.c zend_smart_str.c zend_cpuinfo.c zend_observer.c zend_system_id.c"); ADD_FLAG("CFLAGS_BD_ZEND", "/D ZEND_ENABLE_STATIC_TSRMLS_CACHE=1"); if (VS_TOOLSET && VCVERS >= 1914) { ADD_FLAG("CFLAGS_BD_ZEND", "/d2FuncCache1"); } /* XXX inspect this for other toolsets */ //AC_DEFINE('ZEND_DVAL_TO_LVAL_CAST_OK', 1); ADD_SOURCES("main", "main.c snprintf.c spprintf.c getopt.c fopen_wrappers.c \ php_scandir.c php_ini.c SAPI.c rfc1867.c php_content_types.c strlcpy.c \ strlcat.c reentrancy.c php_variables.c php_ticks.c network.c \ php_open_temporary_file.c output.c internal_functions.c \ php_syslog.c"); ADD_FLAG("CFLAGS_BD_MAIN", "/D ZEND_ENABLE_STATIC_TSRMLS_CACHE=1"); if (VS_TOOLSET && VCVERS >= 1914) { ADD_FLAG("CFLAGS_BD_MAIN", "/d2FuncCache1"); } AC_DEFINE('HAVE_STRNLEN', 1); ADD_SOURCES("main/streams", "streams.c cast.c memory.c filter.c plain_wrapper.c \ userspace.c transports.c xp_socket.c mmap.c glob_wrapper.c"); ADD_FLAG("CFLAGS_BD_MAIN_STREAMS", "/D ZEND_ENABLE_STATIC_TSRMLS_CACHE=1"); if (VS_TOOLSET && VCVERS >= 1914) { ADD_FLAG("CFLAGS_BD_MAIN_STREAMS", "/d2FuncCache1"); } ADD_SOURCES("win32", "dllmain.c glob.c readdir.c \ registry.c select.c sendmail.c time.c winutil.c wsyslog.c globals.c \ getrusage.c ftok.c ioutil.c codepage.c nice.c \ inet.c fnmatch.c sockets.c console.c signal.c"); ADD_FLAG("CFLAGS_BD_WIN32", "/D ZEND_ENABLE_STATIC_TSRMLS_CACHE=1"); if (VS_TOOLSET && VCVERS >= 1914) { ADD_FLAG("CFLAGS_BD_WIN32", "/d2FuncCache1"); } PHP_INSTALL_HEADERS("", "Zend/ TSRM/ main/ main/streams/ win32/"); STDOUT.WriteBlankLines(1); /* Can we build with IPv6 support? */ ARG_ENABLE("ipv6", "Disable IPv6 support (default is turn it on if available)", "yes"); var main_network_has_ipv6 = 0; if (PHP_IPV6 == "yes") { main_network_has_ipv6 = CHECK_HEADER_ADD_INCLUDE("wspiapi.h", "CFLAGS") ? 1 : 0; } if (main_network_has_ipv6) { STDOUT.WriteLine("Enabling IPv6 support"); AC_DEFINE('HAVE_GAI_STRERROR', 1); AC_DEFINE('HAVE_IPV6', 1); } /* this allows up to 256 sockets to be select()ed in a single * call to select(), instead of the usual 64 */ ARG_ENABLE('fd-setsize', "Set maximum number of sockets for select(2)", "256"); ADD_FLAG("CFLAGS", "/D FD_SETSIZE=" + parseInt(PHP_FD_SETSIZE)); /* For snapshot builders, where can we find the additional * files that make up the snapshot template? */ ARG_WITH("snapshot-template", "Path to snapshot builder template dir", "no"); if (PHP_SNAPSHOT_TEMPLATE == "no") { /* default is as a sibling of the php_build dir */ if (FSO.FolderExists(PHP_PHP_BUILD + "\\template")) { PHP_SNAPSHOT_TEMPLATE = FSO.GetAbsolutePathName(PHP_PHP_BUILD + "\\template"); } else if (FSO.FolderExists(PHP_PHP_BUILD + "\\..\\template")) { PHP_SNAPSHOT_TEMPLATE = FSO.GetAbsolutePathName(PHP_PHP_BUILD + "\\..\\template"); } } DEFINE('SNAPSHOT_TEMPLATE', PHP_SNAPSHOT_TEMPLATE); ARG_ENABLE("security-flags", "Disable the compiler security flags", "yes"); if (PHP_SECURITY_FLAGS == "yes") { ADD_FLAG("LDFLAGS", "/NXCOMPAT /DYNAMICBASE "); } if (CLANG_TOOLSET) { ARG_WITH("uncritical-warn-choke", "Disable some uncritical warnings", "yes"); if (PHP_UNCRITICAL_WARN_CHOKE != "no") { ADD_FLAG("CFLAGS", "-Wno-ignored-attributes -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-missing-braces " + "-Wno-logical-op-parentheses -Wno-msvc-include -Wno-invalid-source-encoding -Wno-unknown-pragmas " + "-Wno-unused-command-line-argument -Wno-unused-function -Wno-ignored-pragma-optimize"); } ARG_ENABLE("sanitizer", "Enable ASan and UBSan extensions", "no"); if (PHP_SANITIZER == "yes") { if (COMPILER_NUMERIC_VERSION < 500) { ERROR("Clang at least 5.0.0 required for sanitation plugins"); } add_asan_opts("CFLAGS", "LIBS", "LDFLAGS"); } } ARG_WITH("codegen-arch", "Architecture for code generation: ia32. Use --enable-native-intrinsics to enable SIMD optimizations.", "no"); toolset_setup_codegen_arch(); ARG_WITH("all-shared", "Force all the non obligatory extensions to be shared", "no"); // Config profiles (--with-config-profile=) will save a certain config to php-src/config..bat // so that it can be executed like: cofig. instead of a long list of parameters // // Note, nice as a name is disallowed and will generate a warning and skip saving ARG_WITH('config-profile', 'Name of the configuration profile to save this to in php-src/config.name.bat', 'no'); ARG_ENABLE("test-ini", "Enable automatic php.ini generation. The test.ini will be put \ into the build dir and used to automatically load the shared extensions.", "yes"); ARG_WITH("test-ini-ext-exclude", "Comma separated list of shared extensions to \ be excluded from the test.ini", "no"); ARG_ENABLE("native-intrinsics", "Comma separated list of intrinsic optimizations to enable. \ Available instruction set names are sse, sse2, sse3, ssse3, sse4.1, sse4.2, avx, avx2. \ SSE and SSE2 are enabled by default. The best instruction set specified will \ automatically enable all the older instruction sets. Note, that the produced binary \ might not work properly, if the chosen instruction sets are not available on the target \ processor.", "no"); toolset_setup_intrinsic_cflags();