--TEST-- XMLReader: libxml2 XML Reader, Move cursor to an attribute, with invalid arguments --CREDITS-- Mark Baker mark@lange.demon.co.uk at the PHPNW2017 Conference for PHP Testfest 2017 --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- book1'; $filename = __DIR__ . '/003-move-errors.xml'; file_put_contents($filename, $xmlstring); // Load test data into a new XML Reader $reader = new XMLReader(); if (!$reader->open($filename)) { exit('XML could not be read'); } // Parse the data while ($reader->read()) { if ($reader->nodeType != XMLREADER::END_ELEMENT) { // Find the book node if ($reader->nodeType == XMLREADER::ELEMENT && $reader->name == 'book') { echo $reader->name . "\n"; $attr = $reader->moveToNextAttribute(); var_dump($attr); echo $reader->name . ": "; echo $reader->value . "\n"; // Test for call with an empty string argument try { $reader->moveToAttribute(''); } catch (ValueError $exception) { echo $exception->getMessage() . "\n"; } // Ensure that node pointer has not changed position echo $reader->name . ": "; echo $reader->value . "\n"; // Test for call by name for an attribute that doesn't exist $attr = $reader->moveToAttribute('isbn'); var_dump($attr); // Ensure that node pointer has not changed position echo $reader->name . ": "; echo $reader->value . "\n"; // Test for call by number for an attribute that doesn't exist $attr = $reader->moveToAttributeNo(911); var_dump($attr); // Oddly, node pointer moves back to the element in this case echo $reader->name . "\n"; } } } // clean up $reader->close(); ?> --CLEAN-- --EXPECT-- book bool(true) num: 1 XMLReader::moveToAttribute(): Argument #1 ($name) cannot be empty num: 1 bool(false) num: 1 bool(false) book