--TEST-- Test readfile() function : variation - various invalid paths --CREDITS-- Dave Kelsey --SKIPIF-- --CONFLICTS-- obscure_filename --FILE-- -1, "TRUE" => TRUE, "FALSE" => FALSE, "NULL" => NULL, "\"\"" => "", "\" \"" => " ", "\\0" => "\0", "array()" => array(), /* prefix with path separator of a non existing directory*/ "/no/such/file/dir" => "/no/such/file/dir", "php/php"=> "php/php" ); foreach($names_arr as $key => $value) { echo "\n-- Filename: $key --\n"; try { readfile($value); } catch (\TypeError|\ValueError $e) { echo get_class($e) . ': ' . $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } } ?> --EXPECTF-- *** Testing readfile() : variation *** -- Filename: -1 -- Warning: readfile(-1): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in %s on line %d -- Filename: TRUE -- Warning: readfile(1): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in %s on line %d -- Filename: FALSE -- ValueError: Path cannot be empty -- Filename: NULL -- ValueError: Path cannot be empty -- Filename: "" -- ValueError: Path cannot be empty -- Filename: " " -- Warning: readfile( ): Failed to open stream: Permission denied in %s on line %d -- Filename: \0 -- ValueError: readfile(): Argument #1 ($filename) must not contain any null bytes -- Filename: array() -- TypeError: readfile(): Argument #1 ($filename) must be of type string, array given -- Filename: /no/such/file/dir -- Warning: readfile(/no/such/file/dir): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in %s on line %d -- Filename: php/php -- Warning: readfile(php/php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in %s on line %d