--TEST-- PDO MySQL Bug #33689 (query() execute() and fetch() return false on valid select queries) --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- exec('CREATE TABLE test (bar INT NOT NULL)'); $db->exec('INSERT INTO test VALUES(1)'); var_dump($db->query('SELECT * from test')); foreach ($db->query('SELECT * from test') as $row) { print_r($row); } $stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT * from test'); print_r($stmt->getColumnMeta(0)); $stmt->execute(); $tmp = $stmt->getColumnMeta(0); // libmysql and mysqlnd will show the pdo_type entry at a different position in the hash if (!isset($tmp['pdo_type']) || (isset($tmp['pdo_type']) && $tmp['pdo_type'] != 2)) printf("Expecting pdo_type = 2 got %s\n", $tmp['pdo_type']); else unset($tmp['pdo_type']); print_r($tmp); ?> --CLEAN-- --EXPECTF-- object(PDOStatement)#%d (1) { ["queryString"]=> string(18) "SELECT * from test" } Array ( [bar] => 1 [0] => 1 ) Array ( [native_type] => LONG [flags] => Array ( [0] => not_null ) [table] => test [name] => bar [len] => 11 [precision] => 0 )