--TEST-- Hash: hash_hmac_file() function : basic functionality --FILE-- getMessage() . "\n"; } echo "\n-- Testing hash_hmac_file() function with non-cryptographic hash algorithm --\n"; try { var_dump(hash_hmac_file('crc32', $file, $key, TRUE)); } catch (\Error $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } echo "\n-- Testing hash_hmac_file() function with bad path --\n"; try { var_dump(hash_hmac_file('md5', $file.chr(0).$file, $key, TRUE)); } catch (ValueError $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . "\n"; } ?> --EXPECT-- *** Testing hash() : error conditions *** -- Testing hash_hmac_file() function with invalid hash algorithm -- hash_hmac_file(): Argument #1 ($algo) must be a valid cryptographic hashing algorithm -- Testing hash_hmac_file() function with non-cryptographic hash algorithm -- hash_hmac_file(): Argument #1 ($algo) must be a valid cryptographic hashing algorithm -- Testing hash_hmac_file() function with bad path -- hash_hmac_file(): Argument #2 ($filename) must not contain any null bytes