--TEST-- Concurrent reload signals should not kill PHP-FPM master process. (Bug: #74083) --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- start(); $tester->expectLogStartNotices(); $tester->ping('{{ADDR}}'); /* Vary interval between concurrent reload requests since performance of test instance is not known in advance */ $max_interval = 25000; $step = 1000; $pid = $tester->getPid(); for ($interval = 0; $interval < $max_interval; $interval += $step) { exec("kill -USR2 $pid", $out, $killExitCode); if ($killExitCode) { echo "ERROR: master process is dead\n"; break; } usleep($interval); } echo "Reached interval $interval us with $step us steps\n"; $tester->expectLogNotice('Reloading in progress ...'); /* Consume mix of 'Reloading in progress ...' and 'reloading: .*' */ $tester->getLogLines(2000); $tester->signal('USR2'); $tester->expectLogNotice('Reloading in progress ...'); $tester->expectLogNotice('reloading: .*'); $tester->expectLogNotice('using inherited socket fd=\d+, "\d+"'); $tester->expectLogStartNotices(); $tester->ping('{{ADDR}}'); $tester->terminate(); $tester->expectLogTerminatingNotices(); $tester->close(); ?> Done --EXPECT-- Reached interval 25000 us with 1000 us steps Done --CLEAN--