/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP Version 7 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andrey Hristov | | Ulf Wendel | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #include "php.h" #include "mysqlnd.h" #include "mysqlnd_priv.h" #include "mysqlnd_debug.h" #include "mysqlnd_wireprotocol.h" #include "mysqlnd_statistics.h" #define MYSQLND_DEBUG_MEMORY 1 static const char mysqlnd_emalloc_name[] = "_mysqlnd_emalloc"; static const char mysqlnd_pemalloc_name[] = "_mysqlnd_pemalloc"; static const char mysqlnd_ecalloc_name[] = "_mysqlnd_ecalloc"; static const char mysqlnd_pecalloc_name[] = "_mysqlnd_pecalloc"; static const char mysqlnd_erealloc_name[] = "_mysqlnd_erealloc"; static const char mysqlnd_perealloc_name[] = "_mysqlnd_perealloc"; static const char mysqlnd_efree_name[] = "_mysqlnd_efree"; static const char mysqlnd_pefree_name[] = "_mysqlnd_pefree"; static const char mysqlnd_malloc_name[] = "_mysqlnd_malloc"; static const char mysqlnd_calloc_name[] = "_mysqlnd_calloc"; static const char mysqlnd_realloc_name[] = "_mysqlnd_realloc"; static const char mysqlnd_free_name[] = "_mysqlnd_free"; static const char mysqlnd_pememdup_name[] = "_mysqlnd_pememdup"; static const char mysqlnd_pestrndup_name[] = "_mysqlnd_pestrndup"; static const char mysqlnd_pestrdup_name[] = "_mysqlnd_pestrdup"; PHPAPI const char * mysqlnd_debug_std_no_trace_funcs[] = { mysqlnd_emalloc_name, mysqlnd_ecalloc_name, mysqlnd_efree_name, mysqlnd_erealloc_name, mysqlnd_pemalloc_name, mysqlnd_pecalloc_name, mysqlnd_pefree_name, mysqlnd_perealloc_name, mysqlnd_malloc_name, mysqlnd_calloc_name, mysqlnd_realloc_name, mysqlnd_free_name, mysqlnd_pestrndup_name, mysqlnd_read_header_name, mysqlnd_read_body_name, NULL /* must be always last */ }; #if MYSQLND_DEBUG_MEMORY #if ZEND_DEBUG #else #define __zend_orig_filename "/unknown/unknown" #define __zend_orig_lineno 0 #endif #define REAL_SIZE(s) (collect_memory_statistics? (s) + sizeof(size_t) : (s)) #define REAL_PTR(p) (collect_memory_statistics && (p)? (((char *)(p)) - sizeof(size_t)) : (p)) #define FAKE_PTR(p) (collect_memory_statistics && (p)? (((char *)(p)) + sizeof(size_t)) : (p)) /* {{{ _mysqlnd_emalloc */ static void * _mysqlnd_emalloc(size_t size MYSQLND_MEM_D) { void *ret; zend_bool collect_memory_statistics = MYSQLND_G(collect_memory_statistics); #if PHP_DEBUG zend_long * threshold = &MYSQLND_G(debug_emalloc_fail_threshold); TRACE_ALLOC_ENTER(mysqlnd_emalloc_name); { char * fn = strrchr(__zend_filename, PHP_DIR_SEPARATOR); TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("file=%-15s line=%4d", fn? fn + 1:__zend_filename, __zend_lineno); } if (*threshold == 0) { ret = NULL; } else { ret = emalloc_rel(REAL_SIZE(size)); --*threshold; } #else TRACE_ALLOC_ENTER(mysqlnd_emalloc_name); ret = emalloc_rel(REAL_SIZE(size)); #endif TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("size=%lu ptr=%p", size, ret); if (ret && collect_memory_statistics) { *(size_t *) ret = size; MYSQLND_INC_GLOBAL_STATISTIC_W_VALUE2(STAT_MEM_EMALLOC_COUNT, 1, STAT_MEM_EMALLOC_AMOUNT, size); } TRACE_ALLOC_RETURN(FAKE_PTR(ret)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ _mysqlnd_pemalloc */ static void * _mysqlnd_pemalloc(size_t size, zend_bool persistent MYSQLND_MEM_D) { void *ret; zend_bool collect_memory_statistics = MYSQLND_G(collect_memory_statistics); #if PHP_DEBUG zend_long * threshold = persistent? &MYSQLND_G(debug_malloc_fail_threshold):&MYSQLND_G(debug_emalloc_fail_threshold); TRACE_ALLOC_ENTER(mysqlnd_pemalloc_name); { char * fn = strrchr(__zend_filename, PHP_DIR_SEPARATOR); TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("file=%-15s line=%4d", fn? fn + 1:__zend_filename, __zend_lineno); } if (*threshold == 0) { ret = NULL; } else { ret = pemalloc_rel(REAL_SIZE(size), persistent); --*threshold; } #else TRACE_ALLOC_ENTER(mysqlnd_pemalloc_name); ret = pemalloc_rel(REAL_SIZE(size), persistent); #endif TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("size=%lu ptr=%p persistent=%u", size, ret, persistent); if (ret && collect_memory_statistics) { enum mysqlnd_collected_stats s1 = persistent? STAT_MEM_MALLOC_COUNT:STAT_MEM_EMALLOC_COUNT; enum mysqlnd_collected_stats s2 = persistent? STAT_MEM_MALLOC_AMOUNT:STAT_MEM_EMALLOC_AMOUNT; *(size_t *) ret = size; MYSQLND_INC_GLOBAL_STATISTIC_W_VALUE2(s1, 1, s2, size); } TRACE_ALLOC_RETURN(FAKE_PTR(ret)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ _mysqlnd_ecalloc */ static void * _mysqlnd_ecalloc(unsigned int nmemb, size_t size MYSQLND_MEM_D) { void *ret; zend_bool collect_memory_statistics = MYSQLND_G(collect_memory_statistics); #if PHP_DEBUG zend_long * threshold = &MYSQLND_G(debug_ecalloc_fail_threshold); TRACE_ALLOC_ENTER(mysqlnd_ecalloc_name); { char * fn = strrchr(__zend_filename, PHP_DIR_SEPARATOR); TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("file=%-15s line=%4d", fn? fn + 1:__zend_filename, __zend_lineno); } TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("before: %lu", zend_memory_usage(FALSE)); if (*threshold == 0) { ret = NULL; } else { ret = ecalloc_rel(nmemb, REAL_SIZE(size)); --*threshold; } #else TRACE_ALLOC_ENTER(mysqlnd_ecalloc_name); TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("before: %lu", zend_memory_usage(FALSE)); ret = ecalloc_rel(nmemb, REAL_SIZE(size)); #endif TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("after : %lu", zend_memory_usage(FALSE)); TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("size=%lu ptr=%p", size, ret); if (ret && collect_memory_statistics) { *(size_t *) ret = size; MYSQLND_INC_GLOBAL_STATISTIC_W_VALUE2(STAT_MEM_ECALLOC_COUNT, 1, STAT_MEM_ECALLOC_AMOUNT, size); } TRACE_ALLOC_RETURN(FAKE_PTR(ret)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ _mysqlnd_pecalloc */ static void * _mysqlnd_pecalloc(unsigned int nmemb, size_t size, zend_bool persistent MYSQLND_MEM_D) { void *ret; zend_bool collect_memory_statistics = MYSQLND_G(collect_memory_statistics); #if PHP_DEBUG zend_long * threshold = persistent? &MYSQLND_G(debug_calloc_fail_threshold):&MYSQLND_G(debug_ecalloc_fail_threshold); TRACE_ALLOC_ENTER(mysqlnd_pecalloc_name); { char * fn = strrchr(__zend_filename, PHP_DIR_SEPARATOR); TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("file=%-15s line=%4d", fn? fn + 1:__zend_filename, __zend_lineno); } if (*threshold == 0) { ret = NULL; } else { ret = pecalloc_rel(nmemb, REAL_SIZE(size), persistent); --*threshold; } #else TRACE_ALLOC_ENTER(mysqlnd_pecalloc_name); ret = pecalloc_rel(nmemb, REAL_SIZE(size), persistent); #endif TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("size=%lu ptr=%p", size, ret); if (ret && collect_memory_statistics) { enum mysqlnd_collected_stats s1 = persistent? STAT_MEM_CALLOC_COUNT:STAT_MEM_ECALLOC_COUNT; enum mysqlnd_collected_stats s2 = persistent? STAT_MEM_CALLOC_AMOUNT:STAT_MEM_ECALLOC_AMOUNT; *(size_t *) ret = size; MYSQLND_INC_GLOBAL_STATISTIC_W_VALUE2(s1, 1, s2, size); } TRACE_ALLOC_RETURN(FAKE_PTR(ret)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ _mysqlnd_erealloc */ static void * _mysqlnd_erealloc(void *ptr, size_t new_size MYSQLND_MEM_D) { void *ret; zend_bool collect_memory_statistics = MYSQLND_G(collect_memory_statistics); size_t old_size = collect_memory_statistics && ptr? *(size_t *) (((char*)ptr) - sizeof(size_t)) : 0; #if PHP_DEBUG zend_long * threshold = &MYSQLND_G(debug_erealloc_fail_threshold); TRACE_ALLOC_ENTER(mysqlnd_erealloc_name); { char * fn = strrchr(__zend_filename, PHP_DIR_SEPARATOR); TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("file=%-15s line=%4d", fn? fn + 1:__zend_filename, __zend_lineno); } TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("ptr=%p old_size=%lu, new_size=%lu", ptr, old_size, new_size); if (*threshold == 0) { ret = NULL; } else { ret = erealloc_rel(REAL_PTR(ptr), REAL_SIZE(new_size)); --*threshold; } #else TRACE_ALLOC_ENTER(mysqlnd_erealloc_name); TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("ptr=%p old_size=%lu, new_size=%lu", ptr, old_size, new_size); ret = erealloc_rel(REAL_PTR(ptr), REAL_SIZE(new_size)); #endif TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("new_ptr=%p", (char*)ret); if (ret && collect_memory_statistics) { *(size_t *) ret = new_size; MYSQLND_INC_GLOBAL_STATISTIC_W_VALUE2(STAT_MEM_EREALLOC_COUNT, 1, STAT_MEM_EREALLOC_AMOUNT, new_size); } TRACE_ALLOC_RETURN(FAKE_PTR(ret)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ _mysqlnd_perealloc */ static void * _mysqlnd_perealloc(void *ptr, size_t new_size, zend_bool persistent MYSQLND_MEM_D) { void *ret; zend_bool collect_memory_statistics = MYSQLND_G(collect_memory_statistics); size_t old_size = collect_memory_statistics && ptr? *(size_t *) (((char*)ptr) - sizeof(size_t)) : 0; #if PHP_DEBUG zend_long * threshold = persistent? &MYSQLND_G(debug_realloc_fail_threshold):&MYSQLND_G(debug_erealloc_fail_threshold); TRACE_ALLOC_ENTER(mysqlnd_perealloc_name); { char * fn = strrchr(__zend_filename, PHP_DIR_SEPARATOR); TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("file=%-15s line=%4d", fn? fn + 1:__zend_filename, __zend_lineno); } TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("ptr=%p old_size=%lu new_size=%lu persistent=%u", ptr, old_size, new_size, persistent); if (*threshold == 0) { ret = NULL; } else { ret = perealloc_rel(REAL_PTR(ptr), REAL_SIZE(new_size), persistent); --*threshold; } #else TRACE_ALLOC_ENTER(mysqlnd_perealloc_name); TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("ptr=%p old_size=%lu new_size=%lu persistent=%u", ptr, old_size, new_size, persistent); ret = perealloc_rel(REAL_PTR(ptr), REAL_SIZE(new_size), persistent); #endif TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("new_ptr=%p", (char*)ret); if (ret && collect_memory_statistics) { enum mysqlnd_collected_stats s1 = persistent? STAT_MEM_REALLOC_COUNT:STAT_MEM_EREALLOC_COUNT; enum mysqlnd_collected_stats s2 = persistent? STAT_MEM_REALLOC_AMOUNT:STAT_MEM_EREALLOC_AMOUNT; *(size_t *) ret = new_size; MYSQLND_INC_GLOBAL_STATISTIC_W_VALUE2(s1, 1, s2, new_size); } TRACE_ALLOC_RETURN(FAKE_PTR(ret)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ _mysqlnd_efree */ static void _mysqlnd_efree(void *ptr MYSQLND_MEM_D) { size_t free_amount = 0; zend_bool collect_memory_statistics = MYSQLND_G(collect_memory_statistics); TRACE_ALLOC_ENTER(mysqlnd_efree_name); #if PHP_DEBUG { char * fn = strrchr(__zend_filename, PHP_DIR_SEPARATOR); TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("file=%-15s line=%4d", fn? fn + 1:__zend_filename, __zend_lineno); } #endif TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("ptr=%p", ptr); if (ptr) { if (collect_memory_statistics) { free_amount = *(size_t *)(((char*)ptr) - sizeof(size_t)); TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("ptr=%p size=%u", ((char*)ptr) - sizeof(size_t), (unsigned int) free_amount); } efree_rel(REAL_PTR(ptr)); } if (collect_memory_statistics) { MYSQLND_INC_GLOBAL_STATISTIC_W_VALUE2(STAT_MEM_EFREE_COUNT, 1, STAT_MEM_EFREE_AMOUNT, free_amount); } TRACE_ALLOC_VOID_RETURN; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ _mysqlnd_pefree */ static void _mysqlnd_pefree(void *ptr, zend_bool persistent MYSQLND_MEM_D) { size_t free_amount = 0; zend_bool collect_memory_statistics = MYSQLND_G(collect_memory_statistics); TRACE_ALLOC_ENTER(mysqlnd_pefree_name); #if PHP_DEBUG { char * fn = strrchr(__zend_filename, PHP_DIR_SEPARATOR); TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("file=%-15s line=%4d", fn? fn + 1:__zend_filename, __zend_lineno); } #endif TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("ptr=%p persistent=%u", ptr, persistent); if (ptr) { if (collect_memory_statistics) { free_amount = *(size_t *)(((char*)ptr) - sizeof(size_t)); TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("ptr=%p size=%u", ((char*)ptr) - sizeof(size_t), (unsigned int) free_amount); } pefree_rel(REAL_PTR(ptr), persistent); } if (collect_memory_statistics) { MYSQLND_INC_GLOBAL_STATISTIC_W_VALUE2(persistent? STAT_MEM_FREE_COUNT:STAT_MEM_EFREE_COUNT, 1, persistent? STAT_MEM_FREE_AMOUNT:STAT_MEM_EFREE_AMOUNT, free_amount); } TRACE_ALLOC_VOID_RETURN; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ _mysqlnd_malloc */ static void * _mysqlnd_malloc(size_t size MYSQLND_MEM_D) { void *ret; zend_bool collect_memory_statistics = MYSQLND_G(collect_memory_statistics); #if PHP_DEBUG zend_long * threshold = &MYSQLND_G(debug_malloc_fail_threshold); TRACE_ALLOC_ENTER(mysqlnd_malloc_name); { char * fn = strrchr(__zend_filename, PHP_DIR_SEPARATOR); TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("file=%-15s line=%4d", fn? fn + 1:__zend_filename, __zend_lineno); } if (*threshold == 0) { ret = NULL; } else { ret = malloc(REAL_SIZE(size)); --*threshold; } #else TRACE_ALLOC_ENTER(mysqlnd_malloc_name); ret = malloc(REAL_SIZE(size)); #endif TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("size=%lu ptr=%p", size, ret); if (ret && collect_memory_statistics) { *(size_t *) ret = size; MYSQLND_INC_GLOBAL_STATISTIC_W_VALUE2(STAT_MEM_MALLOC_COUNT, 1, STAT_MEM_MALLOC_AMOUNT, size); } TRACE_ALLOC_RETURN(FAKE_PTR(ret)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ _mysqlnd_calloc */ static void * _mysqlnd_calloc(unsigned int nmemb, size_t size MYSQLND_MEM_D) { void *ret; zend_bool collect_memory_statistics = MYSQLND_G(collect_memory_statistics); #if PHP_DEBUG zend_long * threshold = &MYSQLND_G(debug_calloc_fail_threshold); TRACE_ALLOC_ENTER(mysqlnd_calloc_name); { char * fn = strrchr(__zend_filename, PHP_DIR_SEPARATOR); TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("file=%-15s line=%4d", fn? fn + 1:__zend_filename, __zend_lineno); } if (*threshold == 0) { ret = NULL; } else { ret = calloc(nmemb, REAL_SIZE(size)); --*threshold; } #else TRACE_ALLOC_ENTER(mysqlnd_calloc_name); ret = calloc(nmemb, REAL_SIZE(size)); #endif TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("size=%lu ptr=%p", size, ret); if (ret && collect_memory_statistics) { *(size_t *) ret = size; MYSQLND_INC_GLOBAL_STATISTIC_W_VALUE2(STAT_MEM_CALLOC_COUNT, 1, STAT_MEM_CALLOC_AMOUNT, size); } TRACE_ALLOC_RETURN(FAKE_PTR(ret)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ _mysqlnd_realloc */ static void * _mysqlnd_realloc(void *ptr, size_t new_size MYSQLND_MEM_D) { void *ret; zend_bool collect_memory_statistics = MYSQLND_G(collect_memory_statistics); #if PHP_DEBUG zend_long * threshold = &MYSQLND_G(debug_realloc_fail_threshold); TRACE_ALLOC_ENTER(mysqlnd_realloc_name); { char * fn = strrchr(__zend_filename, PHP_DIR_SEPARATOR); TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("file=%-15s line=%4d", fn? fn + 1:__zend_filename, __zend_lineno); } TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("ptr=%p new_size=%lu ", new_size, ptr); TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("before: %lu", zend_memory_usage(TRUE)); if (*threshold == 0) { ret = NULL; } else { ret = realloc(REAL_PTR(ptr), REAL_SIZE(new_size)); --*threshold; } #else TRACE_ALLOC_ENTER(mysqlnd_realloc_name); TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("ptr=%p new_size=%lu ", new_size, ptr); TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("before: %lu", zend_memory_usage(TRUE)); ret = realloc(REAL_PTR(ptr), REAL_SIZE(new_size)); #endif TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("new_ptr=%p", (char*)ret); if (ret && collect_memory_statistics) { *(size_t *) ret = new_size; MYSQLND_INC_GLOBAL_STATISTIC_W_VALUE2(STAT_MEM_REALLOC_COUNT, 1, STAT_MEM_REALLOC_AMOUNT, new_size); } TRACE_ALLOC_RETURN(FAKE_PTR(ret)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ _mysqlnd_free */ static void _mysqlnd_free(void *ptr MYSQLND_MEM_D) { size_t free_amount = 0; zend_bool collect_memory_statistics = MYSQLND_G(collect_memory_statistics); TRACE_ALLOC_ENTER(mysqlnd_free_name); #if PHP_DEBUG { char * fn = strrchr(__zend_filename, PHP_DIR_SEPARATOR); TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("file=%-15s line=%4d", fn? fn + 1:__zend_filename, __zend_lineno); } #endif TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("ptr=%p", ptr); if (ptr) { if (collect_memory_statistics) { free_amount = *(size_t *)(((char*)ptr) - sizeof(size_t)); TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("ptr=%p size=%u", ((char*)ptr) - sizeof(size_t), (unsigned int) free_amount); } free(REAL_PTR(ptr)); } if (collect_memory_statistics) { MYSQLND_INC_GLOBAL_STATISTIC_W_VALUE2(STAT_MEM_FREE_COUNT, 1, STAT_MEM_FREE_AMOUNT, free_amount); } TRACE_ALLOC_VOID_RETURN; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ _mysqlnd_pememdup */ static char * _mysqlnd_pememdup(const char * const ptr, size_t length, zend_bool persistent MYSQLND_MEM_D) { char * ret; zend_bool collect_memory_statistics = MYSQLND_G(collect_memory_statistics); TRACE_ALLOC_ENTER(mysqlnd_pememdup_name); #if PHP_DEBUG { char * fn = strrchr(__zend_filename, PHP_DIR_SEPARATOR); TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("file=%-15s line=%4d", fn? fn + 1:__zend_filename, __zend_lineno); } #endif TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("ptr=%p", ptr); ret = pemalloc_rel(REAL_SIZE(length + 1), persistent); { char * dest = (char *) FAKE_PTR(ret); memcpy(dest, ptr, length); } if (collect_memory_statistics) { *(size_t *) ret = length; MYSQLND_INC_GLOBAL_STATISTIC(persistent? STAT_MEM_DUP_COUNT : STAT_MEM_EDUP_COUNT); } TRACE_ALLOC_RETURN(FAKE_PTR(ret)); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ _mysqlnd_pestrndup */ static char * _mysqlnd_pestrndup(const char * const ptr, size_t length, zend_bool persistent MYSQLND_MEM_D) { char * ret; zend_bool collect_memory_statistics = MYSQLND_G(collect_memory_statistics); TRACE_ALLOC_ENTER(mysqlnd_pestrndup_name); #if PHP_DEBUG { char * fn = strrchr(__zend_filename, PHP_DIR_SEPARATOR); TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("file=%-15s line=%4d", fn? fn + 1:__zend_filename, __zend_lineno); } #endif TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("ptr=%p", ptr); ret = pemalloc_rel(REAL_SIZE(length + 1), persistent); { size_t l = length; char * p = (char *) ptr; char * dest = (char *) FAKE_PTR(ret); while (*p && l--) { *dest++ = *p++; } *dest = '\0'; } if (collect_memory_statistics) { *(size_t *) ret = length; MYSQLND_INC_GLOBAL_STATISTIC(persistent? STAT_MEM_STRNDUP_COUNT : STAT_MEM_ESTRNDUP_COUNT); } TRACE_ALLOC_RETURN(FAKE_PTR(ret)); } /* }}} */ #define SMART_STR_START_SIZE 2048 #define SMART_STR_PREALLOC 512 #include "zend_smart_str.h" /* {{{ _mysqlnd_pestrdup */ static char * _mysqlnd_pestrdup(const char * const ptr, zend_bool persistent MYSQLND_MEM_D) { char * ret; smart_str tmp_str = {0, 0}; const char * p = ptr; zend_bool collect_memory_statistics = MYSQLND_G(collect_memory_statistics); TRACE_ALLOC_ENTER(mysqlnd_pestrdup_name); #if PHP_DEBUG { char * fn = strrchr(__zend_filename, PHP_DIR_SEPARATOR); TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("file=%-15s line=%4d", fn? fn + 1:__zend_filename, __zend_lineno); } #endif TRACE_ALLOC_INF_FMT("ptr=%p", ptr); do { smart_str_appendc(&tmp_str, *p); } while (*p++); ret = pemalloc_rel(ZSTR_LEN(tmp_str.s) + sizeof(size_t), persistent); memcpy(FAKE_PTR(ret), ZSTR_VAL(tmp_str.s), ZSTR_LEN(tmp_str.s)); if (ret && collect_memory_statistics) { *(size_t *) ret = ZSTR_LEN(tmp_str.s); MYSQLND_INC_GLOBAL_STATISTIC(persistent? STAT_MEM_STRDUP_COUNT : STAT_MEM_ESTRDUP_COUNT); } smart_str_free(&tmp_str); TRACE_ALLOC_RETURN(FAKE_PTR(ret)); } /* }}} */ #endif /* MYSQLND_DEBUG_MEMORY */ /* {{{ _mysqlnd_sprintf_free */ static void _mysqlnd_sprintf_free(char * p) { efree(p); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ _mysqlnd_sprintf */ static int _mysqlnd_sprintf(char ** pbuf, size_t max_len, const char *format, ...) { int len; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); len = vspprintf(pbuf, max_len, format, ap); va_end(ap); return len; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ _mysqlnd_vsprintf */ static int _mysqlnd_vsprintf(char ** pbuf, size_t max_len, const char * format, va_list ap) { return vspprintf(pbuf, max_len, format, ap); } /* }}} */ #if MYSQLND_DEBUG_MEMORY == 0 /* {{{ mysqlnd_zend_mm_emalloc */ static void * mysqlnd_zend_mm_emalloc(size_t size MYSQLND_MEM_D) { return emalloc_rel(size); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ mysqlnd_zend_mm_pemalloc */ static void * mysqlnd_zend_mm_pemalloc(size_t size, zend_bool persistent MYSQLND_MEM_D) { return pemalloc_rel(size, persistent); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ mysqlnd_zend_mm_ecalloc */ static void * mysqlnd_zend_mm_ecalloc(unsigned int nmemb, size_t size MYSQLND_MEM_D) { return ecalloc_rel(nmemb, size); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ mysqlnd_zend_mm_pecalloc */ static void * mysqlnd_zend_mm_pecalloc(unsigned int nmemb, size_t size, zend_bool persistent MYSQLND_MEM_D) { return pecalloc_rel(nmemb, size, persistent); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ mysqlnd_zend_mm_erealloc */ static void * mysqlnd_zend_mm_erealloc(void *ptr, size_t new_size MYSQLND_MEM_D) { return erealloc_rel(ptr, new_size); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ mysqlnd_zend_mm_perealloc */ static void * mysqlnd_zend_mm_perealloc(void *ptr, size_t new_size, zend_bool persistent MYSQLND_MEM_D) { return perealloc_rel(ptr, new_size, persistent); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ mysqlnd_zend_mm_efree */ static void mysqlnd_zend_mm_efree(void * ptr MYSQLND_MEM_D) { efree_rel(ptr); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ mysqlnd_zend_mm_pefree */ static void mysqlnd_zend_mm_pefree(void * ptr, zend_bool persistent MYSQLND_MEM_D) { pefree_rel(ptr, persistent); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ mysqlnd_zend_mm_malloc */ static void * mysqlnd_zend_mm_malloc(size_t size MYSQLND_MEM_D) { return malloc(size); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ mysqlnd_zend_mm_calloc */ static void * mysqlnd_zend_mm_calloc(unsigned int nmemb, size_t size MYSQLND_MEM_D) { return calloc(nmemb, size); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ mysqlnd_zend_mm_realloc */ static void * mysqlnd_zend_mm_realloc(void * ptr, size_t new_size MYSQLND_MEM_D) { return realloc(ptr, new_size); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ mysqlnd_zend_mm_free */ static void mysqlnd_zend_mm_free(void * ptr MYSQLND_MEM_D) { free(ptr); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ mysqlnd_zend_mm_pememdup */ static char * mysqlnd_zend_mm_pememdup(const char * const ptr, size_t length, zend_bool persistent MYSQLND_MEM_D) { char * dest = pemalloc_rel(length, persistent); if (dest) { memcpy(dest, ptr, length); } return dest; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ mysqlnd_zend_mm_pestrndup */ static char * mysqlnd_zend_mm_pestrndup(const char * const ptr, size_t length, zend_bool persistent MYSQLND_MEM_D) { return persistent? zend_strndup(ptr, length ) : estrndup_rel(ptr, length); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ mysqlnd_zend_mm_pestrdup */ static char * mysqlnd_zend_mm_pestrdup(const char * const ptr, zend_bool persistent MYSQLND_MEM_D) { return pestrdup_rel(ptr, persistent); } /* }}} */ #endif PHPAPI struct st_mysqlnd_allocator_methods mysqlnd_allocator = { #if MYSQLND_DEBUG_MEMORY == 1 _mysqlnd_emalloc, _mysqlnd_pemalloc, _mysqlnd_ecalloc, _mysqlnd_pecalloc, _mysqlnd_erealloc, _mysqlnd_perealloc, _mysqlnd_efree, _mysqlnd_pefree, _mysqlnd_malloc, _mysqlnd_calloc, _mysqlnd_realloc, _mysqlnd_free, _mysqlnd_pememdup, _mysqlnd_pestrndup, _mysqlnd_pestrdup, _mysqlnd_sprintf, _mysqlnd_vsprintf, _mysqlnd_sprintf_free #else mysqlnd_zend_mm_emalloc, mysqlnd_zend_mm_pemalloc, mysqlnd_zend_mm_ecalloc, mysqlnd_zend_mm_pecalloc, mysqlnd_zend_mm_erealloc, mysqlnd_zend_mm_perealloc, mysqlnd_zend_mm_efree, mysqlnd_zend_mm_pefree, mysqlnd_zend_mm_malloc, mysqlnd_zend_mm_calloc, mysqlnd_zend_mm_realloc, mysqlnd_zend_mm_free, mysqlnd_zend_mm_pememdup, mysqlnd_zend_mm_pestrndup, mysqlnd_zend_mm_pestrdup, _mysqlnd_sprintf, _mysqlnd_vsprintf, _mysqlnd_sprintf_free, #endif };