--TEST-- Test var_export() function with integer values --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- '0', '1' => '1', '-1' => '-1', '-2147483648' => '-2147483648', // max negative integer value '-2147483647' => '-2147483647', '2147483647' => 2147483647, // max positive integer value '2147483640' => 2147483640, '0x123B' => 0x123B, // integer as hexadecimal "'0x12ab'" => '0x12ab', "'0Xfff'" => '0Xfff', "'0XFA'" => '0XFA', "-0x80000000" => -0x7FFFFFFF - 1, // max negative integer as hexadecimal "'0x7fffffff'" => '0x7fffffff', // max positive integer as hexadecimal "0x7FFFFFFF" => 0x7FFFFFFF, // max positive integer as hexadecimal "'0123'" => '0123', // integer as octal "01912" => 01, // should be quivalent to octal 1 "-020000000000" => -017777777777 - 1, // max negative integer as octal "017777777777" => 017777777777, // max positive integer as octal ); /* Loop to check for above integer values with var_export() */ echo "\n*** Output for integer values ***\n"; foreach($valid_ints as $key => $int_value) { echo "\n-- Iteration: $key --\n"; var_export( $int_value ); echo "\n"; var_export( $int_value, FALSE); echo "\n"; var_dump( var_export( $int_value, TRUE) ); } ?> ===DONE=== --EXPECT-- *** Testing var_export() with integer values *** *** Output for integer values *** -- Iteration: 0 -- '0' '0' string(3) "'0'" -- Iteration: 1 -- '1' '1' string(3) "'1'" -- Iteration: -1 -- '-1' '-1' string(4) "'-1'" -- Iteration: -2147483648 -- '-2147483648' '-2147483648' string(13) "'-2147483648'" -- Iteration: -2147483647 -- '-2147483647' '-2147483647' string(13) "'-2147483647'" -- Iteration: 2147483647 -- 2147483647 2147483647 string(10) "2147483647" -- Iteration: 2147483640 -- 2147483640 2147483640 string(10) "2147483640" -- Iteration: 0x123B -- 4667 4667 string(4) "4667" -- Iteration: '0x12ab' -- '0x12ab' '0x12ab' string(8) "'0x12ab'" -- Iteration: '0Xfff' -- '0Xfff' '0Xfff' string(7) "'0Xfff'" -- Iteration: '0XFA' -- '0XFA' '0XFA' string(6) "'0XFA'" -- Iteration: -0x80000000 -- -2147483648 -2147483648 string(11) "-2147483648" -- Iteration: '0x7fffffff' -- '0x7fffffff' '0x7fffffff' string(12) "'0x7fffffff'" -- Iteration: 0x7FFFFFFF -- 2147483647 2147483647 string(10) "2147483647" -- Iteration: '0123' -- '0123' '0123' string(6) "'0123'" -- Iteration: 01912 -- 1 1 string(1) "1" -- Iteration: -020000000000 -- -2147483648 -2147483648 string(11) "-2147483648" -- Iteration: 017777777777 -- 2147483647 2147483647 string(10) "2147483647" ===DONE===