--TEST-- openssl_encrypt() with GCM cipher algorithm tests --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- $test) { echo "TEST $idx\n"; $ct = openssl_encrypt($test['pt'], $method, $test['key'], OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $test['iv'], $tag, $test['aad'], strlen($test['tag'])); var_dump($test['ct'] === $ct); var_dump($test['tag'] === $tag); } // Empty IV error var_dump(openssl_encrypt('data', $method, 'password', 0, NULL, $tag, '')); // Failing to retrieve tag (max is 16 bytes) var_dump(openssl_encrypt('data', $method, 'password', 0, str_repeat('x', 32), $tag, '', 20)); // Failing when no tag supplied var_dump(openssl_encrypt('data', $method, 'password', 0, str_repeat('x', 32))); ?> --EXPECTF-- TEST 0 bool(true) bool(true) TEST 1 bool(true) bool(true) TEST 2 bool(true) bool(true) TEST 3 bool(true) bool(true) TEST 4 bool(true) bool(true) TEST 5 bool(true) bool(true) Warning: openssl_encrypt(): Setting of IV length for AEAD mode failed in %s on line %d bool(false) Warning: openssl_encrypt(): Retrieving verification tag failed in %s on line %d bool(false) Warning: openssl_encrypt(): A tag should be provided when using AEAD mode in %s on line %d bool(false)