--TEST-- SPL: DirectoryIterator and seek --FILE-- seek(2); $n = 0; while ($di->valid()) { $n++; $di->next(); } echo "With seek(2) we get $n\n"; $di->seek(0); $m = 0; while ($di->valid()) { $m++; $di->next(); } echo "With seek(0) we get $m\n"; $o = 0; $di->rewind(); while ($di->valid()) { $o++; $di->next(); } echo "Without seek we get $o\n"; try { $p = 0; $di->seek($o+1); $p = 1; } catch (\OutOfBoundsException $ex) { echo $ex->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; } var_dump($n !== $m, $m === $o, $p === 0); ?> ===DONE=== --EXPECTF-- With seek(2) we get %d With seek(0) we get %d Without seek we get %d Seek position %d is out of range bool(true) bool(true) bool(true) ===DONE===