--TEST-- Test mb_strripos() function : usage variations - Pass different integers as $offset argument --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- --EXPECTF-- *** Testing mb_strripos() : usage variations *** **-- Offset is: -10 --** -- ASCII String -- int(9) --Multibyte String -- int(9) **-- Offset is: 0 --** -- ASCII String -- int(20) --Multibyte String -- int(20) **-- Offset is: 10 --** -- ASCII String -- int(20) --Multibyte String -- int(20) **-- Offset is: 20 --** -- ASCII String -- int(20) --Multibyte String -- int(20) **-- Offset is: 30 --** -- ASCII String -- Warning: mb_strripos(): Offset is greater than the length of haystack string in %s on line %d bool(false) --Multibyte String -- Warning: mb_strripos(): Offset is greater than the length of haystack string in %s on line %d bool(false) **-- Offset is: 40 --** -- ASCII String -- Warning: mb_strripos(): Offset is greater than the length of haystack string in %s on line %d bool(false) --Multibyte String -- Warning: mb_strripos(): Offset is greater than the length of haystack string in %s on line %d bool(false) **-- Offset is: 50 --** -- ASCII String -- Warning: mb_strripos(): Offset is greater than the length of haystack string in %s on line %d bool(false) --Multibyte String -- Warning: mb_strripos(): Offset is greater than the length of haystack string in %s on line %d bool(false) **-- Offset is: 60 --** -- ASCII String -- Warning: mb_strripos(): Offset is greater than the length of haystack string in %s on line %d bool(false) --Multibyte String -- Warning: mb_strripos(): Offset is greater than the length of haystack string in %s on line %d bool(false) Done