--TEST-- Test mcrypt_ecb() function : basic functionality --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- ===DONE=== --EXPECTF-- --- testing different key lengths key length=8 Warning: mcrypt_encrypt(): Key of size 8 not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of size 24 supported in %s on line %d string(0) "" key length=20 Warning: mcrypt_encrypt(): Key of size 20 not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of size 24 supported in %s on line %d string(0) "" key length=24 string(112) "923eedcb20e18e3efa466a6ca1b842b34e6ac46aa3690ef739d0d68a26eb64e1a6ad42e7d18312ae8a57ab927e1dc892e5ff56c061864f27" key length=26 Warning: mcrypt_encrypt(): Key of size 26 not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of size 24 supported in %s on line %d string(0) "" --- testing different iv lengths iv length=4 string(112) "440a6f54601969b15e81df09cd381ef585fede5f3620587fd1a949c520aed9f6d10ebbabf2cea3e1f04c9251c2878c0ca37d51c80d490165" iv length=8 string(112) "440a6f54601969b15e81df09cd381ef585fede5f3620587fd1a949c520aed9f6d10ebbabf2cea3e1f04c9251c2878c0ca37d51c80d490165" iv length=9 string(112) "440a6f54601969b15e81df09cd381ef585fede5f3620587fd1a949c520aed9f6d10ebbabf2cea3e1f04c9251c2878c0ca37d51c80d490165" ===DONE===