--TEST-- libxml_set_streams_context() --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- array('some_opt' => 'aaa'))) ); foreach ($ctxs as $ctx) { var_dump(libxml_set_streams_context($ctx)); $dom = new DOMDocument(); var_dump($dom->load(dirname(__FILE__).'/test.xml')); } echo "Done\n"; ?> --EXPECTF-- Warning: stream_context_create(): options should have the form ["wrappername"]["optionname"] = $value in %s004.php on line %d Warning: libxml_set_streams_context() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in %s004.php on line %d NULL bool(true) Warning: libxml_set_streams_context() expects parameter 1 to be resource, string given in %s004.php on line %d NULL bool(true) Warning: libxml_set_streams_context() expects parameter 1 to be resource, integer given in %s004.php on line %d NULL bool(true) Warning: libxml_set_streams_context() expects parameter 1 to be resource, object given in %s004.php on line %d NULL bool(true) Warning: libxml_set_streams_context() expects parameter 1 to be resource, array given in %s004.php on line %d NULL bool(true) NULL bool(true) NULL bool(true) NULL bool(true) Done