Lines Matching refs:now
37 . FilesystemIterator, GlobIterator and (Recursive)DirectoryIterator now use
71 timezone, "UTC" is now used instead. (Derick)
74 . ext/mysql, mysqli and pdo_mysql now use mysqlnd by default. (Johannes)
180 - autoconf 2.59+ is now supported (and required) for generating the
210 - <?= is now always available regardless of the short_open_tag setting (Rasmus)
270 . Simplified string offset reading. $str[1][0] is now a legal construct.
277 . ZEND_RECV now always has IS_CV as its result.
278 . ZEND_CATCH now has to be used only with constant class names.
325 . scandir() now accepts SCANDIR_SORT_NONE as a possible sorting_order value.
404 . Way of representing OID value can now be changed when SNMP_VALUE_OBJECT
923 . Fixed bug #53777 (php-fpm log format now match php_error log format). (fat)
925 . Fixed bug #53434 (php-fpm slowlog now also logs the original request). (fat)
1014 . Paths with NULL in them (foo\0bar.txt) are now considered as invalid.
1031 . Added a 3rd parameter to get_html_translation_table. It now takes a charset
1082 #185591) to other encodings. Additionaly, html_entity_decode() now doesn't