Lines Matching refs:name
1 name: Preview PR
9 if: "github.repository_owner == 'php' && == 'Status: Preview Allowed'"
40 name: "Visual Tests"
43 if: "github.repository_owner == 'php' && == 'Status: Preview Allowed'"
66 - name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }}
71 - name: "Set up problem matchers for PHP"
74 - name: "Set up problem matchers for phpunit/phpunit"
77 - name: "Determine composer cache directory"
80 - name: "Cache dependencies installed with composer"
87 - name: "Install dependencies with composer"
90 - name: "Install dependencies"
93 - name: "Install Playwright"
96 - name: "Run visual tests"
102 name: playwright-report