Lines Matching refs:line
2 Test fgetcsv() : usage variations - with line without any csv fields
5 /* Testing fgetcsv() to read a line from a file which doesn't have any CSV field */
7 echo "*** Testing fgetcsv() : reading the line which is without csv fields ***\n";
30 // write line of text
31 fwrite($file_handle, "This is line of text without csv fields\n");
46 // read the line which is without csv fields, provide delimiter and see the working of fgetcsv
62 *** Testing fgetcsv() : reading the line which is without csv fields ***
67 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
75 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
83 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
91 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
99 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
107 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
115 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
123 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
131 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
139 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
147 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
155 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
163 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
171 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
179 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"