Lines Matching refs:name

112 # the entries start here with object name
208 # 2-byte length N, the N-char name of the game file *without* a NUL (darn!),
307 # display information like mime type and file name extension of Algol 68 source text
308 0 name algol_68 Algol 68 source text
465 # display information like volume name of root block on Amiga (floppy) disk
466 0 name adf-rootblock
479 # name_len; volume name length; diskname[30]; volume name
511 # but according to Wikipedia variants with long name support
512 #>>3 ubyte 6 long name DOS disk
513 #>>3 ubyte 7 long name FFS disk
609 >38 string >0 \b, name: %s
646 # look for tar archive block by ./archive for package name manifest
724 0 name PIT-entry
727 # skip empty partition name
729 # partition name
1834 0 name bik
2487 0 name apple-driver-map
2510 0 name apple-apm
2517 >>16 string >0 \b, name %s
2557 0 name appleworks
2620 0 name apt-cache-64bit-be
2626 0 name apt-cache-32bit-be
2632 0 name apt-cache-be
2691 # check for 1st image main name with digits used for sorting
2692 # and for name extension case insensitive like: PNG JPG JPEG TIF TIFF GIF BMP
2696 # if 1st member name without digits and without used image suffix then it is a TAR archive
2701 0 name tar-file
2767 # name[100]
2800 # owner user name null terminated
2802 # group name null terminated
2823 0 name tar-cbt
2829 # name[100] probably like: 19.jpg 0001.png 0002.png
2912 # a portable archive whose first member has a name beginning with
2934 # 2nd archive name=control archive name like control.tar.gz or control.tar.xz
2936 # look for 3rd archive name=data archive name like data.tar.{gz,xz,bz2,lzma}
2941 # skip space (0x20 BSD) and slash (0x2f System V) character marking end of name
2944 # display 3rd character of file name extension like 2 of bz2 or m of lzma
2948 # display 4th character of file name extension like a of lzma
2953 # NL terminated ASCII package name like ckermit
2971 # a portable archive whose first member has a name beginning with
3001 # first member with long marked name __.SYMDEF SORTED implies BSD library
3176 0 name ttcomp
3227 # skip samples with invalid disk name length like:
3232 0 name dc42-floppy
3233 # disk name length; maximal 63
3235 # ASCII image pascal (maximal 63 bytes) name padded with NULs like:
3307 # 1-9 bytes: null-terminated file name
3387 >>9 string >\0 \b, %-.1s is last character of original name
3399 # name of compressed archive member like: setup.dl_ _setup7int.dl_ _setup2k.dl_ _igdi.dl_ cabinet.d…
3401 # name of uncompressed archive member like: setup.dll _Setup.dll IGdi.dll CABINET.DLL
3440 # probably original file name with directory like: \OS2\unpack.exe \SYSTEM\8514.DRV MAHJONGG.EXE
3729 0 name arj-archive
3734 # file name extension is normally .arj but not for parts of multi volume
3739 # for multi volume first name is archive.arj then following parts archive.a01 archive.a02 ...
3742 # for SFX first name is archive.exe then following parts archive.e01 archive.e02 ...
3776 # ALTNAME_FLAG; indicates dual-name archive
3777 >8 byte &0x80 \b, dual-name
3810 >34 byte x \b, original name:
3872 0 name lharc-file
3884 # display archive type name like "LHa/LZS archive data" or "LArc archive"
3892 # display archive type name like "LHa (2.x) archive data"
3896 # LHice archiver use ".ICE" as name extension instead usual one ".lzh"
3897 # FOOBAR archiver use ".foo" as name extension instead usual one
3913 # lha archives with standard file name extensions ".lha" ".lzh"
3927 0 name lharc-header
4028 0 name rar-file-header
4039 0 name rar-archive-header
4096 # Check for have 8-byte name, 0-byte extra field, name "mimetype", and
4788 0 name aria
4823 # display name+variables+flags for common object formatted files
4832 # display name+variables+flags for common object formatted files
4841 # display name+variables+flags for common object formatted files
4850 # display name+variables+flags for common object formatted files
4859 0 name asf-name
4904 >>40 use asf-name
4970 0 name asf-object
4971 >0 use asf-name
5300 # added name,author,(c) and new RSID type by <> 2003-06-24
5308 >0x16 string >\0 name: "%s"
5317 >0x16 string >\0 name: "%s"
6117 0 name nintendo-wii-brstm-fields
6145 0 name nintendo-3ds-bcstm-fields
6187 0 name nintendo-3ds-bcwav-fields
6352 # router model name like "4040" , "6490 Cable (lgi)" followed by " CONFIGURATION EXPORT"
6365 # on 10th line cfg file name like: /var/tmp.cfg
6514 >0x0c lelong x \b, sequence name column: %d
7283 # 2 chars for name of subunits like ft FT in IN mu m mm '\0 '\040
7285 # 2 chars for name of master unit like IN in ML SU tn th TH HU mm "\0 "\040 \0\0
7337 0 name ingr-image
7704 0 name mach-o \b [
8117 # display name+variables+flags of Common Object Files Format (32bit)
8120 0 name display-coff
8193 # first section name s_name[8] like: .text .data .debug$S .drectve .testseg
8194 >>>>>20 string x \b, 1st section name "%.8s"
8451 # no FNAME and FCOMMENT bit implies no file name/comment. That means only binary
8492 # FNAME/FCOMMENT bit implies file name/comment as iso-8859-1 text
8507 0 name gzip-info
8581 >4 string x original name %s
8583 >2 string x original name %s
8585 >2 string x original name %s
8712 0 name zstd-dictionary-id
8837 0 name nes-rom-image-ines
8900 0 name nintendo-fds-disk-info-block
9021 0 name sega-mega-drive-header
9111 0 name sega-genesis-smd-header
9138 0 name sega-master-system-rom-header
9203 0 name sega-saturn-disc-header
9229 0 name sega-dreamcast-disc-header
9410 0 name xbox-360-xex-execution-id
9417 0 name xbox-360-xex-region-code
9454 0 name xbox-360-package
9652 0 name nintendo-gcn-disc-common
9802 0 name nintendo-3ds-version-code
10138 # default name: default.profraw
10226 0 name cups-le
10463 # skip PIC15736.PCX by test for language driver name or field name
10524 # 2nd tag name
10528 0 name xbase-type
10646 0 name xbase-date
10721 0 name dbase3-memo-print
10740 0 name dbase4-memo-print
10744 # 8 character shorted main name of corresponding dBASE IV DBF file
10767 0 name dbase4-memofield-print
10779 0 name foxpro-memo-print
10818 0 name xbase-index
10878 # by looking for valid printer driver name extension
10882 0 name xbase-prf dBase Printer Form
10887 # MAYBE flag like: 1~with output file name 0~not
10889 # optional printer text output file name like E:\DBASE\IV\T6.txt
10893 # dBASE IV printer driver name like: Generic.PR2 ASCII.PR2
10895 # 2 is probably last character of previous dBASE printer driver name
11068 # length of Panorama database name
11070 # look after database name for "some" null bits
11077 # database name
11191 0 name certinfo
11365 >>>>&0 ubyte !0x22 \b, generator or table name
11570 0 name new-dump-be
11589 0 name old-dump-be
11608 0 name ufs2-dump-be
11758 0 name vimnanoswap
11814 0 name elf-mips
11827 0 name elf-sparc
11836 0 name elf-pa-risc
11842 0 name elf-riscv
11850 0 name elf-le
12196 #
12371 0 name partid
12964 # skip name "C.H. Hochstaetter" partly because it is sometimes written without umlaut
13389 # It just looks for a program file name at the root directory
13434 0 name DOS-filename
13461 0 name 2xDOS-filename
13470 0 name partition-table
13478 0 name partition-entry-test
13488 0 name partition-entry
13505 0 name partition-chs
13942 # check for characteristics of second NTFS sector and then display loader name
13943 0 name ntfs-sector2
13950 # check for 7 character length of loader name like BOOTMGR
13983 >&-696 string >\0 volume name %s,
14003 >&-696 string >\0 volume name %s,
14043 >&-696 string >\0 volume name %s,
14063 >&-696 string >\0 volume name %s,
14084 >0x50 string x name %s,
14120 >0x478 string >0 \b, volume name "%s"
14148 >0x147c lestring16 x \b, volume name "%s"
14352 0 name cdrom
14536 0 name squashfs
14600 >>>49 string >\0 original name '%s',
14792 0 name SaveDskF
14888 0 name tc-floppy
14963 >>>>>>>0 regex [[:print:]]* NEC PC-88 disk image, name=%s
14993 0 name next
15009 0 name bcachefs-uuid
15049 >1088 string >0 \b, name=%s
15084 0 name swf-details
15197 # often followed by colon (3Ah) and space (20h) and font name like: DarkGardenMK LetterGothic
15200 # some times instead of colon %%CreationDate: and "font name" later
15202 # font name directive followed by def like: c0633bt_.pfb
15204 # show font name in parentheses like: Frankfurt Lithos CharterBT-BoldItalic Courier10PitchBT-Bold
15210 # font name like: Times-Mirror
15219 # font name like: CaslonOpenFace FetteFraktur Kaufmann Linotext MesozoicGothic Old-Town
15225 # font name like: Playbill
15263 # Windows font name
15375 # skip MS oem.hlp, some Windows ICO ./msdos by looking for valid long name like WYE
15380 0 name gdos-font
15385 # font name like Big&Tall, Celtic #s, Courier, University Bold, WYE
15442 0 name sfnt-font
15466 # DSIG=44454947h table name implies a digitally signed font
15476 # search and display 1st name in sfnt font which is often copyright text
15478 0 name sfnt-names
15480 >12 search/432/s name
15484 # offset of name table
15485 >>>&-4 ubelong x \b, name offset %#x
15486 # GRR: pointer to name table only works if offset ~< FILE_BYTES_MAX = 100000h defined in src\file.h
15489 # name table
15493 # minimal 3 name records found like in c:\Program Files (x86)\Tesseract-OCR\tessdata\pdf.ttf
15494 # maximal 1227 name records found like in Apple Chancery.ttf
15500 # 1st name record
15505 # minimal name string 7 like in c:\Program Files (x86)\Kodi\addons\webinterface.default\lib\video-j…
15508 # maximal name string 806 like in c:\Windows\Fonts\palabi.ttf
15517 # name identifiers
15524 # handle only name string offset 0 because do not know how to add 2 relative offsets
15594 0 name woff
15745 # comment starting with # shows the name+version number of generating program
16060 # virus/danger name
16107 >0 string x , name=%s
16123 # look for null terminator of 1st entry name
16139 0 name pak-entry
16146 # 56 byte null-terminated entry name string includes path like maps/e1m1.bsp
16649 # <tag> <filename> <size> <hash-name> <hash-value>...
16651 0 name gentoo-manifest
16685 # determine the compression used by looking at the second member name
16837 >4 string >\0 \b, name "%s"
16970 >>>&2 ubelong 0xFFFFFFFF \b, name NULL
16972 >>>>&-4 ubelong >255 \b, name too long for file's pstring type
16974 >>>>>&-1 pstring x \b, name "%s"
17033 #0 name gettext-object
17095 # translation 0 seems to be often Project-Id with name and version
17360 ##0 name gpt-mbr-partition
17388 0 name gpt-mbr-type
17415 0 name gpt-table
17574 # use big endian variant of subroutine to display name+variables+flags
17583 # display name+variables+flags for common object formatted files
17884 # CORE_EXEC, which contains the name of the command
18155 0 name color-profile
18483 0 name tga-image
18607 0 name netpbm
18748 0 name tiff_ifd
18752 0 name tiff_entry
18813 >>(8.l) string x \b, name=%s
18906 0 name png-ihdr
19040 # display XFIG image describing text, mime type, file name extension and version
19041 0 name image-xfig
19181 0 name bitmap-vbm
19224 0 name bitmap-bmp
19484 0 name os2-ptr
19581 0 name xpm-image
19701 # Note: "dcm" is the official file name extension
19702 # XnView mention also "dc3" and "acr" as file name extension
19745 # comment or windows name
19965 0 name degas-bitmap
20214 0 name gem_info
20271 # Yes, use a name/use
20474 0 name dpx_info
20668 # directory or full name of corresponding imaginfo.pe3 like: "T:\SAMPLES\TEXTURES\SKY_SNOW\IIOE371.…
20673 # full name of corresponding imaginfo.pe3 like: "\\Lionking\upi\SAMPLES\IMAGES\ANIMALS\imaginfo.pe3"
20704 0 name ulead-imaginfo
20737 # image name extension like: bmp jpg pcd tpl
20982 0 name ms-directdraw-dx10
21161 0 name ms-directdraw-surface
21276 0 name sega-pvr-image-header
21320 0 name sega-gvr-image-header
21393 0 name khronos-ktx-glEnum
21452 0 name khronos-ktx-endian-header
21475 0 name khronos-ktx2-supercompression
21482 0 name khronos-ktx2-vkFormat
21751 0 name vtf-image-format
21861 0 name pvr3-pixel-format
21958 0 name xbox-xpr-pixel-format
22045 0 name quicktake
22222 0 name godot-pixel-format
22265 0 name godot-rescale-display-w
22289 0 name godot-rescale-display-h
22414 # use subroutine to display name+flags+variables for common object formatted files
22424 # by test for valid starting character (often point 0x2E) of 1st section name
22446 0 name rom-x86
22490 # file name file size calculated size remark
22650 0 name acpi-table
22971 0 name jpeg
22998 0 name jpeg_segment
23263 # if the description is [[${name}=%s]], then nothing is
23265 # can refer to ${name}
23272 0 name keytab_entry
23506 # skip DEGAS MUNCHIE.PC1 BOARD.PC1 ENEMIES.PC1 by test for ASCII like volume name
23509 0 name lif-file
23533 # lif first file name for standard directory; 0xffff... means uninitialized
23621 0 name linux-swap
23648 0 name linux-hibernate
23845 # System ID, UUID and volume group name are 128 bytes long
23862 0 name lvm2
23906 >20 search/256 (name
23907 >>&1 string x (name %s)
23912 #>2 regex \(name\ [^)]*\) %s
23913 >20 search/256 (name (name
23984 0 name linuxraid
23989 >32 string x name=%s
24254 0 name luks-v1
24255 # cipher-name like: aes twofish
24305 0 name luks-v2
24337 0 name luks-slot
24380 0 name mach-o-cpu
24598 0 name mach-o-be
24618 # normally name extension bundle; but exceptions like: AMDil_r700.dylib
24685 0 name binhex
24777 # by looking for printable characters at beginning of file name
24798 0 name mac-bin
24809 #>1 ubyte >63 \b, name length %u too BIG!
24838 # char. code of file name
24858 # instead 4 character code display full creator name
24890 0 name apple-type
24948 # if type name is not known display 4 character identifier
24958 0 name apple-creator
25025 # if creator name is not known display 4 character identifier
25078 >0x424 pstring x volume name: %s
25087 # maximal length of volume name is 27
25114 >>>0x424 pstring x volume name: %s
25141 #>0x210 string x name: %s,
25145 #>>0x410 string x name: %s,
25149 #>>>0x810 string x name: %s,
25153 #>>>>0xa10 string x name: %s,
25378 0 name garmin-map
25385 # 1st fat name "DLLINFO TXT" only found for vpm
25403 # Map name, continued (0x20 padded, \0 terminated)
25491 0 name garmin-fat
25499 # sub-file name like MAKEGMAP 12345678
25509 0 name garmin-date
25678 # Garmin *.srf by ./images with normal builder name "SQA" or longer "hales"
25697 0 name garmin-entry
25711 # builder name like: SQA sqa build hales
25778 # null terminated library name like: C:\Maple12/Cliffordlib\maple.lib ../Maplets/Tutors.lib
25780 # probably library name padding with nil or points (0x2E)
25788 # probably second name section padding with nil or points (0x2E)
25819 # this has the form <PACKAGE=name>
25840 # I think 'nul E' means a file that was saved as a different name
26012 # check for valid ASCII matrix name
26014 # skip PreviousEntries.dat with "invalid high" name \304P\344@\001
26029 # no misidentfied little endian MATrix example with "short" matrix name
26032 # little endian MATrix with "long" matrix name or some misidentified samples
26034 # skip TileCacheLogo-*.dat with invalid 2nd character \001 of matrix name with length 96
26038 0 name matlab4 Matlab v4 mat-file
26053 # namlen; the length of the matrix name
26054 #>16 ubelong x \b, name length %u
26056 # nul terminated matrix name like: fit_params testmatrix testsparsecomplex teststringarray
26147 0 name diy-thermocam-parser
26161 0 name diy-thermocam-checker
27100 0 name lx-executable
27176 #>>6 pstring x \b, name=%s
27187 >>8 string x \b, name=%-.2s
27199 0 name msdos-driver DOS executable (
27226 # upx compressed device driver has garbage instead of real in name field of header
27229 # leading/trailing nulls, zeros or non ASCII characters in 8-byte name field at offset 10 are skipp…
27230 # 1 space char before device driver name to get phrase like "device driver PROTMAN$"
27252 …e drivers like ASPICD.SYS, btcdrom.sys and Cr_atapi.sys contain only spaces or points in name field
27254 # they have their real name at offset 22
27322 0 name msdos-com
27327 # check for probably nil padding til offset 64 of Lotus driver name
27329 # check for "long" alpabetical Lotus driver name like:
27682 # Document ASCIIZ name
27684 # author name
27686 # reviser name
27698 # file name of print format like NORMAL.STY
27702 # name of the printer driver like HPLASMS
27907 0 name lotus-cells
27975 0 name cur-ico-dir
28004 0 name cur-entry
28009 0 name ico-entry
28016 0 name cur-ico-entry
28164 # Note: Message file is used by executable with same main name.
28183 # digit 1 or often main or program name like: IPXODI.COM TASKID pnwtrap DOSRqstr
28296 # look for 1st member name
28308 # extension of DOS 8+3 name with ".000" of 1st archive member name implies Windows CE installer
28314 # All inspected MSU contain a file with name
28320 # look at point character of 1st archive member name for file name extension
28345 # 1st member name like: "Class" "" "Open Notebook.onetoc2" "Editor �ffnen…
28350 # look for null terminator of 1st member name
28352 # 2nd member name like in Microsoft-Windows-MediaFeaturePack-OOB-Package.msu
28407 # add one for display because humans start numbering by 1 and also fit to name of disk szDisk*
28437 # optional name of previous disk szDisk*
28440 # optional name of previous disk szDisk*
28443 # display filename and disk name of previous or next cabinet
28444 0 name cab-anchor
28445 # optional name of previous/next cabinet file szCabinet*[255]
28447 # optional name of previous/next disk szDisk*[255]
28450 0 name cab-folder
28461 # display member structure CFFILE information like member name of cabinet
28462 0 name cab-file
28495 # szName is name of archive member
28497 # next archive member name if more files
28591 # by looking for trailing nul of maximal file name string
28597 # plausibility check for file name length
28599 # looking for terminating nul of file name string
28601 # looking if last char of string is valid DOS file name
28606 # first char of full file name is DOS (5Ch) or UNIX (2Fh) path separator
28616 # full file name with path but without drive letter and colon stored from 0x05 til 0x52
28619 # backup name is original filename
28645 0 name dos-date
28687 0 name msooxml
28716 # and check the subdirectory name to determine which type of OOXML
28770 0 name omf-lib
28809 # Module name often source name like "dos\crt0.asm" in mlibce.lib or "QB4UTIL.ASM" in QB4UTIL.LIB
28831 # name used for segment, class, group, overlay, etc like:
28861 # Translator comment record (0); it may name the source language or translator
28876 # Internal Name in count, char string format; module name for the imported symbol
28878 #>>>>>>>&1 ubyte x internal name length %u
28879 # internal module name like: _DllGetVersion DllGetVersion BezierTerminationTest Copyright
28881 # module name in count, char string format; DLL name that supplies a matching export symbol
28884 # Entry Ident; 16-bit if ordinal flag != 0 or imported name in count, char string format if ordinal…
28899 # The A3 LIBMOD record contains only the ASCII string of the module name in count char format
28901 # LIBMOD comment record module name without path and extension like:
29394 0 name netbsd-detail
29403 0 name netbsd-4096
29411 0 name netbsd-8192
29420 0 name netbsd-normal
29429 0 name netbsd-pure
29435 0 name netbsd-core
29619 0 name ktrace
29712 0 name nifti1
29736 0 name nifti2
29762 0 name nifti-datatype-le
29785 0 name nifti1-dim-le
29815 0 name nifti2-dim-le
29845 0 name xform-code-nifti1-le
29852 0 name xform-code-nifti2-le
29859 0 name nifti1-xyz-unit
29866 0 name nifti1-t-unit
29873 0 name nifti2-xyz-unit
29880 0 name nifti2-t-unit
29902 0 name nim1
29912 0 name nim2
29945 # Full name: Ben Cowley (
30035 0 name ole2-directory
30036 # directory entry name like "Root Entry"
30044 # second directory entry name like VisioDocument Control000
30071 # Second directory entry name like Dgn~H Dgn~S
30079 # Second directory entry name PerfectOffice_
30087 # Second directory entry name MatOST_
30094 # 3rd directory entry name WksSSWorkBook
30102 # Second directory entry name Workbook
30111 # Second directory entry name Object1 Object12 Object35
30119 # Second directory entry name __CollDataStm
30127 # Second directory entry name Category
30135 # 3rd directory entry name StrIndex_StringTable
30142 # 3rd directory entry name DestList
30150 # Second directory entry name 256_
30159 # 3rd directory entry name Catalog_
30166 # Second directory entry name Control000
30177 # Fourth directory entry name TemplateID
30179 # Second directory entry name like \005SummaryInformation and 3rd name like \005DocumentSummaryInfo…
30189 # Second directory entry name Thumbnail
30194 # 3rd directory entry name Thumbnail
30200 # third directory entry name _INFO_
30202 # second directory entry name _ITEM_ or _DATA_
30213 # second, third and fourth directory entry name like TplHeader TplMainImage TplPreview
30222 # Second directory entry name FileHeader hint for Thinkfree Office document
30230 # Second directory entry name like dd2000 dd2001 dd2036 dd2060 dd2083
30236 # second directory entry name Current User
30238 # third directory entry name SMNativeObjData
30240 # 5th directory entry name PowerPoint
30244 # 4th directory entry name PowerPoint
30249 # third directory entry name like Current User
30251 # 5th directory entry name PowerPoint
30256 # 2nd directory entry name Pictures
30266 # Note: since version 6 embedd as stream with PageMaker name the "old" format handled by ./wordpro…
30268 # Second directory entry name PageMaker
30278 # second directory entry name like VisioDocument Control000
30351 # 3rd directory entry name
30354 # 4th directory entry name
30409 # 2nd directory entry name PfOrder, 3rd __LastID and 4th __SizeUsed
30445 # second, third and fourth directory entry name like VBA PROJECT PROJECTwm
30475 # second directory entry name like Binder
30488 # 3rd directory entry name PerfectOffice_OBJECT and 2nd PerfectOffice_MAIN,
30927 0 name os2-msg-info
30951 # filename[260]; name of file like: dbaseos2.msg dde4c01e.msg os2ldr.mgr xdfh.msg ...
30969 # creator program name like: "reserved" or "WIC x.y.z"
30971 # name like: "reserved" or "OS/2 Netlabs"
30973 # name like: "N/A" ""
31118 # char name[ 32 ];
31136 0 name aportisdoc
31367 >>>>>>>0 regex [[:print:]]* NEC PC-88 disk image, name=%s
31463 0 name PCI-vendor
31464 # ID vendor name
31499 0 name PCI-class
31585 0 name pdf
31879 0 name pgp
32059 0 name crypto
32072 0 name hash
32082 0 name key_algo
32116 0 name chkcrypto
32126 0 name keyprolog
32136 0 name keyend
32147 0 name x1024
32154 0 name x2048
32161 0 name x3072
32168 0 name x4096
32176 0 name x8192
32187 0 name pgpkey
32559 #
32586 0 name primary_key_length_new
32611 0 name primary_key_length_old
32629 0 name pgp_binary_key_pk_check
32646 0 name pgp_binary_key_algo
32667 0 name sig_or_component_1
32698 0 name sig_or_component_1_length_new
32716 0 name sig_or_component_1_length_old
32729 0 name cert_packet_3
32760 0 name cert_packet_3_length_new
32775 0 name cert_packet_3_length_old
32789 0 name pgp_binary_keys_end
32834 >6 byte >0 with %d byte name
33084 # kernel name
33348 0 name pyc-pep552
33441 # class name[(base classes,)]: [pass]
33447 # def name(*args, **kwargs):
33558 0 name riff-wave
33674 0 name riff-walk
33710 0 name tr500-call-recorder-digits
33740 0 name tr500-call-recorder-header
33896 # probably MIDI instrument name like: "Universal-MIDI-Instrument" "instrument name" "General MIDI"
33900 # probably manufacture name like: "Unspecified Company" "NVidia Corporation"
34206 0 name corel-draw
34261 0 name corel-version
34279 0 name corel-des
34567 0 name rtf-info
34682 # def name (args)
34859 >>>>(12.l+47) string >\0 module name %s
34967 0 name sereal
35406 # Bit 0 (mask 0x01): Whether shared property name checking was enabled during encoding, default…
35509 0 name pcap-be
35809 0 name 5view-le
35886 # Full name: Petter Reinholdtsen (
36275 # name of the algorithm like: ssh-dss ssh-rsa ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 ssh-ed25519
36574 >0xF string x \b, name: %s
36581 >19 byte x \b, name: %c
36603 >>1 string x name: %s
36623 0 name midi-sysex
37083 # 5th character of terminal name list, but not Targa image pixel size (15 16 24 32)
37096 # imitate the legacy compiled-format, to get the entry-name printed
37493 >17 string >/0 name: '%s',
37525 0 name timezone
37578 0 name firmware-tplink
37885 >&0 string >\0 \b, file name "%s"
37997 >4 string >\0 \b, name '%s'
38136 #>(16.Q+64) ubequad x \b, parent name %#llx
38269 0 name vhdx-id
38297 0 name vhdx-id-hex
38925 0 name bootstat-dat
38955 0 name bootstat-entry
39027 0 name help-ver-date
39140 >>&0 use cnt-name
39146 >>>&0 use cnt-name
39148 # display mime type and name of Windows help Content source
39149 0 name cnt-name
39152 # name without extension and greater character or name with hlp extension
39391 0 name ini-file
39561 0 name windows-adm Windows Policy Administrative Template
39597 0 name PreCompiledInf
39728 # Descriptor BloCK name of Microsoft Tape Format
39786 >>>>>>>>(70.s) string >\0 \b, name: %s
39789 >>>>>>>>(70.s) lestring16 x \b, name: %s
39799 # size of password name (0,1Ch)
39866 # user name
39876 # user name
39923 0 name wim-archive
39949 # second disk image part created by Microsoft's RecoveryDrive.exe has name Reconstruct.WIM2
40026 # probably first file name length like 178, ...
40260 # probably default directory name like: "C:\WP51\"
40520 0 name PageMaker
40529 # different file name extensions are used depending on version
40620 # test for null value in gap after theme name maybe unreliable
40627 #>2 uleshort x \b, name length %u
40628 # skip file2147.chk by check for positive name length like for sg16.thm "3D"
40631 # name :\DBASE\IV\T6.txts by check for 1st object name or RESRV keyword
40634 # by first char of object name or RESRV part of keyword GALRESRV
40639 # gallery name often 1 word like: 3D sounds Diagrams Flussdiagramme Fotos
40646 # if available then display first object name
40648 # partial file name, URL or internal name like "dd2*" of 1st object or RESRV
40758 # skip examples like OMBRE.6 with "UUUUUU" name by looking for valid high second record type
40763 # T-module name often source name like "hello.c" or "jmppm32.asm" in JMPPM32.OBJ or
40849 # Next is a Pascal-style string with the NCD name. We want to capture that.
41033 >56 string >\0 name: '%s'
41063 >56 string >\0 name: '%s'
41084 0 name zipcd
41107 0 name zipcompression
41136 0 name zipversion
41159 # display compatible host system name of ZIP archive
41160 0 name ziphost