Lines Matching refs:n

8 echo 'Cannot access privateInstance method statically'."\n";
11 echo "Test failed to fail and return was : ".var_export($fn, true)."\n";
17 echo "Wrong exception type thrown: ".get_class($t)." : ".$t->getMessage()."\n";
21 echo 'Cannot access privateInstance method statically with colon scheme'."\n";
24 echo "Test failed to fail and return was : ".var_export($fn, true)."\n";
30 echo "Wrong exception type thrown: ".get_class($t)." : ".$t->getMessage()."\n";
33 echo 'Cannot access privateInstance method'."\n";
36 echo "Test failed to fail and return was : ".var_export($fn, true)."\n";
42 echo "Wrong exception type thrown: ".get_class($t)." : ".$t->getMessage()."\n";
45 echo 'SubClass cannot access private instance method'."\n";
48 echo "Test failed to fail, closure is : ".var_export($fn, true)."\n";
54 echo "Wrong exception type thrown: ".get_class($t)." : ".$t->getMessage()."\n";
57 echo 'Cannot access private static function of instance'."\n";
60 echo "Test failed to fail, closure is : ".var_export($fn, true)."\n";
66 echo "Wrong exception type thrown: ".get_class($t)." : ".$t->getMessage()."\n";
69 echo 'Cannot access private static method statically'."\n";
72 echo "Test failed to fail, closure is : ".var_export($fn, true)."\n";
78 echo "Wrong exception type thrown: ".get_class($t)." : ".$t->getMessage()."\n";
81 echo 'Cannot access private static method statically with colon scheme'."\n";
84 echo "Test failed to fail, closure is : ".var_export($fn, true)."\n";
90 echo "Wrong exception type thrown: ".get_class($t)." : ".$t->getMessage()."\n";
93 echo 'Non-existent method should fail'."\n";
96 echo "Test failed to fail, closure is : ".var_export($fn, true)."\n";
102 echo "Wrong exception type thrown: ".get_class($t)." : ".$t->getMessage()."\n";
105 echo 'Non-existent class should fail'."\n";
108 echo "Test failed to fail, closure is : ".var_export($fn, true)."\n";
114 echo "Wrong exception type thrown: ".get_class($t)." : ".$t->getMessage()."\n";
117 echo 'Non-existent function should fail'."\n";
120 echo "Test failed to fail, closure is : ".var_export($fn, true)."\n";
126 echo "Wrong exception type thrown: ".get_class($t)." : ".$t->getMessage()."\n";
130 echo 'Subclass cannot closure over parent private instance method'."\n";
134 echo "Test failed to fail, closure is : ".var_export($fn, true)."\n";
140 echo "Wrong exception type thrown: ".get_class($t)." : ".$t->getMessage()."\n";
143 echo 'Subclass cannot closure over parant private static method'."\n";
147 echo "Test failed to fail, closure is : ".var_export($fn, true)."\n";
153 echo "Wrong exception type thrown: ".get_class($t)." : ".$t->getMessage()."\n";
156 echo 'Function scope cannot closure over protected instance method'."\n";
159 echo "Test failed to fail, closure is : ".var_export($fn, true)."\n";
165 echo "Wrong exception type thrown: ".get_class($t)." : ".$t->getMessage()."\n";
168 echo 'Function scope cannot closure over private instance method'."\n";
171 echo "Test failed to fail, closure is : ".var_export($fn, true)."\n";
177 echo "Wrong exception type thrown: ".get_class($t)." : ".$t->getMessage()."\n";
180 echo 'Access private instance method of parent object through "self::" to parent method'."\n";
184 echo "Test failed to fail, closure is : ".var_export($fn, true)."\n";
190 echo "Wrong exception type thrown: ".get_class($t)." : ".$t->getMessage()."\n";
193 echo "OK\n";