Lines Matching refs:genm
62 1,genm without -infotype, -section,, -cmd,genm,,BLANK,,, BLANK,,,BLANK,,BLANK,
63 0,genm with missing infotype value, -section,, -cmd,genm,,BLANK,,, -infotype,,,BLANK,,BLANK,
64 0,genm with invalid infotype value, -section,, -cmd,genm,,BLANK,,, -infotype,asdf,,BLANK,,BLANK,
65 1,genm with infotype signKeyPairTypes, -section,, -cmd,genm,,BLANK,,, -infotype,signKeyPairTypes,,B…
67 1,genm caCerts , -section,, -cmd,genm,, -cacertsout,_RESULT_DIR/test.cace…
68 0,genm caCerts missing cacertsout option , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK , …
69 0,genm caCerts missing cacertsout arg , -section,, -cmd,genm,, -cacertsout,BLANK …
72 0,genm caCerts extra cacertsout arg , -section,, -cmd,genm,, -cacertsout,_RESULT_DIR/test.cace…
74 1,genm rootCaCert with oldwithold , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,rootCaCert,, -…
75 1,genm rootCaCert without oldwithold , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,rootCaCert,, B…
76 0,genm rootCaCert oldwithold missing arg , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,rootCaCert,, -…
77 0,genm rootCaCert oldwithold empty file , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,rootCaCert,, -…
78 0,genm rootCaCert oldwithold random file , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,rootCaCert,, -…
79 0,genm rootCaCert oldwithold nonexistent , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,rootCaCert,, -…
80 1,genm rootCaCert oldwithold different , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,rootCaCert,, -…
81 0,genm rootCaCert missing newwithnew , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,rootCaCert,, -…
82 0,genm rootCaCert newwithnew missing arg , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,rootCaCert,, -…
83 1,genm rootCaCert with oldwithnew , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,rootCaCert,, -…
84 0,genm rootCaCert oldwithnew missing arg , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,rootCaCert,, -…
85 1,genm rootCaCert newwithnew oldwithnew newwithold , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,roo…
86 0,genm rootCaCert newwithold missig arg , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,rootCaCert,, -…
87 1,genm rootCaCert newwithnew newwithold , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,rootCaCert,, -…
89 1,genm crlStatusList with crlcert , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,crlStatusList,…
90 1,genm crlStatusList with old crl , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,crlStatusList,…
91 1,genm crlStatusList with crlcert and old crl , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,crlStatus…
92 1,genm crlStatusList with latest crl , -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,crlStatusList,…
93 0,genm crlStatusList with -oldcrl referring to nonexisting file due to empty CRL response message i…
94 0,genm crlStatusList with -crlcert nonexistent, -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,crlStatus…
95 0,genm crlStatusList with wrong issuer, -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,crlStatusList,, -…
96 0,genm crlStatusList missing -crlcert & -oldcrl, -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,crlStatu…
97 0,genm crlStatusList with wrong cert and correct crl, -section,, -cmd,genm,, BLANK,,, -infotype,crl…
99 1,genm certReqTemplate, -section,, -cmd,genm,, -template,_RESULT_DIR/test.template.der, -keyspec,_R…
100 0,genm certReqTemplate missing template option, -section,, -cmd,genm,, -template,"""", -keyspec,_RE…
101 1,genm certReqTemplate without optional keyspec option, -section,, -cmd,genm,, -template,_RESULT_DI…
102 0,genm certReqTemplate missing template arg , -section,, -cmd,genm,, -template,BLANK, -keyspec,_R…
103 0,genm certReqTemplate template extra arg , -section,, -cmd,genm,, -template,_RESULT_DIR/test.t…
104 0,genm certReqTemplate template arg non-ex dir, -section,, -cmd,genm,, -template,idontexist/idontex…
105 0,genm certReqTemplate keyspec arg non-ex dir, -section,, -cmd,genm,, -template,_RESULT_DIR/test.te…