Lines Matching refs:search

7 $! then this procedure will search for several common names of the file.
76 $file = f$search("sys$disk:[]config_vms.h")
87 $! On some platforms, DCL search has problems with searching a file
90 $if f$search(configure_script) .nes. "" then delete 'configure_script';*
113 $ cfile = f$search("sys$disk:[]")
116 $ cfile = f$search("sys$disk:[]config.h_in")
119 $ cfile = f$search("sys$disk:[]")
122 $ cfile = f$search("sys$disk:[]")
125 $ cfile = f$search("sys$disk:[]config.h__2ein")
133 $ cfile = f$search("")
136 $ cfile = f$search("PRJ_INCLUDE:config.h_in")
139 $ cfile = f$search("")
142 $ cfile = f$search("")
145 $ cfile = f$search("PRJ_INCLUDE:config.h__2ein")
189 $if f$search(dchfile) .nes. "" then delete 'dchfile';*
190 $if f$search(tfile1) .nes. "" then delete 'tfile1';*
207 $if f$search(tfile1) .nes. "" then delete 'tfile1';*
211 $if f$search(starhfile) .nes. "" then delete 'starhfile';*
212 $if f$search(tfile1) .nes. "" then delete 'tfile1';*
229 $if f$search(tfile1) .nes. "" then delete 'tfile1';*
795 $ if f$search("''ssl_header_dir'rand.h") .nes. ""
957 $ search/output=nl: 'starhfile' |'headf'|/exact
975 $ header = f$search("''ssl_header_dir'''headf'.h")
992 $ header = f$search("''header_dir'''headf'.h")
1293 $ if f$search(tfile1) .nes. "" then delete 'tfile1';*
1357 $ if f$search(tfile1) .nes. "" then delete 'tfile1';*
1363 $ search/out=nl: 'decc_rtldef' -
1379 $ if f$search("SYS$SYSROOT:[kerberos]include.dir") .nes. ""
1725 $ if f$search(tfile1) .nes. "" then delete 'tfile1';*
1732 $ search/out='tfile1' 'configure_script' "''key2'="/exact
1833 $ if f$search(tfile1) .nes. "" then delete 'tfile1';*
1867 $ if f$search(tfile1) .nes. "" then delete 'tfile1';*
1871 $ if f$search(dchfile) .nes. "" then delete 'dchfile';*
1875 $ if f$search(starhfile) .nes. "" then delete 'starhfile';*
1879 $ if f$search(configure_script) .nes. "" then delete 'configure_script';*