Lines Matching refs:regex

167 >>>>>18	regex			[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]
286 0 regex/1024 \^PROC Algol 68 source text
288 0 regex/1024 \bMODE[\t\ ] Algol 68 source text
290 0 regex/1024 \bREF[\t\ ] Algol 68 source text
292 0 regex/1024 \bFLEX[\t\ ]\*\\[ Algol 68 source text
294 #0 regex [\t\ ]OD Algol 68 source text
296 #0 regex [\t\ ]FI Algol 68 source text
497 >12 regex .{8} \b, type %s
511 >0 regex dex\n[0-9]{2}\0 Dalvik dex file
514 >0 regex dey\n[0-9]{2}\0 Dalvik dex file (optimized for host)
576 >>19 regex/1l \^([^n\n]|n[^o]|no[^n]|non[^e]|none.+).* \b, Encrypted (%s)
582 #>>>&1 regex/1l .* \b, Password salt: %s
584 #>>>>&1 regex/1l .* \b, Master salt: %s
586 #>>>>>&1 regex/1l .* \b, PBKDF2 rounds: %s
588 #>>>>>>&1 regex/1l .* \b, IV: %s
589 #>>>>>>&1 regex/1l .* \b, IV: %s
591 #>>>>>>>&1 regex/1l .* \b, Key: %s
1725 # initial string matched. It used to be done with a regex, but we're
1789 >3 regex =[bdfghi] Bink Video rev.%s
1793 >3 regex =[adfghi] Bink Video 2 rev.%s
1985 # use a regex to identify the WOZ format number.
2135 >>5 regex/s [=.<>|!^\x8a]{79} AppleWorks Word Processor
2726 >&0 regex [0-9]\.[0-9]+-[0-9]+ version %s
3488 >>>>3 regex \^(lh[0-9a-ex]|lz[s2-8]|pm[012]|pc1) \b
3497 >>>>>>3 regex \^lz[45] LHarc 1.x archive data
3499 >>>>>>3 regex \^lz[2378] LArc archive
3503 >>>>>>3 regex \^lh[01] LHarc 1.x/ARX archive data
3509 >>>>>>3 regex \^lh[23d] LHa 2.x? archive data
3510 >>>>>>3 regex \^lh[7] LHa (2.x)/LHark archive data
3511 >>>>>>3 regex \^lh[456] LHa (2.x) archive data
3518 >>>>>>3 regex \^lh[89a-ce] LHa (Joe Jared) archive
3522 >>>>>>3 regex !\^(lh1|lh5) \b
3528 >>>>>3 regex \^pm[012] PMarc archive data
3886 # always "PK". The 2 regex rules here print the "mimetype" member's
3891 >>>38 regex [!-OQ-~]+ (MIME type "%s"?)
3896 >>>38 regex [!-OQ-~]+ Zip data (MIME type "%s"?)
4478 0 regex \^[\040\t]{0,50}\\.asciiz assembler source text
4480 0 regex \^[\040\t]{0,50}\\.byte assembler source text
4482 0 regex \^[\040\t]{0,50}\\.even assembler source text
4484 0 regex \^[\040\t]{0,50}\\.globl assembler source text
4486 0 regex \^[\040\t]{0,50}\\.text assembler source text
4488 0 regex \^[\040\t]{0,50}\\.file assembler source text
4490 0 regex \^[\040\t]{0,50}\\.type assembler source text
5880 >>&0x00 regex =^[@]HD\t.*VN: \b, with SAM header
5881 >>>&0 regex =[0-9.]+ \b version %s
5957 #0 regex =^@[A-Za-z0-9_.:-]+\?\n
5959 #>&1 regex =^[A-Za-z\n.~]++
5961 #>>&1 regex =^[A-Za-z0-9_.:-]*\?\n
5963 #>>>&1 regex =^[!-~\n]+\n FASTQ
5970 # q>0 regex =^[>][!-~\t\ ]+$
5972 #>>1 regex !=[!-'Jj;:=?@^`|~\\] FASTA
5975 #>>>1 regex !=[EFIJLOPQZefijlopqz] \b, with IUPAC nucleotide codes
5976 #>>>1 regex =^[EFIJLOPQZefijlopqz]+$ \b, with Amino Acid codes
5986 >>&0 regex [0-9.]+ \b version %s
5991 0 regex =^[!-?A-~]{1,255}(\t[^\t]+){11}
5993 >0 regex =^([^\t]+\t){1}[0-9]{1,5}\t
5995 >>0 regex =^([^\t]+\t){2}\\*|[^*=]*\t
5997 >>>0 regex =^([^\t]+\t){3}[0-9]{1,9}\t
5999 >>>>0 regex =^([^\t]+\t){4}[0-9]{1,3}\t
6001 >>>>>0 regex =\t(\\*|([0-9]+[MIDNSHPX=])+)\t
6003 >>>>>>0 regex =\t(\\*|=|[!-()+->?-~][!-~]*)\t
6005 >>>>>>>0 regex =^([^\t]+\t){7}[0-9]{1,9}\t
6007 >>>>>>>>0 regex =\t[+-]{0,1}[0-9]{1,9}\t.*\t
6009 >>>>>>>>>0 regex =^([^\t]+\t){9}(\\*|[A-Za-z=.]+)\t
6011 >>>>>>>>>>0 regex =^([^\t]+\t){10}[!-~]+ Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM)
6012 >>>>>>>>>>>0 regex =^[@]HD\t.*VN: \b, with header
6013 >>>>>>>>>>>>&0 regex =[0-9.]+ \b version %s
6702 >7 regex/9 V[.0-9]{4,5}\020 %s
6706 0 regex \^[\ \t]*0\r?\000$
6707 >1 regex \^[\ \t]*SECTION\r?$
6708 >>2 regex \^[\ \t]*2\r?$
6709 >>>3 regex \^[\ \t]*HEADER\r?$ AutoCAD Drawing Exchange Format
6730 4 regex/b P[0-9][0-9]\\.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\\.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\\.[0-9] NAXOS CAD System file from version %s
6920 >0 regex \^#include C
6921 >>0 regex \^class[[:space:]]+
6922 >>>&0 regex \\{[\.\*]\\}(;)?$ \b++
6927 >0 regex \^#[[:space:]]*pragma C source text
6930 >0 regex \^#[[:space:]]*(if\|ifn)def
6931 >>&0 regex \^#[[:space:]]*endif$ C source text
6934 >0 regex \^#[[:space:]]*(if\|ifn)def
6935 >>&0 regex \^#[[:space:]]*define C source text
6938 >0 regex \^[[:space:]]*char(\ \\*|\\*)(.+)(=.*)?;[[:space:]]*$ C source text
6941 >0 regex \^[[:space:]]*double(\ \\*|\\*)(.+)(=.*)?;[[:space:]]*$ C source text
6944 >0 regex \^[[:space:]]*extern[[:space:]]+ C source text
6947 >0 regex \^[[:space:]]*float(\ \\*|\\*)(.+)(=.*)?;[[:space:]]*$ C source text
6950 >0 regex \^struct[[:space:]]+ C source text
6953 >0 regex \^union[[:space:]]+ C source text
6956 >&0 regex \\)[[:space:]]*\\{ C source text
6962 >0 regex \^namespace[[:space:]]+[_[:alpha:]]{1,30}[[:space:]]*\\{ C++ source text
6967 >0 regex \^using[[:space:]]+(namespace\ )?std(::)?[[:alpha:]]*[[:space:]]*; C++ source text
6971 >0 regex \^[[:space:]]*template[[:space:]]*<.*>[[:space:]]*$ C++ source text
6975 >0 regex \^[[:space:]]*virtual[[:space:]]+.*[};][[:space:]]*$ C++ source text
6980 >0 regex \^[[:space:]]*class[[:space:]]+[[:digit:][:alpha:]:_]+[[:space:]]*\\{(.*[\n]*)*\\}(;)?$ C++ source text
6984 >0 regex \^[[:space:]]*public: C++ source text
6988 >0 regex \^[[:space:]]*private: C++ source text
6992 >0 regex \^[[:space:]]*protected: C++ source text
6998 >0 regex \^#import Objective-C source text
7174 0 regex \^\\\(ns[[:space:]]+[a-z] Clojure module source text
7177 0 regex \^\\\(ns[[:space:]]+\\\^\\{: Clojure module source text
7180 0 regex \^\\\(defn-?[[:space:]] Clojure module source text
7335 0 regex/4096 =^[\040\t\f\r\n]{0,100}BEGIN[\040\t\f\r\n]{0,100}[{] awk or perl script text
7402 >5 regex [\ \n]
7404 >>>24 regex [0-9.]+ \b, version %s
9194 >&0 regex [0-9]+\.[0-9]+ \b, v%s
9915 >5 regex [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] version %s
9946 >&0 regex (eml)-[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]+ eml://
9949 >&0 regex (onedcx/v)[0-9].[0-9]+
9953 >&0 regex fgdc FGDC-STD-001-1998
9956 >&0 regex (mercury/terms/v)[0-9].[0-9]
9959 >&0 regex isotc211
9960 >>&0 regex eng;USA
9963 >>&0 regex gov.noaa.nodc:[0-9]+
9966 >>&0 regex pangaea.dataset[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]+
9972 >&0 regex rdf
9973 >>&0 regex openarchives
9979 >&0 regex (dryad-bibo/v)[0-9].[0-9]
11444 >>>>219 regex Author\ -\ Author:
13509 >>&144 regex [\x20-\x7E]{1,16} (label "%s")
13585 >>>>>>>0 regex [[:print:]]* NEC PC-88 disk image, name=%s
13972 >>12 regex/4l \^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z][A-Za-z/][A-Za-z2\ ]
14147 0 regex \[[:space:]]\\(([[:space:]].*)?\ --\ (.*[[:space:]])?\\)
14148 >0 regex \^:\[[:space:]]
14149 >>0 regex \^;$ FORTH program
14153 0 regex \^:[[:space:]].*[[:space:]]\\(([[:space:]].*)?\ --\ (.*[[:space:]])?\\)[[:space:]].*[[:space:]];$ FORTH program
14225 0 regex/100l !\^[^Cc\ \t].*$
14226 >0 regex/100l \^[Cc][\ \t] FORTRAN program text
14504 >>11 regex \^[^:]{0,23} \b, %s
14506 >>>&1 regex \^[^:]{1,6} \b, version %s
14508 >>>>&1 regex \^[^:]{1,10} \b, %s signatures
14510 >>>>>&1 regex \^[^:]{1,4} \b, level %s
14512 #>>>>>>&1 regex \^[^:]{1,32} \b, MD5 "%s"
14513 >>>>>>&1 regex \^[^:]{1,32}
14515 #>>>>>>>&1 regex \^[^:]{1,255} \b, signature "%s"
14516 >>>>>>>&1 regex \^[^:]{1,255}
14518 >>>>>>>>&1 regex \^[^:]{1,32} \b, builder %s
14520 #>>>>>>>>>&1 regex \^[^:]{1,10} \b, %s
14521 >>>>>>>>>&1 regex \^[^:]{1,10}
14790 # Modified by (1): Abel Cheung (regex, more game format)
14792 0 regex \\(;.*GM\\[[0-9]{1,2}\\] Smart Game Format
14842 >&0 regex [0-9a-z.]+ \b, version %s
14848 >&0 regex [0-9a-z.]+ \b, version %s
14855 >>&0 regex [0-9a-z.]+ \b, version %s
14860 2 regex/c \\(;.*GM\\[[0-9]{1,2}\\] Smart Game Format
14861 >2 regex/c GM\\[1\\] - Go Game
14862 >2 regex/c GM\\[6\\] - BackGammon Game
14863 >2 regex/c GM\\[11\\] - Hex Game
14864 >2 regex/c GM\\[18\\] - Amazons Game
14865 >2 regex/c GM\\[19\\] - Octi Game
14866 >2 regex/c GM\\[20\\] - Gess Game
14867 >2 regex/c GM\\[21\\] - twix Game
14885 >>12 regex [0-9a-z.]+ saved by game version %s
14887 >>12 regex [0-9a-z.]+ saved by game version %s
14954 >4 regex [-A-Z0-9]* Software: %s
14955 >>&1 regex V[0-9]*\.[0-9]* version %s
14966 >4 regex [0-9]*\.[0-9]* version %s
14995 >&0 regex [0-9]*\.[0-9]* version %s
15157 >5 regex [0-9a-f]+ Git blob %s
15160 >5 regex [0-9a-f]+ Git tree %s
15163 >7 regex [0-9a-f]+ Git commit %s
15722 #0 regex/100l [\r\n\t\ ]*graph[\r\n\t\ ]+.*\\{ graphviz graph text
15724 #0 regex/100l [\r\n\t\ ]*digraph[\r\n\t\ ]+.*\\{ graphviz digraph text
15786 >13 regex .\.. \b, bytecode v%s
16848 >3 regex/s =[0-9]{1,50}\ [0-9]{1,50} Netpbm image data
16849 >>&0 regex =[0-9]{1,50} \b, size = %s x
16850 >>>&0 regex =[0-9]{1,50} \b %s
16854 >2 regex/2 [\040\t\f\r\n]
16867 >0 regex/4 P2[\040\t\f\r\n]
16876 >0 regex/4 P3[\040\t\f\r\n]
16884 >0 regex/4 P4[\040\t\f\r\n]
16892 >0 regex/4 P5[\040\t\f\r\n]
16900 >0 regex/4 P6[\040\t\f\r\n]
18260 # Used by the pfstools packages. The regex matches for the image size could
18265 >1 regex [0-9]*\ \b, %s
18266 >>1 regex \ [0-9]{4} \bx%s
19686 0 regex \^import.*;$ Java source
19973 >>>>20 regex [0-9.]+ (Version %s)
19991 >>>>27 regex [0-9.]+ (Version %s)
20015 >>>>20 regex [0-9.]+ (Version %s)
20052 >>&0 regex ['"] Google KML document
20064 >>&0 regex ['"] OpenGIS KML document
20125 >8 regex/16 [0-9]+\ [A-Za-z]+\ [0-9]+ written by version %s
20139 >15 regex/16 [0-9]+ First time step: %s
20592 #>2 regex \(name\ [^)]*\) %s
20741 >&0 regex [0-9]*\.[0-9]* \b, version %s
20743 >>>&0 regex [A-Z0-9]* \b, encryption %s
20778 # GRR: split regex because it is too long or get error like
20780 >&0 regex \^(defun|defvar|defconst|defmacro|setq|fset) Emacs v18 byte-compiled Lisp data
20786 # remaining regex
20787 >&0 regex \^(put|provide|require|random) Emacs v18 byte-compiled Lisp data
20904 >0 regex \^dnl\ M4 macro processor script text
20907 >0 regex \^AC_DEFUN\\(\\[ M4 macro processor script text
21822 0 regex/100l \^CFLAGS makefile script text
21824 0 regex/100l \^VPATH makefile script text
21826 0 regex/100l \^LDFLAGS makefile script text
21828 0 regex/100l \^all: makefile script text
21830 0 regex/100l \^\\.PRECIOUS makefile script text
21836 0 regex/100l \^\\.BEGIN BSD makefile script text
21842 0 regex/100l \^\\.include BSD makefile script text
21846 0 regex/100l \^\\.endif BSD makefile script text
21850 0 regex/100l \^SUBDIRS automake makefile script text
22334 >>0 regex/1l (^[0-9]{5})[acdnp][^bhlnqsu-z] MARC21 Bibliographic
22336 >>0 regex/1l (^[0-9]{5})[acdnosx][z] MARC21 Authority
22338 >>0 regex/1l (^[0-9]{5})[cdn][uvxy] MARC21 Holdings
22340 >>0 regex/1l (^[0-9]{5})[acdn][w] MARC21 Classification
22342 >>0 regex/1l (^[0-9]{5})[cdn][q] MARC21 Community
22346 >>0 regex/1l (^.{21})([^0]{2}) (non-conforming)
23080 # OS/2 batch files are REXX. the second regex is a bit generic, oh well
23083 >100 regex/c =^[\ \t]{0,10}call[\ \t]{1,10}rxfunc OS/2 REXX batch file text
23085 >100 regex/c =^[\ \t]{0,10}say\ ['"] OS/2 REXX batch file text
24765 >>0x1E regex \\[Content_Types\\]\\.xml|_rels/\\.rels|docProps
24824 >>16 regex \([0-9.]+\) ver %s
26807 #0 regex \^program Pascal source text
26809 #0 regex \^record Pascal source text
26847 >>>>>>>0 regex [[:print:]]* NEC PC-88 disk image, name=%s
26951 >>&0 regex [0-9]+ \b, %s pages
27066 >0 regex \^#!.*/bin/perl([[:space:]].*)*$ Perl script text executable
27072 >0 regex \^package[\ \t]+[0-9A-Za-z_:]+\ *; Perl5 module source text
27076 >0 regex \^package[\ \t]+[0-9A-Za-z_:]+\ *;
27077 >>0 regex \^1\ *;|\^(use|sub|my)\ .*[(;{=] Perl5 module source text
28208 >4 regex LOG|BLK|OBJ Persistent Memory Pool file, type: %s,
28439 >1 regex/s =^[0-9] ps database
28727 >0 regex \^from[\040\t]+([A-Za-z0-9_]|\\.)+[\040\t]+import.*$ Python script text executable
28746 >0 regex \^import\ [_[:alpha:]]+\ as\ [[:alpha:]][[:space:]]*$ Python script text executable
28751 #>&0 regex .*'''$ Python script text executable
28755 #>&0 regex .*"""$ Python script text executable
28762 >&0 regex \^[[:space:]]*except.*:$ Python script text executable
28770 >0 regex \^class\ [_[:alpha:]]+(\\(.*\\))?(\ )*:([\ \t]+pass)?$ Python script text executable
28776 >0 regex \^[[:space:]]{0,50}def\ {1,50}[_a-zA-Z]{1,100}
28777 >>&0 regex \\(([[:alpha:]*_,\ ]){0,255}\\):$ Python script text executable
29716 >&0 regex/256 \^[\=]+$
29719 >>>&0 regex/512 \^\\.\\.[A-Za-z] ReStructuredText file
29840 >0 regex \^[[:space:]]*require[[:space:]]'[A-Za-z_/.]+'
29841 >>0 regex def\ [a-z]|\ do$
29842 >>>&0 regex \^[[:space:]]*end([[:space:]]+[;#].*)?$ Ruby script text
29845 0 regex \^[[:space:]]*(class|module)[[:space:]][A-Z]
29846 >0 regex (modul|includ)e\ [A-Z]|def\ [a-z]
29847 >>&0 regex \^[[:space:]]*end([[:space:]]+[;#].*)?$ Ruby script text
29851 0 regex \^[[:space:]]*(class|module)[[:space:]][A-Z]
29852 >&0 regex \^[[:space:]]*end([[:space:]]+[;#if].*)?$ Ruby script text
29859 >0 regex \^[[:space:]]*def\ [a-z]|def\ [[:alpha:]]+::[a-z]
29860 >>&0 regex \^[[:space:]]*end([[:space:]]+[;#].*)?$ Ruby script text
29865 >0 regex \^[[:space:]]*require[[:space:]]'[A-Za-z_/.]+' Ruby script text
29868 >0 regex \^[[:space:]]*include\ ([A-Z]+[a-z]*(::))+ Ruby script text
29898 >2 regex [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$
29994 >&0 regex/1l \^.{40}
29995 >>&0 regex/1l [0-9]{2}-[A-Z]{3}-[0-9]{2}\ {3}
29996 >>>&0 regex/1ls [A-Z0-9]{4}.{14}$
29997 >>>>&0 regex/1l [A-Z0-9]{4} Protein Data Bank data, ID Code %s
29999 >>>>0 regex/1l [0-9]{2}-[A-Z]{3}-[0-9]{2} \b, %s
30063 >16 regex/s =^[0-78][0-9.]{4} Sendmail frozen configuration
30069 >16 regex/s =^[0-78][0-9.]{4} Sendmail frozen configuration
30302 >14 regex ['"\ \t]*[0-9.]+['"\ \t]*
30313 >14 regex ['"\ \t]*[0-9.]+['"\ \t]*
30321 >14 regex ['"\ \t]*[0-9.]+['"\ \t]*
30439 >14 regex ['"\ \t]*[0-9.]+['"\ \t]*
30507 0 regex \^%?[\ \t]*SiSU[\ \t]+insert SiSU text insert
30508 >5 regex [0-9.]+ %s
30510 0 regex \^%[\ \t]+SiSU[\ \t]+master SiSU text master
30511 >5 regex [0-9.]+ %s
30513 0 regex \^%?[\ \t]*SiSU[\ \t]+text SiSU text
30514 >5 regex [0-9.]+ %s
30516 0 regex \^%?[\ \t]*SiSU[\ \t][0-9.]+ SiSU text
30517 >5 regex [0-9.]+ %s
30519 0 regex \^%*[\ \t]*sisu-[0-9.]+ SiSU text
30520 >5 regex [0-9.]+ %s
31358 # manage this without a regex)
31372 >&0 regex [0-9]* (Release %s)
31937 >0 regex \^package[\ \t]+req Tcl script
31940 >0 regex \^package[\ \t]+req Tcl script
31963 >>12 regex \^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9.][^|]* Compiled terminfo entry "%-s"
31976 >>12 regex \^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9.][^|]* Compiled 32-bit terminfo entry "%-s"
31994 0 regex \^MAX=[0-9]+,[0-9]+$
31995 >1 regex \^BEG=[0-9]+,[0-9]+$
31996 >2 regex \^SCROLL=[0-9]+,[0-9]+$
31997 >3 regex \^VMIN=[0-9]+$
31998 >4 regex \^VTIME=[0-9]+$
31999 >5 regex \^FLAGS=0x[[:xdigit:]]+$
32000 >6 regex \^FG=[0-9],[0-9]+$
32001 >7 regex \^BG=[0-9]+,[0-9]+, Solaris xcurses screen image
32535 0 regex/20l \^\\.[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9][\ \t] troff or preprocessor input text
32537 0 regex/20l \^\\.[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]$ troff or preprocessor input text
33861 0 regex \^(:|;)
33877 >>1 regex/c \^([^\xd>]*|.*\.hlp) MS Windows help file Content, based "%s"
34009 # PR/383: remove unicode BOM because it is not portable across regex impls
34010 #0 regex/s \\`(\\r\\n|;|[[])
34029 >>&0 regex/c \^(autorun)
34043 >>&0 regex/c \^(version|strings)] Windows setup INFormation
34048 >>&0 regex/c \^(WinsockCRCList|OEMCPL)] Windows setup INFormation
34054 >>&0 regex/c \^(\.ShellClassInfo|DeleteOnCopy|LocalizedFileNames)] Windows desktop.ini
34058 >>&0 regex/c \^(don't\ load)] Windows CONTROL.INI
34061 >>&0 regex/c \^(ndishlp\\$|protman\\$|NETBEUI\\$)] Windows PROTOCOL.INI
34066 >>&0 regex/c \^(windows|Compatibility|embedding)] Windows WIN.INI
34070 >>&0 regex/c \^(boot|386enh|drivers)] Windows SYSTEM.INI
34074 >>&0 regex/c \^(SafeList)] Windows IOS.INI
34078 >>&0 regex/c \^(boot\x20loader)] Windows boot.ini
34082 >>&0 regex/c \^(menu)] MS-DOS CONFIG.SYS
34089 >>&0 regex/c \^(Paths)]\r\n MS-DOS MSDOS.SYS
34092 >>&0 regex/c \^(options)]\r\n Microsoft HTML Help Project
34099 >>&0 regex/c \^(Windows\ Latin) Windows codepage translator
34116 >>>>>>&-1 regex/T \^([A-Za-z0-9_\(\)\ ]+)\]\r Generic INItialization configuration [%-.40s
35015 >>>>4 regex [a-zA-Z_/]{1,8}[.] 8086 relocatable (Microsoft)