Lines Matching refs:bitmap

379 0	beshort		0x0f00		AmigaOS bitmap font
398 # bm_flag; bitmap flag, -1 means VALID
399 >0x138 belong !-1 \b, bitmap flag 0x%x
400 # bm_ext; first bitmap extension block (Hard disks only)
401 >0x1A0 ubelong !0 \b, bitmap extension block 0x%x
6509 # display information for intergraph raster bitmap
10987 >4 lelong 0x10000042 multi-bitmap image
11006 >4 lelong 0x1000008A exported multi-bitmap image
11010 0 lelong 0x10000041 Psion Series 5 ROM multi-bitmap image
13036 # Originally a bitmap:
16721 # display tga bitmap image information
16858 >>>0 string x \b, bitmap
16860 !:mime image/x-portable-bitmap
16886 >>0 string x \b, rawbits, bitmap
16888 !:mime image/x-portable-bitmap
17219 # called by TriD ImageMagick Machine independent File Format bitmap
17274 0 string yz MGR bitmap, modern format, 8-bit aligned
17275 0 string zz MGR bitmap, old format, 1-bit deep, 16-bit aligned
17276 0 string xz MGR bitmap, old format, 1-bit deep, 32-bit aligned
17277 0 string yx MGR bitmap, modern format, squeezed
17280 0 string %bitmap\0 FBM image data
17302 >4 leshort <1981 Award BIOS bitmap
17326 >12 uleshort 1 Device independent bitmap graphic
17338 # image size is the size of raw bitmap; a dummy 0 can be given for BI_RGB bitmaps
17348 >14 leshort 12 PC bitmap, OS/2 1.x format
17352 >14 leshort 64 PC bitmap, OS/2 2.x format
17368 # offBits; offset to bitmap data like 56h 5Eh 8Eh 43Eh
17373 >14 leshort 52 PC bitmap, Adobe Photoshop
17381 >14 leshort 56 PC bitmap, Adobe Photoshop with alpha channel mask
17391 #>>(2.l-4) ulong x PC bitmap, Windows 3.x format
17392 >>14 leshort 40 PC bitmap, Windows 3.x format
17416 # image size is the size of raw bitmap; a dummy 0 can be given for BI_RGB bitmaps
17428 # offBits; offset to bitmap data like 36h 76h BEh 236h 406h 436h 4E6h
17432 >14 leshort 124 PC bitmap, Windows 98/2000 and newer format
17437 >14 leshort 108 PC bitmap, Windows 95/NT4 and newer format
17442 >14 leshort 128 PC bitmap, Windows NT/2000 format
17502 # offBits; offset to bitmap data (pixel array) like E4h 3Ah 66h 6Ah 33Ah 4A4h
17551 # offBits; offset to bitmap data (pixel array) like 6Ah A4h E4h 4A4h
17559 # Note: container for OS/2 icon "IC", color icon "CI", color pointer "CP" or bitmap "BM"
17560 #0 string BA PC bitmap array data
17727 # pM8x: ATARI STAD compressed bitmap format
17731 # Atari ST STAD bitmap is always 640x400, bytewise runlength compressed.
17736 0 string pM85 Atari ST STAD bitmap image data (hor)
17739 0 string pM86 Atari ST STAD bitmap image data (vert)
17810 >24 beshort 0 bitmap
18153 #8 lelong 4 ZBM bitmap image data
18207 !:mime image/x-polar-monitor-bitmap
20171 # GRR: line above is too general as it catches also compressed DEGAS low-res bitmap *.pc1
20172 # skip many compressed DEGAS low-res bitmap *.pc1 by test for unused bytes
22197 # if not bitmap *.srf then region; 1 space after equal sign
22232 # region ID:14~fw_all.bin: 78~ZIP, RGN or SRF bitmap; 148~ZIP or JAR; 249~display firmware; 251~WiF…
24100 !:mime image/x-win-bitmap
25589 0 belong 0x137A2944 NeWS bitmap font
25593 8 belong 0x137A2B45 X11/NeWS bitmap font
26833 0 short 0x2a17 "compact bitmap" format (Poskanzer)
27159 >>20 byte 0 bitmap,
29068 >8 string RDIB \b, device-independent bitmap
29563 >8 string RDIB \b, device-independent bitmap
34922 # looking like PC bitmap, Windows 3.x format with unknown compression