Lines Matching refs:palette
7062 0 string \020\341\000\000\010\010 Claris Works palette files .plt
15085 # GIMP palette (.gpl)
15087 0 string/t GIMP\ Palette GIMP palette data
17343 # number of colors in palette, or 0 to default to 2**n
17421 # number of colors in palette 16 256, or 0 to default to 2**n
17783 >>>>1 ubyte 2 ver. 2.8 image data, with palette
17784 >>>>1 ubyte 3 ver. 2.8 image data, without palette
19275 >8 string >0 \b, palette %s
19278 >>26 beshort x \b, palette number %d
19337 #>>0xC ulelong >0 \b, palette length %u
22377 #0 string (*^\n\n::[\011palette Mathematica notebook version 2.x
24125 # number of colors in palette
26897 # - b1=256 fixed colors using the MSX SCR8 palette
29044 >8 string PAL\ \b, palette
29046 # color palette by Microsoft Corporation
29058 # palNumEntries specifies the number of palette color entries
29559 >8 string PAL \b, palette
34387 # Note: there exist other color palette formats also with .pal extension
34388 0 string JASC-PAL\r\n PaintShop Pro color palette
34392 # 2nd line contains palette file version. For example "0100"