Lines Matching refs:text

18 $file_content_types = array("numeric", "text", "text_with_new_line", "alphanumeric");
80 -- File content type : text --
84 string(45) "text text text text text text text text text "
90 string(19) "text text text text"
97 string(13) "line of text
104 string(11) "ne of text
136 -- File content type : text --
140 string(45) "text text text text text text text text text "
146 string(19) "text text text text"
153 string(13) "line of text
160 string(11) "ne of text
192 -- File content type : text --
196 string(45) "text text text text text text text text text "
202 string(19) "text text text text"
209 string(13) "line of text
216 string(11) "ne of text
248 -- File content type : text --
252 string(45) "text text text text text text text text text "
258 string(19) "text text text text"
265 string(13) "line of text
272 string(11) "ne of text
304 -- File content type : text --
308 string(45) "text text text text text text text text text "
314 string(19) "text text text text"
321 string(13) "line of text
328 string(11) "ne of text
360 -- File content type : text --
364 string(45) "text text text text text text text text text "
370 string(19) "text text text text"
377 string(13) "line of text
384 string(11) "ne of text
416 -- File content type : text --
420 string(45) "text text text text text text text text text "
426 string(19) "text text text text"
433 string(13) "line of text
440 string(11) "ne of text
472 -- File content type : text --
476 string(45) "text text text text text text text text text "
482 string(19) "text text text text"
489 string(13) "line of text
496 string(11) "ne of text
528 -- File content type : text --
532 string(45) "text text text text text text text text text "
538 string(19) "text text text text"
545 string(13) "line of text
552 string(11) "ne of text