Lines Matching refs:fields
2 Test fgetcsv() : usage variations - with default enclosure, line without any csv fields
6 Testing fgetcsv() to read a line without any csv fields from a file
10 echo "*** Testing fgetcsv() : with default enclosure, line without any csv fields ***\n";
22 // create the file and add the content with has csv fields
33 fwrite($file_handle, "This is line of text without csv fields\n");
47 // call fgetcsv() to parse csv fields
49 // read the line which is without csv fields, provide delimiter and see the working of fgetcsv
65 *** Testing fgetcsv() : with default enclosure, line without any csv fields ***
70 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
78 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
86 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
94 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
102 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
110 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
118 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
126 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
134 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
142 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
150 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
158 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
166 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
174 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"
182 string(39) "This is line of text without csv fields"