Lines Matching refs:locale
2 Test setlocale() function : usage variations - Setting system locale as empty string
16 /* If locale is empty string "", the locale names will be set from the values of environment variab…
18 echo "*** Testing setlocale() : usage variations - setting system locale = \"\" ***\n";
20 //initially setting the locale
23 echo "Locale info, before setting the locale\n";
25 //returns current locale,before executing setlocale() .
30 //Testing setlocale() by giving locale = null
31 echo "Setting system locale, category = LC_ALL and locale = \"\"\n";
34 echo "Locale info, after setting the locale\n";
36 //Returns Current locale,after executing setlocale().
41 echo "Checking new locale in the system, Expected : the locale names will be set from the values of…
52 *** Testing setlocale() : usage variations - setting system locale = "" ***
53 Locale info, before setting the locale
102 Setting system locale, category = LC_ALL and locale = ""
103 Locale info, after setting the locale
152 Checking new locale in the system, Expected : the locale names will be set from the values of envir…