Lines Matching refs:heredoc

2 Test chunk_split() function : usage variations - different heredoc strings for 'ending' argument
6 * passing different heredoc strings as 'ending' argument to chunk_split()
10 echo "*** Testing chunk_split() : different heredoc strings for 'ending' argument ***\n";
14 $str = "This is str to check with heredoc ending.This\tcontains,\nspeci@! ch@r$ __with wrong \k esc…
16 // Null heredoc string
20 // heredoc string with single character
25 // simple heredoc string
27 This is simple heredoc string
30 // heredoc with special characters
35 // blank heredoc string
40 // heredoc with different white space characters
45 // heredoc with multiline
49 heredoc
52 // heredoc with quotes and slashes
54 "To check " in heredoc".I'm sure it'll \work!
57 // different heredoc strings for 'ending'
81 *** Testing chunk_split() : different heredoc strings for 'ending' argument ***
83 string(102) "This is str to check with heredoc ending.This contains,
86 string(102) "This is str to check with heredoc ending.This contains,
92heredoc stringr to checkThis is simple heredoc string with hereThis is simple heredoc stringdoc en…
93heredoc stringi@! ch@r$ This is simple heredoc string__with wroThis is simple heredoc stringng \k …
99 heredoc with hereThis is to check chunk_split
103 heredoc.This contThis is to check chunk_split
118 heredoc"
137heredoc".I'm sure it'll \work!r to check"To check " in heredoc".I'm sure it'll \work! with here"To…
138heredoc".I'm sure it'll \work!i@! ch@r$ "To check " in heredoc".I'm sure it'll \work!__with wro"To…