Lines Matching refs:type

19 … <intro severity="normal" help="help" msgout="To get help using phpdbg type "help&…
58 type section
89 - any output by PHP itself (e.g. <stream type="stdout">test</stream>)
93 - type: stderr or stdout
115 - type
118 - wrongarg: wrong type of argument (e.g. letters instead of integer)
128 - got: type of argument for type "wrongarg"
134 - by type
153 - errors by type
203 - errors (by type)
216 - may contain other elements (of type <arg>) when contained in <backtrace> tag
227 - being an error: (by type)
263 - <variable address="" refcount="" type="" name="" />
266 …- type: the variable type (long, string, ...). If the value is "unknown", the other attributes are…
270 - resource: the type of the resource in the zval
279 - for each literal there is a <literal> followed by a <stream type="stdout"> which prints the…
301 - <class type="" flags="" name="" methodcount="" />
302 - type: either "User" or "Internal"
359 - class (then also type and flags attributes, see info classes command for their meanings)
360 - symbol (also type and flags attributes; here the value of flags is either "Method" or "Function")
362 - then comes a <printoplineinfo type="" /> where type is either "User" or "Internal"
364 - if the type is "Internal"
366 - if the type is "User"
379 - <exec type="unset" context="" />: indicates unsetting of the old context
380 - <exec type="unsetops" />: indicates unsetting of the old compiled opcodes
381 - <exec type="unchanged" />: same execution context chosen again
382 - <exec type="set" context="" />: indicates setting of the new context
395 - <stop type="end" />: script execution ended normally
396 - (error) <stop type="bailout" /> the VM bailed out (usually because there was some error)
450 - errors by type
458 - errors by type
484 …sible attributes of <clear> tag (value is always the number of defined breakpoints of that type)
499 - <watch> if error, by type:
504 - (error) <watchdelete type="nowatch" />: that watchpoint doesn't exist, so couldn't be deleted
507 - <watchvariable variable="" on="" type="" />
510 …- type: values are recursive or simple, depending on whether the watchpoint is checked recursively…
515 - a general error is type="wrongargs" where a wrong argument was passed to a subcommand; tag is the…
526 - error with type="nobreak", when no breakpoint with the given id exists
536 - <setcolor type="" color="" code="" />: code is the color code of color, type is either:
540 - errors by type:
542 - invalidtype: type wasn't one of the three allowed types
552 - (error) <setoplog type="openfailure" file="" /> when it couldn't open the passed file path
553 - <setoplog type="closingold" /> is emitted when there was a previous open oplog (and a file is …
564 - if no further argument is passed, it emits current state in a <setoplog type="" /> where activ…
581 ### errors (by type) ###
598 ### errors (by type) ###
622 - type: type of signal (e.g. SIGINT)
624 ### by type ###
636 - each of these <watch*> tags contains a type attribute whose value is either "old" or "new")
637 - <watchvalue type="" inaccessible="inaccessible" />: old value is inaccessible
638 …- <watchvalue type=""> may contain a <stream> element which indicates the old/new (type attr…
639 …- <watchrefcount type="" refcount="" isref="" />: old/new (type attribute) refcount and isref, …