Lines Matching refs:path

153 void php_stream_display_wrapper_errors(php_stream_wrapper *wrapper, const char *path, const char *c…  in php_stream_display_wrapper_errors()  argument
164 tmp = estrdup(path); in php_stream_display_wrapper_errors()
1818 PHPAPI php_stream_wrapper *php_stream_locate_url_wrapper(const char *path, const char **path_for_op… argument
1826 *path_for_open = (char*)path;
1833 for (p = path; isalnum((int)*p) || *p == '+' || *p == '-' || *p == '.'; p++) {
1837 if ((*p == ':') && (n > 1) && (!strncmp("//", p+1, 2) || (n == 4 && !memcmp("data:", path, 5)))) {
1838 protocol = path;
1870 if (!strncasecmp(path, "file://localhost/", 17)) {
1875 if (localhost == 0 && path[n+3] != '\0' && path[n+3] != '/' && path[n+4] != ':') {
1877 if (localhost == 0 && path[n+3] != '\0' && path[n+3] != '/') {
1880 php_error_docref(NULL, E_WARNING, "remote host file access not supported, %s", path);
1887 *path_for_open = (char*)path + n + 1;
1949 PHPAPI int _php_stream_mkdir(const char *path, int mode, int options, php_stream_context *context) argument
1953 wrapper = php_stream_locate_url_wrapper(path, NULL, 0);
1958 return wrapper->wops->stream_mkdir(wrapper, path, mode, options, context);
1964 PHPAPI int _php_stream_rmdir(const char *path, int options, php_stream_context *context) argument
1968 wrapper = php_stream_locate_url_wrapper(path, NULL, 0);
1973 return wrapper->wops->stream_rmdir(wrapper, path, options, context);
1978 PHPAPI int _php_stream_stat_path(const char *path, int flags, php_stream_statbuf *ssb, php_stream_c… argument
1981 const char *path_to_open = path;
1989 if (BG(CurrentLStatFile) && strcmp(path, BG(CurrentLStatFile)) == 0) {
1994 if (BG(CurrentStatFile) && strcmp(path, BG(CurrentStatFile)) == 0) {
2001 wrapper = php_stream_locate_url_wrapper(path, &path_to_open, 0);
2011 BG(CurrentLStatFile) = estrdup(path);
2017 BG(CurrentStatFile) = estrdup(path);
2029 PHPAPI php_stream *_php_stream_opendir(const char *path, int options, argument
2036 if (!path || !*path) {
2040 path_to_open = path;
2042 wrapper = php_stream_locate_url_wrapper(path, &path_to_open, options);
2057 php_stream_display_wrapper_errors(wrapper, path, "failed to open dir");
2078 PHPAPI php_stream *_php_stream_open_wrapper_ex(const char *path, const char *mode, int options, argument
2092 if (!path || !*path) {
2098 resolved_path = zend_resolve_path(path, strlen(path));
2100 path = ZSTR_VAL(resolved_path);
2110 path_to_open = path;
2112 wrapper = php_stream_locate_url_wrapper(path, &path_to_open, options);
2153 copy_of_path = pestrdup(path, persistent);
2176 newstream->orig_path = pestrdup(path, persistent);
2185 char *tmp = estrdup(path);
2206 php_stream_display_wrapper_errors(wrapper, path, "failed to open stream");