Lines Matching refs:fgets

2 Test fgets() function : usage variations - seek n read
12 Prototype: string fgets ( resource $handle [, int $length] );
25 echo "*** Testing fgets() : usage variations ***\n";
30 echo "\n-- Testing fgets() with file opened using mode $file_mode --\n";
44 echo "-- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --\n";
47 var_dump( fgets($file_handle ) );
51 echo "-- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --\n";
54 var_dump( fgets($file_handle, 20 ) ); // expected 19 chars
69 *** Testing fgets() : usage variations ***
71 -- Testing fgets() with file opened using mode w+ --
73 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
79 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
86 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
92 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
99 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
106 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
114 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
120 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
127 -- Testing fgets() with file opened using mode w+b --
129 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
135 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
142 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
148 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
155 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
162 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
170 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
176 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
183 -- Testing fgets() with file opened using mode w+t --
185 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
191 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
198 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
204 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
211 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
218 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
226 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
232 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
239 -- Testing fgets() with file opened using mode a+ --
241 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
247 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
254 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
260 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
267 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
274 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
282 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
288 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
295 -- Testing fgets() with file opened using mode a+b --
297 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
303 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
310 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
316 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
323 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
330 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
338 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
344 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
351 -- Testing fgets() with file opened using mode a+t --
353 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
359 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
366 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
372 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
379 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
386 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
394 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
400 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
407 -- Testing fgets() with file opened using mode x+ --
409 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
415 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
422 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
428 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
435 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
442 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
450 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
456 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
463 -- Testing fgets() with file opened using mode x+b --
465 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
471 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
478 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
484 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
491 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
498 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
506 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
512 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
519 -- Testing fgets() with file opened using mode x+t --
521 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
527 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
534 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
540 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
547 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
554 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --
562 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with default length --
568 -- fgets() with location set by fseek() with length = 20 --