Lines Matching refs:values
2 Test uasort() function : basic functionality - duplicate values
10 echo "*** Testing uasort() : basic functionality with duplicate values ***\n";
14 * Parameters : $value1 and $value2 - values to be compared
15 * Return value : 0 - if both values are same
32 // increasing values
34 echo "-- Numeric array with increasing values --\n";
38 // decreasing values
40 echo "-- Numeric array with decreasing values --\n";
44 // increasing and decreasing values
46 echo "-- Numeric array with increasing and decreasing values --\n";
53 *** Testing uasort() : basic functionality with duplicate values ***
54 -- Numeric array with increasing values --
70 -- Numeric array with decreasing values --
86 -- Numeric array with increasing and decreasing values --