Lines Matching refs:strcmp

5610 …add_assoc_bool_ex(&elem, "not null", sizeof("not null") - 1, !strcmp(PQgetvalue(pg_result, i, 4), …
5612 …add_assoc_bool_ex(&elem, "has default", sizeof("has default") - 1, !strcmp(PQgetvalue(pg_result,i,…
5616 …add_assoc_bool_ex(&elem, "is enum", sizeof("is enum") - 1, !strcmp(PQgetvalue(pg_result, i, 7), "e…
5619 …add_assoc_bool_ex(&elem, "is base", sizeof("is base") - 1, !strcmp(PQgetvalue(pg_result, i, 7), "b…
5620 …add_assoc_bool_ex(&elem, "is composite", sizeof("is composite") - 1, !strcmp(PQgetvalue(pg_result,…
5621 …add_assoc_bool_ex(&elem, "is pesudo", sizeof("is pesudo") - 1, !strcmp(PQgetvalue(pg_result, i, 7)…
5671 if (!strcmp(type_name, "bool")|| !strcmp(type_name, "boolean"))
5674 if (!strcmp(type_name, "oid"))
5677 if (!strcmp(type_name, "int2") || !strcmp(type_name, "smallint"))
5679 if (!strcmp(type_name, "int4") || !strcmp(type_name, "integer"))
5681 if (!strcmp(type_name, "int8") || !strcmp(type_name, "bigint"))
5684 if (!strcmp(type_name, "float4") || !strcmp(type_name, "real"))
5686 if (!strcmp(type_name, "float8") || !strcmp(type_name, "double precision"))
5688 if (!strcmp(type_name, "numeric"))
5690 if (!strcmp(type_name, "money"))
5693 if (!strcmp(type_name, "text"))
5695 if (!strcmp(type_name, "bpchar") || !strcmp(type_name, "character"))
5697 if (!strcmp(type_name, "varchar") || !strcmp(type_name, "character varying"))
5700 if (!strcmp(type_name, "abstime"))
5702 if (!strcmp(type_name, "reltime"))
5704 if (!strcmp(type_name, "tinterval"))
5706 if (!strcmp(type_name, "date"))
5708 if (!strcmp(type_name, "time"))
5710 if (!strcmp(type_name, "time with time zone") || !strcmp(type_name, "timetz"))
5712 if (!strcmp(type_name, "timestamp without time zone") || !strcmp(type_name, "timestamp"))
5714 if (!strcmp(type_name, "timestamp with time zone") || !strcmp(type_name, "timestamptz"))
5716 if (!strcmp(type_name, "interval"))
5719 if (!strcmp(type_name, "bytea"))
5722 if (!strcmp(type_name, "cidr"))
5724 if (!strcmp(type_name, "inet"))
5726 if (!strcmp(type_name, "macaddr"))
5729 if (!strcmp(type_name, "bit"))
5731 if (!strcmp(type_name, "bit varying"))
5734 if (!strcmp(type_name, "line"))
5736 if (!strcmp(type_name, "lseg"))
5738 if (!strcmp(type_name, "box"))
5740 if (!strcmp(type_name, "path"))
5742 if (!strcmp(type_name, "point"))
5744 if (!strcmp(type_name, "polygon"))
5746 if (!strcmp(type_name, "circle"))
5833 if (!err && Z_TYPE(new_val) == IS_STRING && !strcmp(Z_STRVAL(new_val), "NULL")) { \
5926 if (!strcmp(Z_STRVAL_P(val), "t") || !strcmp(Z_STRVAL_P(val), "T") ||
5927 !strcmp(Z_STRVAL_P(val), "y") || !strcmp(Z_STRVAL_P(val), "Y") ||
5928 !strcmp(Z_STRVAL_P(val), "true") || !strcmp(Z_STRVAL_P(val), "True") ||
5929 !strcmp(Z_STRVAL_P(val), "yes") || !strcmp(Z_STRVAL_P(val), "Yes") ||
5930 !strcmp(Z_STRVAL_P(val), "1")) {
5933 else if (!strcmp(Z_STRVAL_P(val), "f") || !strcmp(Z_STRVAL_P(val), "F") ||
5934 !strcmp(Z_STRVAL_P(val), "n") || !strcmp(Z_STRVAL_P(val), "N") ||
5935 !strcmp(Z_STRVAL_P(val), "false") || !strcmp(Z_STRVAL_P(val), "False") ||
5936 !strcmp(Z_STRVAL_P(val), "no") || !strcmp(Z_STRVAL_P(val), "No") ||
5937 !strcmp(Z_STRVAL_P(val), "0")) {
6818 … IS_TRUE || Z_TYPE_P(val) == IS_FALSE || (Z_TYPE_P(val) == IS_STRING && !strcmp(Z_STRVAL_P(val), "…