Lines Matching refs:message

459 # look for zlib compressed by ./compress after message with 1 space at end
464 # look for zip/jar archive by ./archive ./zip after message with 1 space at end
3757 # look for data by ./compress after message with 1 space at end
4495 # (ISDN) VBOX voice message file (Wolfram Kleff)
4496 0 string VBOX VBOX voice message data
6592 # MSC (message sequence charts) are a formal description technique,
9294 # to correctly recognize '*.mo' GNU message catalog (little endian)
10584 # message offset found at (1.b+5) is 0x77 for FAT32 or 0x5b for others
10594 >>>>>>>>>>>>(1.b+13) ubyte 0xb4 \b, mkdosfs boot message display
10601 >214 string Please\ try\ to\ install\ FreeDOS\ \b, DOS Emulator boot message display
10609 >>>>169 string press\ any\ key\ to\ try\ again...\r \b, FREE-DOS message display
10632 >>>>>>292 string strike\ any\ key...\0 \b, IBM OS/2 Warp message display
11001 #it prints a very short message ("RE") to the screen and hangs the computer.
11003 #it also hangs with another message ("NF").
11007 #it prints a very short message ("RE") to the screen and hangs the computer.
13879 # GNU nlsutils message catalog file format
13881 # GNU message catalog (.mo and .gmo files)
13888 0 string \336\22\4\225 GNU message catalog (little endian),
13889 #0 ulelong 0x950412DE GNU-format message catalog data
13903 >>8 ulelong x \b, %u message
13923 >>36 ulelong x \b, %u sysdep message
13969 0 string \225\4\22\336 GNU message catalog (big endian),
13970 #0 ubelong 0x950412DE GNU-format message catalog data
14047 # gettext message catalogue
14049 >&0 search/1024 \nmsgstr GNU gettext message catalogue text
14660 0 string msgcat01 HP NLS message catalog,
14986 0 string 0xabcdef AIX message catalog
14987 0 belong 0x000001f9 AIX compiled message catalog
15060 # do not use empty message text to a avoid error like
15265 >8 string CTLG \b, CTLG message catalog
19213 !:mime message/rfc822
19215 !:mime message/rfc822
19217 !:mime message/rfc822
19219 !:mime message/rfc822
19221 !:mime message/rfc822
19223 !:mime message/rfc822
19225 !:mime message/rfc822
19227 !:mime message/news
19229 !:mime message/news
19231 !:mime message/rfc822
19233 !:mime message/news
19236 !:mime message/rfc822
19251 # JAM(mbp) Fidonet message area databases
19253 0 string JAM\0 JAM message area header file
19256 # Squish Fidonet message area databases
19257 # SQD file (requires at least one message in the area)
19259 #256 leshort 0xAFAE4453 Squish message area data file
19504 # copyright message
20565 # executable inside (which just prints a message and exits if run in win)
20671 # looks like ASCII, probably some embedded copyright message.
20729 # winarj stores a message in the stub instead of the sig in the MZ header
21644 # archive with more then one file need some output in version 5.32 to avoid error message like
23744 #>15 string MESSAGE- message
23745 #>15 string SIGNED\040MESSAGE- signed message
23752 0 string -----BEGIN\040PGP\040MESSAGE- PGP message
25462 # supported. So when we print out a message about an unknown format
28651 >4 byte =0xC5 \b, message database
28782 # print non empty string above to avoid error message
28794 # to complete message string like "MS Windows 3.x help file"
29635 >>9 byte 21 Corel Mail archived message database
29691 >>9 byte 14 Corel GroupWise message file