Lines Matching refs:bitmap

350 0	beshort		0x0f00		AmigaOS bitmap font
9820 >4 lelong 0x10000042 multi-bitmap image
9839 >4 lelong 0x1000008A exported multi-bitmap image
9843 0 lelong 0x10000041 Psion Series 5 ROM multi-bitmap image
11857 # Originally a bitmap:
15339 # display tga bitmap image information
15469 >>0 string x \b, bitmap
15471 !:mime image/x-portable-bitmap
15490 >>0 string x \b, rawbits, bitmap
15492 !:mime image/x-portable-bitmap
15818 0 string yz MGR bitmap, modern format, 8-bit aligned
15819 0 string zz MGR bitmap, old format, 1-bit deep, 16-bit aligned
15820 0 string xz MGR bitmap, old format, 1-bit deep, 32-bit aligned
15821 0 string yx MGR bitmap, modern format, squeezed
15824 0 string %bitmap\0 FBM image data
15846 >4 leshort <1981 Award BIOS bitmap
15866 >14 leshort 12 PC bitmap, OS/2 1.x format
15870 >14 leshort 64 PC bitmap, OS/2 2.x format
15874 >14 leshort 40 PC bitmap, Windows 3.x format
15879 >14 leshort 124 PC bitmap, Windows 98/2000 and newer format
15884 >14 leshort 108 PC bitmap, Windows 95/NT4 and newer format
15889 >14 leshort 128 PC bitmap, Windows NT/2000 format
15900 #0 string BA PC bitmap array data
16036 # pM8x: ATARI STAD compressed bitmap format
16040 # Atari ST STAD bitmap is always 640x400, bytewise runlength compressed.
16045 0 string pM85 Atari ST STAD bitmap image data (hor)
16048 0 string pM86 Atari ST STAD bitmap image data (vert)
16118 >24 beshort 0 bitmap
16445 #8 lelong 4 ZBM bitmap image data
16499 !:mime image/x-polar-monitor-bitmap
21363 !:mime image/x-win-bitmap
22773 0 belong 0x137A2944 NeWS bitmap font
22777 8 belong 0x137A2B45 X11/NeWS bitmap font
23361 0 short 0x2a17 "compact bitmap" format (Poskanzer)
23659 >>20 byte 0 bitmap,
24827 >8 string RDIB \b, device-independent bitmap
24998 >8 string RDIB \b, device-independent bitmap