Lines Matching refs:file

13  Description: fwrite() writes the contents of string to the file stream pointed to by handle.
22 // include the for Function: function delete_file($filename)
23 include ("");
26 Test fwrite with file opened in mode : r,rb,rt
34 echo "\n-- Testing fwrite() with file having content of type ". $file_content_type ." --\n";
36 /* open the file using $files_modes and perform fwrite() on it */
38 echo "-- Opening file in $file_mode --\n";
40 // create the temp file with content of type $file_content_type
41 $filename = dirname(__FILE__)."/fwrite_variation1.tmp"; // this is name of the file
46 echo "Error: failed to fopen() file: $filename!";
53 /* Write the data into the file, verify it by checking the file pointer position, eof position,
61 // move the file pointer to end of the file and try fwrite()
65 var_dump( ftell($file_handle) ); //check that file pointer points at eof, expected: 1024
68 // ensure that file content/size didn't change.
70 clearstatcache();//clears file status cache
73 delete_file($filename); // delete file with name fwrite_variation1.tmp
82 -- Testing fwrite() with file having content of type numeric --
83 -- Opening file in r --
95 -- Opening file in rb --
107 -- Opening file in rt --
120 -- Testing fwrite() with file having content of type text --
121 -- Opening file in r --
133 -- Opening file in rb --
145 -- Opening file in rt --
158 -- Testing fwrite() with file having content of type text_with_new_line --
159 -- Opening file in r --
171 -- Opening file in rb --
183 -- Opening file in rt --
196 -- Testing fwrite() with file having content of type alphanumeric --
197 -- Opening file in r --
209 -- Opening file in rb --
221 -- Opening file in rt --