Lines Matching refs:file
2 Test copy() function: usage variations - destination file names(numerics/strings)
6 Description: Makes a copy of the file source to dest.
10 /* Test copy() function: In creation of destination file names containing numerics/strings
14 echo "*** Test copy() function: destination file names containing numerics/strings ***\n";
21 /* array of destination file names */
25 "copy.tmp", //regular file name
27 ".tmp", //file name only with extension
28 "123.tmp", //file name starts with numeric and with regular extension
29 "copy_variation1.123", //file name with numeric extension
31 "123copy_variation1.tmp", //file name containing numeric & string
32 "copy_variation.tmp123", //file name containing string & numeric
33 chr(99).chr(111).chr(112).chr(121).chr(49).".tmp" //file name containing ASCII values
36 echo "Size of the source file before copy operation => ";
40 echo "\n-- Now applying copy() on source file to create copies --";
50 echo "Existence of destination file => ";
53 echo "Destination file name => ";
57 echo "Size of source file => ";
61 echo "Size of destination file => ";
77 *** Test copy() function: destination file names containing numerics/strings ***
78 Size of the source file before copy operation => int(1500)
80 -- Now applying copy() on source file to create copies --
83 Existence of destination file => bool(true)
84 Destination file name => %s/copy.tmp
85 Size of source file => int(1500)
86 Size of destination file => int(1500)
90 Existence of destination file => bool(true)
91 Destination file name => %s/copy_copy_variation1.tmp
92 Size of source file => int(1500)
93 Size of destination file => int(1500)
97 Existence of destination file => bool(true)
98 Destination file name => %s/.tmp
99 Size of source file => int(1500)
100 Size of destination file => int(1500)
104 Existence of destination file => bool(true)
105 Destination file name => %s/123.tmp
106 Size of source file => int(1500)
107 Size of destination file => int(1500)
111 Existence of destination file => bool(true)
112 Destination file name => %s/copy_variation1.123
113 Size of source file => int(1500)
114 Size of destination file => int(1500)
118 Existence of destination file => bool(true)
119 Destination file name => %s/123
120 Size of source file => int(1500)
121 Size of destination file => int(1500)
125 Existence of destination file => bool(true)
126 Destination file name => %s/123copy_variation1.tmp
127 Size of source file => int(1500)
128 Size of destination file => int(1500)
132 Existence of destination file => bool(true)
133 Destination file name => %s/copy_variation.tmp123
134 Size of source file => int(1500)
135 Size of destination file => int(1500)
139 Existence of destination file => bool(true)
140 Destination file name => %s/copy1.tmp
141 Size of source file => int(1500)
142 Size of destination file => int(1500)