Lines Matching refs:array_filter

2 Test array_filter() function : usage variations - Unexpected values for 'callback' function argument
5 /* Prototype : array array_filter(array $input [, callback $callback])
12 echo "*** Testing array_filter() : usage variations - unexpected values for 'callback' function***\…
90 var_dump( array_filter($input, $values[$count]) );
99 *** Testing array_filter() : usage variations - unexpected values for 'callback' function***
101 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, no array or string given in %s …
104 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, no array or string given in %s …
107 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, no array or string given in %s …
110 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, no array or string given in %s …
113 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, no array or string given in %s …
116 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, no array or string given in %s …
119 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, no array or string given in %s …
122 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, no array or string given in %s …
125 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, no array or string given in %s …
128 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, array must have exactly two mem…
131 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, array must have exactly two mem…
134 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, array must have exactly two mem…
137 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, first array member is not a val…
140 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, first array member is not a val…
143 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, no array or string given in %s …
146 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, no array or string given in %s …
149 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, no array or string given in %s …
152 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, no array or string given in %s …
155 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, no array or string given in %s …
158 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, no array or string given in %s …
161 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, function '' not found or invali…
164 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, function '' not found or invali…
167 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, function 'string' not found or …
170 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, function 'string' not found or …
173 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, no array or string given in %s …
176 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, no array or string given in %s …
179 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, no array or string given in %s …
182 Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, no array or string given in %s …