Lines Matching refs:grapheme_substr

324 	$res_str .= "\n" . 'function grapheme_substr($string, $start, $length = -1) {}' . "\n\n";
401 $res_str .= "substring of \"$arg0\" from \"$test[1]\" - grapheme_substr";
403 $result = grapheme_substr($test[0], $test[1]);
407 $result = grapheme_substr($test[0], $test[1], $test[2]);
958 function grapheme_substr($string, $start, $length = -1) {}
960 substring of "abc" from "3" - grapheme_substr = false == false
961 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88" from "5" - grapheme_substr = false == false
962 substring of "aoa%CC%8Abco%CC%88O" from "2" - grapheme_substr = a%CC%8Abco%CC%88O == a%CC%8Abco%CC%…
963 substring of "o%CC%88a%CC%8AaA%CC%8Abc" from "2" - grapheme_substr = aA%CC%8Abc == aA%CC%8Abc
964 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88O" from "5" - grapheme_substr = O == O
965 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88" from "5" - grapheme_substr = false == false
966 substring of "aa%CC%8AbcO%CC%88" from "4" - grapheme_substr = O%CC%88 == O%CC%88
967 substring of "o%CC%88aa%CC%8Abc" from "2" - grapheme_substr = a%CC%8Abc == a%CC%8Abc
968 substring of "aA%CC%8Abc" from "1" - grapheme_substr = A%CC%8Abc == A%CC%8Abc
969 substring of "Abc" from "-5" - grapheme_substr = false == false
970 substring of "a%CC%8Abc" from "3" - grapheme_substr = false == false
971 substring of "abc" from "4" - grapheme_substr = false == false
972 substring of "abC" from "2" - grapheme_substr = C == C
973 substring of "abc" from "1" - grapheme_substr = bc == bc
974 substring of "Abc" from "1" - grapheme_substr with length 1 = b == b
975 substring of "abc" from "0" - grapheme_substr with length 2 = ab == ab
976 substring of "Abc" from "-4" - grapheme_substr with length 1 = false == false
977 substring of "ababc" from "1" - grapheme_substr with length 2 = ba == ba
978 substring of "ababc" from "0" - grapheme_substr with length 10 = ababc == ababc
979 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "0" - grapheme_substr with length 10 = aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Op…
980 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "5" - grapheme_substr = Opq == Opq
981 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "5" - grapheme_substr with length -1 = Op == Op
982 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "5" - grapheme_substr with length -2 = O == O
983 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "5" - grapheme_substr with length -3 = ==
984 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "5" - grapheme_substr with length -4 = false == false
985 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "0" - grapheme_substr = aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq == aa%CC%8Abc…
986 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "0" - grapheme_substr with length -1 = aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Op…
987 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "0" - grapheme_substr with length -2 = aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88O …
988 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "0" - grapheme_substr with length -3 = aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88 =…
989 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "0" - grapheme_substr with length -4 = aa%CC%8Abc == aa%CC…
990 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "0" - grapheme_substr with length -5 = aa%CC%8Ab == aa%CC%…
991 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "0" - grapheme_substr with length -6 = aa%CC%8A == aa%CC%8A
992 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "0" - grapheme_substr with length -7 = a == a
993 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "0" - grapheme_substr with length -8 = ==
994 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "0" - grapheme_substr with length -9 = false == false
995 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr = aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq == aa%CC%8Ab…
996 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-7" - grapheme_substr = a%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq == a%CC%8Abco…
997 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-6" - grapheme_substr = bco%CC%88Opq == bco%CC%88Opq
998 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-5" - grapheme_substr = co%CC%88Opq == co%CC%88Opq
999 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-4" - grapheme_substr = o%CC%88Opq == o%CC%88Opq
1000 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-3" - grapheme_substr = Opq == Opq
1001 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-2" - grapheme_substr = pq == pq
1002 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-1" - grapheme_substr = q == q
1003 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-999" - grapheme_substr = false == false
1004 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length 8 = aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Op…
1005 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length 7 = aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Op…
1006 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length 6 = aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88O …
1007 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length 5 = aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88 =…
1008 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length 4 = aa%CC%8Abc == aa%CC…
1009 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length 3 = aa%CC%8Ab == aa%CC%…
1010 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length 2 = aa%CC%8A == aa%CC%8A
1011 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length 1 = a == a
1012 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length 0 = ==
1013 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length -999 = false == false
1014 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length -1 = aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88O…
1015 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length -2 = aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88O…
1016 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length -3 = aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88 …
1017 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length -4 = aa%CC%8Abc == aa%C…
1018 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length -5 = aa%CC%8Ab == aa%CC…
1019 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length -6 = aa%CC%8A == aa%CC%…
1020 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length -7 = a == a
1021 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length -8 = ==
1022 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length -9 = false == false