Lines Matching refs:A

17 	$char_a_diaeresis = "\xC3\xA4";	// 'LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS' (U+00E4)
18 $char_a_ring = "\xC3\xA5"; // 'LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE' (U+00E5)
23 $char_A_ring = "\xC3\x85"; // 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE' (U+00C5)
28 $char_combining_ring_above = "\xCC\x8A"; // 'COMBINING RING ABOVE' (U+030A)
38 $char_A_ring_nfd = "A\xCC\x8A";
138 array( $char_a_ring_nfd . "bc", "A", "false" ),
143 array( "abc", "A", 0, 0 ),
145 array( "ababc", "A", 1, 2 ),
270 array( $char_a_ring_nfd . "bc", "A", "false" ),
275 array( "abc", "A", 0, 0 ),
277 array( "ababc", "A", 1, 2 ),
495 array( $char_a_ring_nfd . "bc", "A", "false" ),
499 array( "abc", "A", "abc" ),
503 array( "abc", "A", FALSE, "abc" ),
512 array( "bc" . $char_a_ring_nfd . "A", "a", "A" ),
519 array( "a" . $char_a_ring_nfd . "bc", "A", TRUE, "" ),
799 find "a%CC%8A" in "o%CC%88aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strpos = 2 == 2
800 find "a%CC%8A" in "aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strpos = 1 == 1
801 find "a%CC%8A" in "abc" - grapheme_strpos = false == false
814 find "a%CC%8A" in "o%CC%88a%CC%8Aaa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strpos from 2 = 3 == 3
815 find "a%CC%8A" in "o%CC%88a%CC%8Aaa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strpos from -4 = 3 == 3
836 find "a%CC%8Abca%CC%8A" in "o%CC%88a%CC%8Aaa%CC%8Abca%CC%8Adef" - grapheme_strpos from 2 = 3 == 3
842 find "a%CC%8A" in "o%CC%88a%CC%8AaA%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_stripos from 2 = 3 == 3
847 find "A%CC%8A" in "o%CC%88aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_stripos = 2 == 2
848 find "a%CC%8A" in "aA%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_stripos = 1 == 1
849 find "a%CC%8A" in "Abc" - grapheme_stripos = false == false
850 find "A" in "a%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_stripos = false == false
855 find "A" in "abc" - grapheme_stripos from 0 = 0 == 0
857 find "A" in "ababc" - grapheme_stripos from 1 = 2 == 2
862 find "A%CC%8Abc" in "o%CC%88aa%CC%8ABc" - grapheme_stripos = 2 == 2
878 find "a%CC%8ABca%CC%8A" in "o%CC%88a%CC%8AaA%CC%8AbCa%CC%8Adef" - grapheme_stripos from 2 = 3 == 3
885 find "a%CC%8A" in "o%CC%88aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strrpos = 2 == 2
886 find "a%CC%8A" in "aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strrpos = 1 == 1
887 find "a%CC%8A" in "abc" - grapheme_strrpos = false == false
897 find "a%CC%8A" in "o%CC%88a%CC%8Aaa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strrpos from 2 = 3 == 3
917 find "a%CC%8Abca%CC%8A" in "o%CC%88a%CC%8Aaa%CC%8Abca%CC%8Adef" - grapheme_strrpos from 2 = 3 == 3
922 find "a%CC%8A" in "o%CC%88a%CC%8AaA%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strripos from 2 = 3 == 3
926 find "A%CC%8A" in "o%CC%88aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strripos = 2 == 2
927 find "a%CC%8A" in "aA%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strripos = 1 == 1
928 find "a%CC%8A" in "Abc" - grapheme_strripos = false == false
929 find "A" in "a%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strripos = false == false
934 find "A" in "abc" - grapheme_strripos from 0 = 0 == 0
936 find "A" in "ababc" - grapheme_strripos from 1 = 2 == 2
941 find "A%CC%8Abc" in "o%CC%88aa%CC%8ABc" - grapheme_strripos = 2 == 2
956 find "a%CC%8ABca%CC%8A" in "o%CC%88a%CC%8AaA%CC%8AbCa%CC%8Adef" - grapheme_strripos from 2 = 3 == 3
968 substring of "aA%CC%8Abc" from "1" - grapheme_substr = A%CC%8Abc == A%CC%8Abc
991 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "0" - grapheme_substr with length -6 = aa%CC%8A == aa%CC%8A
1010 substring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length 2 = aa%CC%8A == aa%CC%8A
1019 …bstring of "aa%CC%8Abco%CC%88Opq" from "-8" - grapheme_substr with length -6 = aa%CC%8A == aa%CC%8A
1029 find "a%CC%8A" in "o%CC%88aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strstr = a%CC%8Abc == a%CC%8Abc
1030 find "a%CC%8A" in "aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strstr = a%CC%8Abc == a%CC%8Abc
1031 find "a%CC%8A" in "abc" - grapheme_strstr = false == false
1052 find "abc" in "abca%CC%8A" - grapheme_strstr = abca%CC%8A == abca%CC%8A
1054 find "a%CC%8A" in "aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_strstr before flag is FALSE = a%CC%8Abc == a%CC%8Abc
1057 find "c" in "aba%CC%8Ac" - grapheme_strstr before flag is TRUE = aba%CC%8A == aba%CC%8A
1059 find "abca%CC%8A" in "ababca%CC%8A" - grapheme_strstr before flag is TRUE = ab == ab
1067 find "a%CC%8A" in "o%CC%88aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_stristr = a%CC%8Abc == a%CC%8Abc
1068 find "A%CC%8A" in "aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_stristr = a%CC%8Abc == a%CC%8Abc
1069 find "a%CC%8A" in "abc" - grapheme_stristr = false == false
1070 find "A" in "a%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_stristr = false == false
1074 find "A" in "abc" - grapheme_stristr = abc == abc
1078 find "A" in "abc" - grapheme_stristr before flag is FALSE = abc == abc
1086 find "a" in "bca%CC%8AA" - grapheme_stristr = A == A
1088 find "a" in "A%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_stristr = false == false
1090 find "abc" in "abcA%CC%8A" - grapheme_stristr = abcA%CC%8A == abcA%CC%8A
1091 find "A%CC%8Abc" in "aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_stristr = a%CC%8Abc == a%CC%8Abc
1092 find "a%CC%8A" in "aA%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_stristr before flag is FALSE = A%CC%8Abc == A%CC%8Abc
1093 find "A" in "aa%CC%8Abc" - grapheme_stristr before flag is TRUE = ==
1095 find "C" in "aba%CC%8Ac" - grapheme_stristr before flag is TRUE = aba%CC%8A == aba%CC%8A
1097 find "aBcA%CC%8A" in "ababca%CC%8A" - grapheme_stristr before flag is TRUE = ab == ab
1119 extract from "" "48" graphemes - gr…
1122 extract from "a%CC%8Abc" "1" graphemes - grapheme_extract = a%CC%8A == a%CC%8A
1125 …phemes - grapheme_extract starting at byte position 0 with $next = a%CC%8A == a%CC%8A $next=3 == 3
1134 extract from "a%CC%8Ao%CC%88c" "1" graphemes - grapheme_extract = a%CC%8A == a%CC%8A
1161 …from "a%CC%8Ao%CC%88c" "3" graphemes - grapheme_extract GRAPHEME_EXTR_MAXBYTES = a%CC%8A == a%CC%8A
1162 …from "a%CC%8Ao%CC%88c" "4" graphemes - grapheme_extract GRAPHEME_EXTR_MAXBYTES = a%CC%8A == a%CC%8A
1163 …from "a%CC%8Ao%CC%88c" "5" graphemes - grapheme_extract GRAPHEME_EXTR_MAXBYTES = a%CC%8A == a%CC%8A
1199 …z" "7" graphemes - grapheme_extract GRAPHEME_EXTR_MAXCHARS = o%CC%88abca%CC%8A == o%CC%88abca%CC%8A