Lines Matching refs:file

7  Description: Gets line from file pointer and strip HTML tags
12 // include the common file related test functions
13 include ("");
28 /* try reading the file opened in different modes of reading */
32 echo "\n-- Testing fgetss() with file opened using $file_modes[$mode_counter] mode --\n";
34 /* create an empty file and write the strings with tags */
36 create_file ($filename); //create an empty file
40 echo "Error: failed to open file $filename!\n";
45 /* read entire file and strip tags */
46 echo "-- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --\n";
47 var_dump( fgetss($file_handle) ); // no length and allowable tags provided, reads entire file
52 /* read entire file and strip tags tags */
53 echo "-- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --\n";
54 var_dump( fgetss($file_handle ,30) ); // length parameter given,not reading entire file
55 var_dump( ftell($file_handle) ); // checking file pointer position initially
56 var_dump( feof($file_handle) ); // confirm file pointer is not at eof
58 // close the file
61 // delete the file
70 -- Testing fgetss() with file opened using r mode --
71 -- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
76 -- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
81 -- Testing fgetss() with file opened using rb mode --
82 -- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
87 -- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
92 -- Testing fgetss() with file opened using rt mode --
93 -- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
98 -- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
103 -- Testing fgetss() with file opened using r+ mode --
104 -- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
109 -- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
114 -- Testing fgetss() with file opened using r+b mode --
115 -- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
120 -- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --
125 -- Testing fgetss() with file opened using r+t mode --
126 -- fgetss() with default length, file pointer at 0 --
131 -- fgets() with length = 30, file pointer at 0 --