Lines Matching refs:lookbehind

1767        are lookbehind assertions). However, this  algorithm  does  not  return
2441 25 lookbehind assertion is not fixed length
2452 36 \C not allowed in lookbehind assertion
2876 lookbehind assertion in the pattern. This information is useful when
2879 behind. \A also registers a one-character lookbehind, though it does
3476 with any kind of lookbehind. For example, consider the pattern
4674 (a) Although lookbehind assertions in PCRE must match fixed length
4675 strings, each alternative branch of a lookbehind assertion can match a
5546 is similar to a lookbehind assertion (described below). However, in
5548 to be of fixed length, as lookbehind assertions do. The use of \K does
5725 PCRE does not allow \C to appear in lookbehind assertions (described
5727 late the length of the lookbehind.
6663 "bar". A lookbehind assertion is needed to achieve the other effect.
6679 contents of a lookbehind assertion are restricted such that all the
6691 strings are permitted only at the top level of a lookbehind assertion.
6704 of a lookbehind assertion to get round the fixed-length restriction.
6706 The implementation of lookbehind assertions is, for each alternative,
6712 gle data unit even in a UTF mode) to appear in lookbehind assertions,
6721 Possessive quantifiers can be used in conjunction with lookbehind
6743 entire string. The subsequent lookbehind assertion does a single test
6905 assertion. This may be a positive or negative lookahead or lookbehind
8782 string; lookbehind assertions and the \K escape sequence provide ways
8797 will be the same. However, for patterns that contain lookbehind asser-
9042 Note: If the pattern contains lookbehind assertions, or \K, or starts
9066 lookbehind in the pattern. This length is given in characters, not
9074 lookbehind from the earliest inspected character (offsets[0]), the
9083 maximum lookbehind for that pattern is 3, so taking that away from 5